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Maternal Child

Maternal Child HealthCCC Corner ‹ Dec 2006/Jan 2007
OB/GYN CCC Corner - Maternal Child Health for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Volume 4, No. 12, December 2006/January 2007

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Abstract of the Month

Organizational silence threatens patient safety

Read More - Abstract of the Month

From Your Colleagues

Carolyn Aoyama

  • Diabetes on the rise in young Native Americans

Burt Attico

  • Reducing Cardiovascular Risk: Science, Treatment, and Culture

Steve Holve

  • The 2nd International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health

Judy Thierry

  • Menstruation in girls and adolescents: using the menstrual cycle as a vital sign
  • ACOG Releases Revised Recommendations for Women's Health Screenings and Care
  • Smoking During Pregnancy May Influence Children's Smoking: 14 yr cohort study
  • Should a 1 year old be exposed to TV?
  • US map with state health facts links on the following topics:

Read More - From Your Colleagues

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Hot Topics

Child Health

  • Why do disparities in infant mortality continue to persist between AIAN and white infants?
  • US Adults Prefer Comprehensive Teaching of Sex Education in Public Schools
  • Supersize This: Large entree portions may constitute an "obesigenic" influence
  • Perspectives on Confidential Care for Adolescent Girls
  • 61% of SIDS cases among smokers were attributable to maternal smoking

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • Firearm Safety in Homes with Adolescents
  • Breast Cancers Within 1 Year of a Normal Screening Mammogram: How Are They Found?
  • Diabetic complications in 40 or older with undiagnosed DM is similar to diagnosed DM
  • Statins Should Be a Part of Preventive Management in Stroke Patients 
  • Herniated Disk Improves With Either Surgical or Nonsurgical Treatment 


  • Emergency Simulation Practice: It’s a Win x3
  • Short course of hydrocortisone: Effective for intractable hyperemesis
  • Majority of women with GDM not tested for glucose intolerance after delivery
  • Fetal Oximetry Plus Electronic Fetal Monitoring Does Not Reduce Cesarean Delivery
  • Leaner Women at Reduced Risk of Cesarean Delivery


  • HPV vaccine is effective: Why do we not provide it to most AI/AN?
  • LEEP in adolescents, overly aggressive: High incidence of F/U abnormal cytology
  • Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) for symptomatic endometriosis
  • Overactive Bladder: the Importance of New Guidance 
  • Preventing Eating Disorders in College-Age Women

Read More - Hot Topics

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Treatment With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors During Pregnancy
  • Routine Cancer Screening
  • Primary and Preventive Care: Periodic Assessments
  • Innovative Practice: Ethical Guidelines
  • Vaginal Agenesis: Diagnosis, Management, and Routine Care

American Family Physician

  • Levothyroxine Reduces Preterm Birth in Euthyroid Women
  • Opioids for Management of Breakthrough Pain in Cancer Patients

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • Maternal psychological distress / use of seat belts: Children's low use of vehicle restraints

Ask a Librarian

  • Want to keep up with evidence-based medicine?


  • Flu season and Breastfeeding
  • Breast-Feeding Offers Resilience Against Psychosocial Stress in Children
  • More Evidence Showing Breastfeeding Protects Against Type 2 Diabetes

