Dr. Duke's
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

Single Plant Synergy Query

This query displays a list of the chemicals with a specific activity in a particular plant.

To enter a query, type the activity, genus, and species in the boxes below:

Capitalization is unimportant. Use an asterisk to wild card values.

Enter the desired chemical activity
Activity (required)

Enter the scientific name
(Genus and species required)

Enter a specific plant part (optional)
Plant Part (Blank = all parts)
Exclude ubiquitous compounds


Send comments or suggestions:

Jim Duke
Green Farmacy Garden
8210 Murphy Road
Fulton, MD 20759
Mary Jo Bogenschutz: godwinm001@hawaii.rr.com
Written - September 1994
Last updated - 10 March 1998