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What will Reclamation charge for the approved use of Reclamation lands or non-recreational water areas?

In addition to the application fee mentioned above, Reclamation is required under Federal law to collect, in advance, adequate funds to cover all administrative review and processing costs associated with the right-of-use application, including environmental compliance, contract negotiation and preparation, construction, and if necessary, those costs of monitoring of the use (administrative costs). If Reclamation determines that they will not authorize you proposed use of Reclamation lands or water surfaces, they will return to you all but $50 of your application fee.

Reclamation must also charge a rental fee based on current market value for the actual use of Reclamation land (market-based rent). Estimates of the administrative cost associated with the application processing and the market-based rent will be provided at the time of approval, if appropriate, of your right-of-use application.