CCC Corner Digest

  • Regular Cola Intake Reduces Bone Mineral Density in Women
  • Perinatal depression evidence based care
  • Magnesium sulfate tocolysis: time to quit
  • ‘No touch’ hysteroscopy much better tolerated
  • Hot water bottles do work: Active Warming Cuts Pelvic Pain in Pre-hospital Setting
  • Early adolescents worry more as they age. . . .
  • Health Behaviors among American Indian/Alaska Native Women, 1998–2000 BRFSS
  • Please Get Umbilical Cord Blood Gas and Acid-Base Analysis When Possible
  • No Stirrups Preferred for Pelvic Examinations
  • Want to keep up with evidence-based medicine?
  • It is official, breastfeeding counts
  • EC: Did not affect incidence of either pregnancy or STIs
  • Telehealth Opportunity: Do you need nutrition services at your site?
  • Anthropology in the clinic: the problem of cultural competency and how to fix it
  • The rest of the story RE: ‘bizarre’ and ‘atypia’ in the same sentence . . . hmmm . . .
  • What Women Want
  • Prevalence of diabetes: Diagnosed Diabetes Among AI/AN Aged <35 Years
  • Preoperative Evaluation
  • Assessment of Adult Health Literacy
  • Be Prepared: The Boy Scout motto…er…the Maternity Care Provider motto, too
  • Causes of Type 2 Diabetes: Old and New Understandings
  • IHS Consent Form 509 for an HIV Antibody Test is Hereby Cancelled
  • Gestational Diabetes Linked to High Prevalence of Periodontal Disease

Domestic Violence

  • Improving the Health Care Response to Domestic Violence in AI/AN Communities

Elder Care News

  • Moderate Alcohol Consumption May Be Beneficial to Older Women

Family Planning

  • Bone Loss With Use of Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Slows After 2 Years
  • Few young pregnant women know about safety and effectiveness of intrauterine devices
  • Pregnancy Rates Unchanged by Easy Access to Emergency Contraception
  • Scientific accuracy of materials for abstinence-until-marriage education program
  • Oral Contraceptive Use: Small Increased Risk for Premenopausal Breast Cancer

Featured Web Site

  • The IHS Breastfeeding Home Page is live!

Frequently asked questions

  • Is an informed consent necessary for all x-rays in pregnant women?
  • Are there any Cochrane Reviews about problems with Ortho Evra or Nuva Ring?

Indian Child Health Notes

  • Diagnosis and management of bronchiolitis.
  • Lower respiratory tract infections among American Indian and Alaska Native children and the general population of U.S. Children
  • Does in-home water service reduce the risk of infectious disease?
  • Home-visiting intervention to improve child care among American Indian adolescent mothers: a randomized trial
  • Forty years in partnership: the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Indian Health Service

Information Technology

  • Exam Code and Health Factor Manual
  • Self-study Course in Epidemiology Now Available Through CDC Web Site
  • Patent Wellness Handout

International Health

  • A nurse, a doctor, and an epidemiologist were standing by the river……

MCH Alert

  • 2007 Folic Acid Campaign Materials Released
  • Three new programs proven to improve behavioral and mental health in youth
  • 2006 Edition of Women’s Health Data Book Released

Medical Mystery Tour

  • A boy has been born in Chile with a fetus in his stomach


  • Female Genital Cutting: Female Empowerment as a Means of Cultural Change
  • Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
  • Evaluation and Treatment of Overactive Bladder

Menopause Management

  • Estradiol less than 5 yrs, estriol, or vaginal estrogens not associated with breast cancer

Midwives Corner

  • Start ‘Em Young for Future Success and Maybe No One Will Be Left Behind

Navajo News

  • GYN Spotlight: Endometrial ablation

Nurses Corner

  • Nurses less satisfied than physicians or nurse managers: Perceptions of teamwork on L/D
  • Nurses play on important role in its detection and can reduce depressive symptoms
  • For Neonatal Nurses- Primer on Antenatal Testing: 2 Parts: Tests of Fetal Well-Being / PTL

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • HPV Information for Clinicians

Oklahoma Perspective

  • Reduction in Teen Pregnancies


  • Significant bone loss: Both low molecular weight heparin and unfractionated heparin
  • Updated Position Statement for Calcium Intake in Postmenopausal Women -Teriparatide is less cost-effective than alendronate for s

Patient Education

  • Preventing Injuries in School-age Children and Teenagers
  • Lactose Intolerance: What You Should Know
  • Myths and Facts About Food Allergies

