
Considerations when using this utility to search for records in PDB data files.
  1. What is indexed?: The first 50 lines of each PDB data file has been indexed using freeWAIS-sf. In addition only the following fields have been indexed: HEADER, COMPND, SOURCE, SPRSDE, AUTHOR, JRNL, REVDAT, EXPDTA, REMARK
    The default is to search all terms contained in any of these fields. However, one can specifically search on some (not all) of these fields as outlined below.

  2. Specifically Searchable fields are:
    head Search for terms in the HEADER field
    comp Search for terms in the COMPND field
    so Search for terms in the SOURCE field
    au Search for terms in the AUTHOR field
    exp Search for terms in the EXPDTA field

    Useage is in the form of field=search term (e.g. exp=nmr)

  3. Defining a search: One may search for any word in the index by simply enterning it in the search box. More complicated terms may be searched for by combining words using the boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) or by using the the wildcard extension ("*") to search for matches to a partial word definition.

    Examples:click on each term to see matching records

    crambin -> all structures which contain the word crambin in any field

    crambin and minimized -> all structures which contain the word crambin and minimized in any field

    crambin and exp=nmr -> all structures which contain the word crambin in any field and nmr in the EXPDTA field.

    concanavalin and comp=complexed -> structures which contain the word concanavalin in any field and the term complexed in the COMPND field

    concanavalin not comp=complexed -> all structures which contain the word concanavalin in any field but do not contain the term complexed in the COMPND field

    Very complex queries can be executed by the appropriate construction of a query using a combination of operators and field definitions...those who require such power in a search should examine the URL: listing for entries in the PDB at a Glance utility for examples.

    By default this utility will return the first 200 matches to a given query. This limit can be overridden, to a maximum of 2000 hits, by adding the argument (>####) to the search. Where #### is any number between 0 and 2000. [Note no space between the ">" symbol and the number....also numbers less than 200 will limit the hits returned to the number specified]

Last Updated: 8/13/95
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