Indian Reservation Roads / Bridges (IRR)

The Indian Reservation Roads Program addresses transportation needs of tribes by providing funds for planning, designing, construction, and maintenance activities. The program is jointly administered by the Federal Highway Administration’s Federals Lands Highway Office and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in accordance with an interagency agreement.

The Indian Reservation Roads are public roads which provide access to and within Indian reservations, Indian trust land, restricted Indian land, and Alaska native villages. Approximately 25,000 miles are under the jurisdiction of BIA and tribes and another 24,000 are under State and local ownership. IRR funds can be used for any type Title 23 transportation project providing access to or within Federal or Indian lands and may be used for the State/local matching share for apportioned Federal-aid Highway Funds.

The BIA and Tribal governments undertake most of the design and construction of IRR projects. Under Public Law 93-638 contracts, Tribal governments can develop and operate portions of the IRR Program within its boundary.

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Fact Sheet

Indian Reservation Roads Fact Sheet

Indian Reservation Roads Fact Sheet

The Indian Reservation Roads (IRR) Program was established by the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982. The IRR Program addresses transportation needs of over 560 Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages by providing funds for planning, designing, construction, and maintenance activities.

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