Perinatology Picks

  • Amniocentesis procedure-related loss risk of approximately 1 in 1600, not prior 1 in 200
  • Second twins: 97 cesarean deliveries (NNT) prevent a single serious morbidity or mortality
  • Iron / folate supplementation: Not replaced by a multiple-micronutrient supplement
  • Treatment of periodontitis does not alter PTB, low birth weight, or fetal growth restriction
  • Preterm babies have an increased risk of asthma compared with term babies

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • Causes of Type 2 Diabetes: Old and New Understandings - Ongoing Discussion - You still can join in

STD Corner

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • Three Years Later, Participants in the Diabetes Prevention Study Still Benefiting
  • Stopping the Clock on Diabetes in Women: Strategies for Prevention and Treatment
  • Multiparity Increase Risk for Type 2 Diabetes
  • New Study Weighs Benefits of Exercise, Diets
  • Low-Carb Diets Reduce Coronary Disease Risk in Women

Read More - Features

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What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

Diabetes: Understandings About the Causes of Type 2 - Old / New

There are several upcoming Conferences

and Online CME/CEU resources, etc . . .

and the latest Perinatology Corners (free online CME from IHS)

. . . or just take a look at the What’s New page

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

22nd Annual Midwinter Indian Health OB/PEDS Conference

  • For providers caring for Native women and children
  • January 26-28, 2007
  • Telluride, CO
  • Contact Alan Waxman

TeenScreen Conference: Second Annual

2nd International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health

2007 Indian Health MCH and Women’s Health National Conference

  • August 15 -17, 2007
  • Albuquerque , NM
  • THE place to be for anyone involved in care of AI/AN women, children
  • Internationally recognized speakers
  • Save the dates. Details to follow
  • Want a topic discussed? Contact

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Did you miss something in the last OB/GYN Chief Clinical Consultant Corner?

November 2006 OB/GYN CCC Corner

Volume 4, No. 11, November 2006

Abstract of the Month

  • Regular Cola Intake Reduces Bone Mineral Density in Women

From Your Colleagues

Carolyn Aoyama

  • Learn Quick Health Data Online with us
  • New Women’s Health Work Group Forming: Looking for interested volunteers

Burt Attico

  • Remembering Bill Carlile

Scott Giberson

  • Funding Opportunity: Alcohol Abuse and HIV/AIDS

Wanda Jones

  • Hyperemesis gravidum can be devastating to women

Brenda Neufeld

  • Fish Intake, Contaminants, and Human Health

Chuck North

  • Interested in a New England winter experience? Here is a great TDY

Ron Pust

  • At Highest Risk: Birthing in the Andes

Judy Thierry

  • AI/AN Candidates in college are encouraged to apply – deadline 15 December 2006
  • SIDS: Train the Trainer Sessions available
  • Archived METH Web cast available
  • Perinatal oral health screening: Provider response and interface with oral health care

Dawn Wyllie

  • Perinatal depression evidence based care
  • Many other Depression resources

Hot Topics

Child Health

  • Early adolescents worry more as they age. . . .
  • Overweight Adolescent Girls Have Increased Mortality Risk
  • Adolescent overweight and obesity: Effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy
  • Public Cost of Adolescent Childbearing- By the Numbers
  • Dietary calcium intervention in adolescent mothers increases bone mineralization

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • Health Behaviors among American Indian/Alaska Native Women, 1998–2000 BRFSS
  • Raloxifene did not significantly affect the risk of CHD
  • Rifampin Has Improved Adherence, Less Toxicity Than Isoniazid for Latent Tuberculosis 
  • Prophylactic Surgery Reduces Ovarian Cancer Risk
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder


  • Magnesium sulfate tocolysis: time to quit
  • Uterine rupture cannot be predicted with any combinations of clinical factors
  • Drugs for treatment of very high blood pressure during pregnancy: Dealer’s choice
  • VBAC is safer than repeat cesarean delivery if patient has had a prior vaginal delivery
  • Sphincter injuries: Overlap repair lower risks for fecal urgency and anal incontinence


