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How long will it take to find out whether my application is approved?

The receipt of your complete application, along with any necessary supplemental information and the $200 application fee, will be quickly acknowledged by the reviewing office. The office will then commence the review process of your application and inform you as to whether or not the proposed use is compatible with Reclamation projects and programs in the area.

If determined compatible, you will be provided with the estimate of the administrative costs for application processing and an estimate of the time it will take to issue a right-of-use authorization to you. If your application is complex, involving construction and/or environmental compliance, and/or requires an appraisal to determine the market-based rent, it may take several months before the application process is concluded. You will be required to pay Reclamation administration costs prior to the processing of your application.

After the processing has been completed, you will be notified of approval in writing by Reclamation and receive a contract to sign. Upon receipt by Reclamation of the signed contract and the payment of the market-based rent, you will be authorized to use the land or water surface requested in your application.