United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
National Water Management Center Go to Accessibility Information
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Animal Waste Management Improvement Team (AWMIT)

What is AWMIT?

Animal Waste Management Improvement Team (AWMIT) is a "List Service" provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service that puts you on an E-mail list of those with interest in Agricultural Waste Management. It was initially started several years ago in reaction to a lagoon failure in North Carolina. The list now has a broader focus on animal waste management issues including developing technology, Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMPs), waste management policy and laws, planning and design challenges.

Who may subscribe?

The target audience is Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Office and Field Office personnel and their partners who have an interest in animal waste management. However, this is an open list. Anyone may subscribe and all are welcome.

What are the list rules?

There are very few rules, but they are important. This list is intended to be user friendly. You can expect courteous, respectful and professional replies to your postings. If there are any problems associated with the use of this list you may contact the "List owner" at bill.reck@gnb.usda.gov. The list owner will work off line to try to rectify the problems. In extreme cases abusers of the list will be removed from the list and blocked from further participation.

How do I sign up?

To sign up for AWMIT send a message to: Majordomo@ftw.nrcs.usda.gov

There is no need to enter anything into the subject line.
In the body of the message type: "subscribe AWMIT" (Without quotation marks). If you have trouble contact Bill Reck at: bill.reck@gnb.usda.gov

To unsubscribe follow the same procedure only type in the body of the message "unsubscribe AWMIT" (Without quotation marks).

What is WQ-NRCS?

Water Quality in the Natural Resources Conservation Service (WQ-NRCS) is a water quality list with a focus on general water quality subjects including watershed planning, nutrient management, non-point source pollution, monitoring, water quality models, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), agricultural chemicals, sedimentation, and bioassessment. Both of these discussion groups have been established to facilitate communication within NRCS in the areas of water quality and animal waste. After some discussion and input from users we have decided to continue with both lists and distinguish their purposes. These distinctions are not intended to be rigid and we do expect overlaps in interest. We will monitor both lists and cross post items of mutual interest. After we get some experience with these lists we may reconsider the decision to have two lists and combine them into one, but we would seek the users input first. You have the option of signing up for either one or both of these lists. WQ-USDA is a restricted list to protect the privacy of members. To join WQ NRCS contact Bruce Newton at: bnewton@wcc.nrcs.usda.gov

Please e-mail your comments or suggestions about this website to Bill Reck at bill.reck@gnb.usda.gov.

This website is sponsored by The National Water Management Center (NWMC).

AgWaste Management Resources

Send additional link suggestions to Bill Reck.