Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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What Is Observation?

Observation is an information-gathering technique based on personal or recorded observation, through systematic documentation, of visible social activity and behavior. Observation techniques sometimes require participation in activities with the subjects being studied, which is called participant observation.

Observation and interviewing are the two basic methods used in ethnographic research.

MPA Application

Observing what is happening in and around an MPA provides managers with factual data and qualitative information as it is occurring. This gives managers a better understanding of who and what the users and uses are in any given area to help them make better and more informed management decisions.

Expertise Needed

Minimal expertise is needed to conduct basic observation research. However, some initial training is needed to conduct systematic observations. Additional skill is required to obtain accurate qualitative results.


  • Provides an objective view of social group dynamics and behaviors in different settings
  • Captures actions as they are actually occurring within their social context
  • Can adapt to events as they occur


  • Observer bias
  • Time-consuming
  • Not all activities or behaviors can be observed
  • Can be difficult to interpret seen behaviors
  • Can influence behaviors of program participants

Case Studies

Rapid Evaluation of Proposed Marine Conservation District in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands
Assessing the perceptions of user groups through content analysis and observation.
The Importance of Communication in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Washington
Improving compliance through observation and communication.

Additional Resources

Observational Field Research
This Web page from Cornell University is designed as an introduction to the basic issues and design options in observational research within natural settings.

Steps and Methods Used in Qualitative Observational Research
Colorado State University provides detailed steps for observational research and its various methods on this Web site. A section on using computer software is also included.

Observation Methods
This site provides guidelines for conducting observation. Additional resources are also included.