United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Conservation Technical Assistance
Key Points

Updated 02/28/2005

The Conservation Technical Assistance Program (CTA) is authorized in the Soil Conservation Domestic Act of 1935.

  • CTA is a voluntary program that provides technical assistance supported by science-based technology and tools to help people conserve, maintain, and improve their natural resources.
  • NRCS is the technical agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture that provides assistance to conservation districts and individuals in planning and carrying out activities of this program and other conservation programs.
  • Through CTA, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its partners provides technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, local units of government, citizen groups, recreation groups, Tribal governments, professional consultants, State and Federal agencies, and others interested in conserving natural resources.
  • Technical assistance provides opportunities for maintaining and improving land and its management, conserving water and improving water quality, providing habitat for fish and wildlife, maintaining and improving the aesthetic character of private grazing lands, and enhancing recreational opportunities.
  • Technical assistance may include the inventory and evaluation of soil, water, animal, plant, air, and other resources. This information will help landowners and managers make land use, environmental, and conservation treatment decisions and help them in applying and maintaining conservation practices.
  • This program does not include financial assistance. However, through the CTA Program, clients may develop conservation plans, which may serve as a basis for them to enter into financial assistance and easement conservation programs provided by other Federal, State, and local programs.
  • NRCS will assist land users in developing conservation plans for farms, ranches, and other land units.
  • To receive technical assistance, a potential client may contact NRCS or the local conservation district. Participation in this program is voluntary.
  • Requests for technical assistance through CTA will be prioritized by NRCS and the local conservation district to ensure that technical assistance is provided in a fair and equitable manner.
  • The program is available Nationwide.

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