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Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA)

Interest Rates for State Fiscal Year 2003

FY 2003 Interest Rates

Other Fiscal Years

The annualized interest rate is different for State fiscal years that began on April 1, 2002; July 1, 2002; September 1, 2002; and October 1, 2002.

For States with a fiscal year that began on April 1, 2002:

The annualized interest rate is 1.49% (.0149)
The daily interest rate is .0041% (.000041)

For States with a fiscal year that began on July 1, 2002:

The annualized interest rate is 1.32% (.0132)
The daily interest rate is .0036% (.000036)

For States with a fiscal year that began on September 1, 2002:

The annualized interest rate is 1.20% (.0120)
The daily interest rate is .0032% (.000032)

For States with a fiscal year that began on October 1, 2002:

The annualized interest rate is 1.14% (.0114)
The daily interest rate is .0031% (.000031)

The daily interest rate is calculated by dividing the annualized rate by 365 calendar days.

April 1, 2002 - March 31, 2003
Auction Date 13-Week Rate Auction Date 13-Week Rate
04/01/02 = 1.821 09/30/02 = 1.566
04/08/02 = 1.740 10/07/02 = 1.615
04/15/02 = 1.712 10/15/02 = 1.659
04/22/02 = 1.720 10/21/02 = 1.696
04/29/02 = 1.760 10/28/02 = 1.578
05/06/02 = 1.773 11/04/02 = 1.433
05/13/02 = 1.781 11/12/02 = 1.211
05/20/02 = 1.760 11/18/02 = 1.227
05/28/02 = 1.760 11/25/02 = 1.228
06/03/02 = 1.752 12/02/02 = 1.231
06/10/02 = 1.752 12/09/02 = 1.215
06/17/02 = 1.732 12/16/02 = 1.219
06/24/02 = 1.712 12/23/02 = 1.207
07/01/02 = 1.719 12/30/02 = 1.207
07/08/02 = 1.724 01/06/03 = 1.207
07/15/02 = 1.712 01/13/03 = 1.199
07/22/02 = 1.692 01/21/03 = 1.179
07/29/02 = 1.712 01/27/03 = 1.159
08/05/02 = 1.627 02/03/03 = 1.175
08/12/02 = 1.659 02/10/03 = 1.171
08/19/02 = 1.659 02/18/03 = 1.179
08/26/02 = 1.661 02/24/03 = 1.195
09/03/02 = 1.639 03/03/03 = 1.198
09/09/02 = 1.676 03/10/03 = 1.077
09/16/02 = 1.692 03/17/03 = 1.137
09/23/02 = 1.639 03/24/03 = 1.174
03/31/03 = 1.121

July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003
Auction Date 13-Week Rate Auction Date 13-Week Rate
Jul 01 02 = 1.719 Dec 30 02 = 1.207
Jul 08 02 = 1.724 Jan 06 03 = 1.207
Jul 15 02 = 1.712 Jan 13 03 = 1.199
Jul 22 02 = 1.692 Jan 21 03 = 1.179
Jul 29 02 = 1.712 Jan 27 03 = 1.159
Aug 05 02 = 1.627 Feb 03 03 = 1.175
Aug 12 02 = 1.659 Feb 10 03 = 1.171
Aug 19 02 = 1.659 Feb 18 03 = 1.179
Aug 26 02 = 1.661 Feb 24 03 = 1.195
Sep 03 02 = 1.639 Mar 03 03 = 1.198
Sep 09 02 = 1.676 Mar 10 03 = 1.077
Sep 16 02 = 1.692 Mar 17 03 = 1.137
Sep 23 02 = 1.639 Mar 24 03 = 1.174
Sep 30 02 = 1.566 Mar 31 03 = 1.121
Oct 07 02 = 1.615 Apr 07 03 = 1.158
Oct 15 02 = 1.659 Apr 14 03 = 1.186
Oct 21 02 = 1.696 Apr 21 03 = 1.182
Oct 28 02 = 1.578 Apr 28 03 = 1.141
Nov 04 02 = 1.433 May 05 03 = 1.117
Nov 12 02 = 1.211 May 12 03 = 1.089
Nov 18 02 = 1.227 May 20 03 = 1.04
Nov 25 02 = 1.228 May 28 03 = 1.121
Dec 02 02 = 1.231 Jun 02 03 = 1.1330
Dec 09 02 = 1.215 Jun 09 03 = 1.024
Dec 16 02 = 1.219 Jun 16 03 = 0.854
Dec 23 02 = 1.207 Jun 23 03 = 0.83
  Jun 30 03 = 0.903

