Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and other disasters are an unfortunate part of life. It is impossible to completely prevent them.

Through its disaster preparedness efforts and its quick response to disasters, though, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is able to help save hundreds of lives and millions of dollars in property damage every year from natural and manmade disasters.

The Corps is committed to lessening the impact of these disasters on people, communities, the economy and the environment. Learn more about recent Corps emergency response efforts.

In the wake of recent world events, the Corps emergency management efforts also have become inextricably linked with the naton's homeland security. In recognition of this fact, the Corps has created an Office of Homeland Security,incorporating the emergency management program and other programs designed to ensure the security of the nation's infrastructure.

For more information about the Corps emergency management efforts, read our emergency management brochure (pdf 1.7 MB).


Making a Difference for You!

revised 9 Jan 2009

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Institute for Water Resources | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Emergency Management brochure

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