Ground-Water Watch

Active Ground-Water Level Network

Active Well Count
Map generated 1/15/2009 7:52:16 AM
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For a list of network wells, click on a State above or select from the box:
The Active Ground-Water Level Network contains water levels and well information from more than 20,000 wells that have been measured by the USGS or USGS cooperators at least once within the past 365 days. This network includes all of these wells, regardless of measurement frequency, aquifer monitored, or the monitoring objective.

The U.S. Geological Survey has a database/archive of about 850,000 wells across the Nation. Information about these wells is available to the world via NWISWeb. Through various ground-water programs, the USGS actively measures water levels in about 20,000 of these wells each year. These wells are measured for a variety of disparate purposes, such as statewide monitoring programs, or more local effects like monitoring well drawdown, hydrologic research, aquifer tests, or even earthquake effects on water levels.

There also are a variety of networks among these actively measured wells; a National Climate Response Network for wells, Regional Networks like the High Plains Aquifer Monitoring Program that are designed to monitor storage changes in the High Plains Aquifer, state-based networks that are designed to monitor statewide ground-water conditions, and local networks designed to monitor pumping effects.

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Last update: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 15:41

Washington Idaho Montana Maine Oregon Minnesota North Dakota Michigan New Hampshire Wisconsin Vermont New York South Dakota Wyoming Massachusetts California Connecticut Rhode Island Nevada Pennsylvania Iowa Utah Nebraska Ohio New Jersey Illinois Indiana Colorado West Virginia Delaware Maryland Virginia Missouri District of Columbia Kansas Kentucky Arizona North Carolina New Mexico Tennessee Oklahoma Texas Arkansas South Carolina Georgia Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Florida Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland District of Columbia