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Merkel Cell Carcinoma Treatment (PDQ®)     
Last Modified: 12/13/2007
Health Professional Version
Recurrent Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Current Clinical Trials

Treatment options for patients with local recurrence include regional lymph node dissection and adjuvant radiation therapy if the regional draining nodes have not been previously treated.[1,2] An alternative approach for patients who have not had a complete regional lymph node dissection would be a sentinel lymph node biopsy and complete nodal dissection if positive nodes are identified.[3]

When possible, adjuvant radiation therapy of the site of recurrence as well as of the regional lymph node beds is recommended after surgery.[4,5] Chemotherapy may be an option for patients with unresectable recurrent tumors or for patients who have received their maximum tolerated radiation dose.[1]

Current Clinical Trials

Check for U.S. clinical trials from NCI's PDQ Cancer Clinical Trials Registry that are now accepting patients with recurrent neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin 1. The list of clinical trials can be further narrowed by location, drug, intervention, and other criteria.

General information about clinical trials is also available from the NCI Web site 2.


  1. Haag ML, Glass LF, Fenske NA: Merkel cell carcinoma. Diagnosis and treatment. Dermatol Surg 21 (8): 669-83, 1995.  [PUBMED Abstract]

  2. Ratner D, Nelson BR, Brown MD, et al.: Merkel cell carcinoma. J Am Acad Dermatol 29 (2 Pt 1): 143-56, 1993.  [PUBMED Abstract]

  3. Allen PJ, Zhang ZF, Coit DG: Surgical management of Merkel cell carcinoma. Ann Surg 229 (1): 97-105, 1999.  [PUBMED Abstract]

  4. Nghiem P, McKee PH, Haynes HA: Merkel cell (cutaneous neuroendocrine) carcinoma. In: Sober AJ, Haluska FG, eds.: Skin Cancer. Hamilton, Ontario: BC Decker Inc., 2001., pp 127-141. 

  5. Herbst A, Haynes HA, Nghiem P: The standard of care for Merkel cell carcinoma should include adjuvant radiation and lymph node surgery. J Am Acad Dermatol 46 (4): 640-2, 2002.  [PUBMED Abstract]

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