  • ‘No touch’ hysteroscopy much better tolerated
  • Hot water bottles do work: Active Warming Cuts Pelvic Pain in Pre-hospital Setting 
  • Early catheter removal post-op: Early ambulation and early discharge -Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A Management Algorithm: Evidenced-Based Clinical Medicine
  • Suppressive Therapy for Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis Reduces Recurrences


American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Umbilical Cord Blood Gas and Acid-Base Analysis
  • Menstruation in Girls and Adolescents: Using the Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign
  • Overweight Adolescent: Prevention, Treatment, and Obstetric– Gynecologic Implications
  • Breast Concerns in the Adolescent
  • Using Preimplantation Embryos for Research

American Family Physician

  • No Stirrups Preferred for Pelvic Examinations

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • Over 1 million U.S. babies are delivered by Cesarean delivery
  • Bone protection shifted to nonestrogen anti-osteoporosis medicine after WHI

Ask a Librarian

  • Want to keep up with evidence-based medicine?


  • It is official, breastfeeding counts
  • Breast-Feeding Protects Against Obesity in Children of Diabetic, Overweight Mothers
  • Herbal Medicines in Pregnancy and Lactation
  • Infants Born During Who Were Ever Breastfed, by Race / Ethnicity of Mother

CCC Corner Digest

  • Routine HIV Screening in 13- 64 year olds: Scott Giberson
  • 40 years in partnership: American Academy of Pediatrics and Indian Health
  • Can a 29% Cesarean Delivery Rate Possibly Be Justified?
  • Out with Clomid? Here come the Aromatase inhibitors for ovulation induction
  • Fetal injury at cesarean delivery: Indication and type of uterine incision
  • Aspirin to Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke: What’s the Right Dose? 160 mg/day
  • Postcoital Bleeding and Cervical Cancer Risk only 1/220
  • Amnioinfusion Does Not Prevent Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
  • Exercise and Pregnancy; Preclampsia Drugs; Calcium Supplementation
  • Do you have breastfeeding questions? The new IHS Breast feeding site has the answers
  • Ortho Evra Patch Linked to Risk for Venous Thromboembolism
  • New Breastfeeding Web Page for the Indian Health System
  • Maternal survival worldwide: consensus and controversies
  • The words ‘bizarre’ and ‘atypia’ in the same pathology report sentence…hmmm…
  • External Fetal Monitors - Can you kick the habit?
  • Asthma in Pregnancy
  • Fracture risk among First Nations people
  • A.) Fetal Lung Maturity B.) Blood test for pre-eclampsia? C.)  Fish oil for the brain
  • Causes of Type 2 Diabetes: Old and New Understandings
  • Prevalence of HPV Infection among Men: A Systematic Review of the Literature
  • No improvement in fetal outcome, increased maternal morbidity: Who pays for this?
  • Special Care Clinic – Phoenix Indian Medical Center
  • Heard about prenatal and postpartum care? Here is something on Internatal Care

Domestic Violence

  • Measuring Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration
  • CDC Reports Prevalence of Dating Violence in High School Students

Elder Care News

  • Diagnosis of Acute Abdominal Pain in Older Patients
  • Indian Health Service History Project

Family Planning

  • Maximizing access to EC not affect incidence of either pregnancy or STIs
  • EC: Progesterone receptor modulator CDB-2914 as effective as levonorgestrel
  • Monophasic oral contraceptives preferred over biphasic for contraception
  • One year's supply of OCPs: Higher continuation, improved screening, and lowered costs

Featured Web Site

  • Check out our new IHS STD website
  • New web site focuses on the history and legacy of maternal child health

Frequently asked questions

  • Is an informed consent necessary for all x-rays in pregnant women?

