September 1-7 in Area Weather History

Sep  1:  Cheyenne’s warmest temperature ever recorded for the month of
              September occurred on this day in 1995 when a high of 95 degrees
              was reached.


Sep  2:  Scottsbluff’s greatest daily rainfall ever recorded in September
              occurred on this day in 1951 when 2.56 inches fell.  Not too far
              behind, 2.28 inches of rain also fell in Scottsbluff on this day in 1938.


Sep  3:  An unseasonably early snowfall occurred around the Laramie valley
              on this day in 1961.  Laramie recorded about a half inch of snowfall,
              while to the west near Centennial, WY, 3.0 inches of snow was


Sep  4:  On this day in 1998, Scottsbluff equaled it warmest September
              temperature on record with a high of 102 degrees.


Sep  5This day in 1998 was the other day that Scottsbluff attained its warmest
              temperature on record for September as the high reached 102 degrees
              once again.


              Light overnight snows continued in Laramie during the 1961 cool spell,
              with a 3-day total from Sept. 3-5 of 1 inch recorded.

              3.0 inches of snow was also recorded near Lusk, Wy. on this day in 1929.


Sep  6:  A severe thunderstorm produced hail up to 2.5 inches in diameter in
              Lodgepole, Nebraska on this day in 1994, which resulted in about 100
              thousand in damage.


              3.0 inches of snow was reported in Harrison, Nebraska on this day in


Sep  7:  Shirley Basin, Wy, was dusted with 0.7 inch of snow on this day in 2001.

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  • Cheyenne, WY 82001-1549
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