Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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About the LIDAR Data Retrieval Tool

The LIDAR Data Retrieval Tool (LDART) is a Web-based application that the Center developed to allow its customers to obtain topographic LIDAR data from its archive. LDART allows users to customize their output data set, interactively choosing geographic boundaries, projections, horizontal and vertical datums, and output file formats. LDART can be used by coastal managers, coastal geologists, and the general public to generate custom elevation data sets for use in decision making, research, and for general information.

How It Works

LDART is comprised of three Web pages:

  • The first page asks the user to select a particular mission from the table of available data sets.
  • The second page allows the user to choose the boundaries of the desired data set. Clicking the Continue button will open the third and final page.
  • The third page allows the user to select the projection, datum, and file format information.

For detailed information about the various options in LDART, see the Help file.