Indian Child Health Notes

  • Tall Girls: When being tall was a disease - how culture shapes and defines medical care
  • Viral gastroenteritis in AI/AN children - do we have more than everyone else? Surprising findings
  • Prevalence of mental health disease in AI/AN children

Information Technology

  • Telehealth Opportunity: Do you need nutrition services at your site?
  • AHRQ Launches Electronic Preventive Services Selector Tool for Primary Care Clinicians

International Health

  • Anthropology in the clinic: the problem of cultural competency and how to fix it
  • Cesarean Delivery: Both Overused and Underused in Developing Countries
  • Risk of formula feeding to infants in sub-Saharan Africa: Need for alternative strategies

MCH Alert

  • Child Health USA 2005 Released

Medical Mystery Tour

  • The words ‘bizarre’ and ‘atypia’ in the same pathology report sentence…hmmm….


Menopause Management

  • High-Dose Gabapentin Equal to Estrogen for Hot Flashes: POEM
  • Hormone Therapy in Postmenopausal and Perimenopausal Women
  • Alendronate May Be Best Choice for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
  • Estrogen only trial WHI: Significantly lower rates of any arthroplasty
  • Progestin in HRT Linked to Hearing Loss in Postmenopausal Women

Midwives Corner

  • What Women Want
  • Delayed cord clamping: Benefits in settings with high levels of neonatal anemia

Navajo News

  • Prevalence of diabetes: Diagnosed Diabetes Among AI/AN Aged <35 Years
  • Great, low-cost, fun CME opportunity

Nurses Corner

  • Exclusively for Nurses: IHS has a Biomedical Librarian / Informationist dedicated to I/T/U
  • Executive Nurse Fellows Program, R obert Wood Johnson

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • Measuring HIV Risk in the U.S. Population Aged 15-44
  • HPV and HPV Vaccine: Information for Healthcare (Revised)

Oklahoma Perspective

  • Preoperative Evaluation


  • Potassium Citrate Beneficial for Osteopenia

Patient Education

  • November is National Diabetes Month: Focus on gestational diabetes (GDM)
  • It's Never Too Early to Prevent Diabetes: Tip Sheets for Women and Health Care Providers

Perinatology Picks

  • Be Prepared: The Boy Scout motto…er…the Maternity Care Provider motto, too
  • Adverse neonatal outcomes associated with antenatal dexamethasone vs betamethasone
  • Metformin Exposure During First Trimester Seen Safe for Fetus
  • Predicting glyburide failure is difficult, not associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes
  • The current pregnancy loss rate after amniocentesis is closer to 1 in 1,600
  • Treatment of periodontitis: Is it a case of association does not imply causation?

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • Causes of Type 2 Diabetes: Old and New Understandings

STD Corner

  • IHS Consent Form for an HIV Antibody Test is Hereby Cancelled
  • Check out our new IHS STD website
  • Adapting condoms to community values in Native American communities: Snag bags
  • Barriers to condom purchasing: Effects of product positioning on reactions to condoms
  • Interventions for Molluscum Contagiosum: Cochrane Briefs

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • Gestational Diabetes Linked to High Prevalence of Periodontal Disease
  • Physical activity before pregnancy or during pregnancy reduces gestational diabetes
  • Mothers with type 2 diabetes during pregnancy can transmit risk factors to their children
  • Does coffee reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in individuals with impaired glucose?
  • Every kilogram of weight loss resulted in 16% reduction of diabetes risk

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

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Past CCC Corners

The CCC Corner is good way to inform ITU providers about recent updates, while decreasing the number of e-mail messages.

Let me know if you want to add something to next month's CCC Corner at

or (907) 729-3154 (with voicemail)

*The opinions expressed in the OB/GYN CCC Corner are strictly those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Indian Health System, or the author of this newsletter. If you have any comments, please share them by joining the Primary Care Discussion Forum where this topic was recently discussed. To join the Primary Care Listserv, click on ‘Subscribe' here MCHdiscuss.cfm


Dr. Neil Murphy is the Obstetrics and Gynecology Chief Clinical Consultant (OB/GYN C.C.C.). Dr. Murphy is very interested in establishing a dialogue and/or networking with anyone involved in women's health or maternal child health, especially as it applies to Native or indigenous peoples around the world. Please don't hesitate to contact him by e-mail or phone at 907-729-3154.

Next › Abstract of the Month


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