Molecules To Go Request FORM - TEXT

Through the Molecules To Go request FORM one may request a PDB data file to be returned as unformatted text. (i.e. the native PDB format).
The TEXT: button returns the complete PDB entry as unformatted text.

Warning: PDB data files can be very large (up to 10Mb), so users should be sure their client and local computer can handle such large files.

It is usually safer to select the "Load to Local Disk" option before selecting this item... thus bypassing any size limits imposed by the text viewer built into your client.

Note the first 100 lines of each entry and its size are given in the bottom half of the initial form. Normally these 100 lines contain all the reference and citation information about a given entry.

Last Updated: 8/13/95
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National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland 20892