Navigation Services

GNSS - Outreach and Public Relations

This is the year of the WAAS 5th Anniversary Celebration 2003-2008

WAAS is an extremely accurate navigation system developed for civil aviation. Before WAAS, the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) did not have the potential to provide horizontal and vertical navigation for approach operations for all users at all locations. With WAAS, this capability is a reality. Celebrate 5 years of WAAS, its history and development!

Target Audience
Activity Description
Public Relations
Aviation North Expo
October 16-18, 2008
Fairbanks, AK
  • General Aviation
  • Airport Owners and Operators
  • FAA Partner Organizations
This state-wide aviation conference, which the FAA helps to sponsor, provides seminars and workshops for pilots, aircraft owners, and airport managers. This is a strategic opportunity with the general aviation community as Alaska will be a prime beneficiary of WAAS and WAAS-enabled procedures.
Speaking engagement from JoAnn Y. Ford. The FAA Satellite Navigation office will have an exhibit in the main area.
Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC)
October 20-22, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
  • Vertical Flight
Primarily comprised of emergency medical (EMS), critical care professionals, pilots, CEOs, physicians and paramedics, attendance at this conference supports Public Law 108-76 Sec.103 in the establishment of helicopter approach procedures using current technologies, such as WAAS, to support all weather EMS services.
FAA Satellite Navigation will have an exhibit set up in the main hall.
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) Expo
November 6-8, 2008
San Jose, CA
  • General Aviation
  • Avionics Manufacturers
This event is a significant outreach opportunity for general aviation. Because this event is promoted to their members, a significant proportion of the attendees are active general aviation pilots and most influential in spreading the word regarding GNSS throughout the rest of the GA community.
FAA Satellite Navigation office will have an exhibit in the main area.
5th Annual FAA International Aviation Safety Forum
December 1-3, 2008
Washington, DC
  • FAA Partner Organizations
  • International
The Forum, with attendance from around the world, provides a continued opportunity for government regulators and global aviation leaders to have a focused and provocative exchange of ideas on global safety topics. It also provides the opportunity to expand current partnerships and develop new ones.
FAA Satellite Navigation office will have an exhibit.

Updated: 3:33 pm ET October 29, 2008