September 1, 2002 - August 31, 2003
Auction Date 13-Week Rate Auction Date 13-Week Rate
09/03/02 = 1.639 03/03/03 = 1.198
09/09/02 = 1.676 03/10/03 = 1.077
09/16/02 = 1.692 03/17/03 = 1.137
09/23/02 = 1.639 03/24/03 = 1.174
09/30/02 = 1.566 03/31/03 = 1.121
10/07/02 = 1.615 04/07/03 = 1.158
10/15/02 = 1.659 04/14/03 = 1.186
10/21/02 = 1.696 04/21/03 = 1.182
10/28/02 = 1.578 04/28/03 = 1.141
11/04/02 = 1.433 05/05/03 = 1.117
11/12/02 = 1.211 05/12/03 = 1.089
11/18/02 = 1.227 05/20/03 = 1.040
11/25/02 = 1.228 05/28/03 = 1.121
12/02/02 = 1.231 06/02/03 = 1.133
12/09/02 = 1.215 06/09/03 = 1.024
12/16/02 = 1.219 06/16/03 = 0.854
12/23/02 = 1.207 06/23/03 = 0.830
12/30/02 = 1.207 06/30/03 = 0.903
01/06/03 = 1.207 07/07/03 = 0.907
01/13/03 = 1.199 07/14/03 = 0.895
01/21/03 = 1.179 07/21/03 = 0.911
01/27/03 = 1.159 07/28/03 = 0.964
02/03/03 = 1.175 08/04/03 = 0.964
02/10/03 = 1.171 08/11/03 = 0.960
02/18/03 = 1.179 08/18/03 = 0.964
02/24/03 = 1.195 08/25/03 = 0.997

October 1, 2002 - September 30, 2003
Auction Date 13-Week Rate Auction Date 13-Week Rate
Oct 07 02 = 1.615 Apr 07 03 = 1.158
Oct 15 02 = 1.659 Apr 14 03 = 1.186
Oct 21 02 = 1.696 Apr 21 03 = 1.182
Oct 28 02 = 1.578 Apr 28 03 = 1.141
Nov 04 02 = 1.433 May 05 03 = 1.117
Nov 12 02 = 1.211 May 12 03 = 1.089
Nov 18 02 = 1.227 May 20 03 = 1.04
Nov 25 02 = 1.228 May 28 03 = 1.121
Dec 02 02 = 1.231 Jun 02 03 = 1.133
Dec 09 02 = 1.215 Jun 09 03 = 1.024
Dec 16 02 = 1.219 Jun 16 03 = 0.854
Dec 23 02 = 1.207 Jun 23 03 = 0.83
Dec 30 02 = 1.207 Jun 30 03 = 0.903
Jan 06 03 = 1.207 Jul 07 03 = 0.907
Jan 13 03 = 1.199 Jul 14 03 = 0.895
Jan 21 03 = 1.179 Jul 21 03 = 0.911
Jan 27 03 = 1.159 Jul 28 03 = 0.964
Feb 03 03 = 1.175 Aug 04 03 = 0.964
Feb 10 03 = 1.171 Aug 11 03 = 0.96
Feb 18 03 = 1.179 Aug 18 03 = 0.964
Feb 24 03 = 1.195 Aug 25 03 = 0.997
Mar 03 03 = 1.198 Sep 02 03 = 0.988
Mar 10 03 = 1.077 Sep 08 03 = 0.951
Mar 17 03 = 1.137 Sep 15 03 = 0.947
Mar 24 03 = 1.174 Sep 22 03 = 0.953
Mar 31 03 = 1.121 Sep 29 03 = 0.953

   Last Updated:  Thursday August 30, 2007

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