Saratoga National Fish Hatchery
Mountain-Prairie Region
Saratoga National Fish Hatchery

Saratoga National Fish Hatchery, established in 1911, has served as an egg-producing station during most of its years of operation. Between 1915 and 1984, various strains of brook, rainbow, brown, golden and cutthroat trout and Dolly Varden eggs were produced. In 1966, Saratoga National Fish Hatchery was formally designated as a broodstock hatchery, and in 1984 the hatchery became involved in the Great Lakes lake trout recovery program.

The current mission of the Hatchery is to provide four million Lewis Lake lake trout eggs to the Great Lakes restoration effort, and to provide 3.5 million Plymouth Rock brown trout eggs to other Federal, state and tribal programs. The Hatchery maintains the back-up broodstock for the McConaughy rainbow trout. We are also involved in rearing and breeding the endangered Wyoming toad for reintroduction into the wild.


Last updated: July 16, 2008