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Neurophysiology Section - Publications

  • Sharp, P., Kabani, N., Lerch, J.P., Eckstrand, K., Lenroot, R., Gogtay, N., Greenstein, D., Clasen, L., Evans, A., Rapoport, J.L., Giedd, J.N. and Wise, S.P. (InPress) Neurodevelopmental trajectories of the human cerebral cortex, Journal of Neuroscience.

  • Tsujimoto S., Genovesio, A., and Wise, S.P. (InPress) Neuronal interactions underlying goal selection and maintenance in prefrontal cortex, Cerebral Cortex.

  • Genovesio, A., Tsujimoto S., Wise, S.P. (2008) Encoding problem-solving strategies in prefrontal cortex: activity, European Journal of Neuroscience 27, 984-990.

  • Genovesio, A., and Wise, S.P. (2007) The neurophysiology of abstract strategies, Rule Guided Behavior, S. A. Bunge and J. Wallis, eds., Oxford: New York , 81-105.

  • Perez, M.A, Tanaka, S., Wise, S.P., Sadato, N., Tanabe, H.C., Willingham, D.T., Cohen, L.G. (2007) The functional involvement of the supplementary motor area in intermanual transfer of procedural learning, Current Biology 17, 1896-1902.

  • Genovesio, A., Brasted, P. J. and Wise, S.P. (2006) Representation of future and previous spatial goals by separate neural populations in prefrontal cortex, Journal of Neuroscience 26, 7281-7292.

  • Buch, E., Brasted, P.J., and Wise, S.P. (2006) Comparison of population activity in the dorsal premotor cortex and putamen during the learning of arbitrary visuomotor mappings., Experimental Brain Research 169, 69-84.

  • Wise, S. P. and Kralik, J. D (2005) The physiology of voluntary movement in nonhuman primates: Accumulator models of decision and action, In: Psychogenic Movement Disorders: Psychobiology and Treatment of a Functional Disorder , 196-211.

  • Genovesio, A., Brasted, P.J., Mitz, A.R., and Wise, S.P. (2005) Prefrontal cortex activity related to abstract response strategies, Neuron 47, 307-320.

  • Shadmehr, R. and Wise, S.P. (2005) The Computational Neurobiology of Reaching and Pointing: A Foundation for Motor Learning, MIT Press xviii + 575 pp.

  • Brasted, P.J. and Wise, S.P. (2004) Comparison of learning-related neuronal activity in the dorsal premotor cortex and striatum, European Journal of Neuroscience 19, 721-740.

  • Lebedev, M.A., Messinger, A., Kralik, J.D., and Wise, S.P. (2004) Representation of attended versus remembered locations in prefrontal cortex, PLoS Biology 2, 1919-1935.

  • Murray, E.A. and Wise, S.P. (2004) What, if anything, is the medial temporal lobe, and how can the amygdala be part of it if there is no such thing? , Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 82, 178-198.

  • Paz, R., Wise, S.P., and Vaadia, E. (2004) Viewing and doing: Similar cortical mechanisms for perceptual and motor learning, Trends in Neurosciences 27, 496-503.

  • Brasted, P.J., Bussey, T.J., Murray, E.A. and Wise, S.P. (2003) Role of the hippocampal system in associative learning beyond the spatial domain, Brain 126, 1202-1223..

  • Lebedev, M.A. and Wise, S.P. (2002) Insights into seeing and grasping: Distinguishing the neural correlates of perception and action, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews 1, 108-129.

  • Lebedev, M.A., Douglas, D.K., Moody, S.L. and Wise, S.P. (2001) Prefrontal cortex neurons reflecting reports of a visual illusion, Journal of Neurophysiology 85, 1395-1411.

  • Wise, S.P. and Murray, E.A. (2000) Arbitrary associations between antecedents and action, Trends in Neurosciences 23, 271-276.


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