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Mar. 23, 2004
Bluestone Dam is currently being modified to bring it to current engineering safety standards.
This modification will be accomplished in two phases. Phase I of Bluestone Dam Safety Assurance construction began February 2001. ASI RCC Inc. was the contractor for phase I. Work in phase I construction included building a two lane access 1360' bridge across the stilling basin, extending six penstocks, and installing a thrust concrete block at the penstock area.

Construction has proceeded into Phase 2 of the Bluestone Dam Safety Assurance, which will be split into two phases (Phase 2A and Phase 2B).  Ahern and Associates, Inc. is the contractor for Phase 2A.  Features included in Phase 2A are precasting of the parapet wall panels for the top of the dam, installing a State Route 20 gate closure, extension of the east abutment and a handicap accessible fishing pier. Phase 2B includes installing the anchors and the parapet walls. Completion of mitigation work that was contracted to Madison Coal Company has resulted in improved fish habitat in Bluestone Lake by constructing four underwater rock reefs with tree cover.The Drift and Debris construction began May 2001 by National Engineering and was completed in December 2004. This construction will allow the project personnel to pass drift over a large range of pool elevations during a storm event rather than after the storm event has passed and a mass of material has accumulated. The features of this construction included building a multi level intake tower with nine hydraulic operated gates and tunneling a ten foot diameter opening through the dam. A fifty-foot barge was delivered in the Fall of 2001 to assist with drift and debris work. There are no plans to raise the lake level.

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