Value to the Nation Fast Facts
US Army Corps of Engineers — Value to the Nation

Natural and recreational resources at the BUFFUMVILLE LAKE Corps lake(s) provide social, economic and environmental benefits for all Americans. Following are facts related to the Corps' role managing natural and recreational resources in BUFFUMVILLE LAKE.


 Social Benefits



  • 2 recreation areas 
  • 59 picnic sites 
  • 2 camping sites 
  • 1 playgrounds 
  • 1 swimming areas 
  • 14 trail miles 
  • 0 fishing docks 
  • 1 boat ramps 
  • 0 marinas 
  • 0 marina slips 
      Visits (person-trips)
  • 141,216 in total
  • 45,486 picnickers
  • 0 campers 
  • 48,366 swimmers 
  • 0 water skiers 
  • 17,638 boaters 
  • 12,526 sightseers 
  • 32,762 fishermen 
  • 480 hunters 
  • 32,169 others

Benefits in Perspective

By providing opportunities for active recreation, Corps lakes help combat one of the most significant of the nation's health problems: lack of physical activity.

Recreational programs and activities at Corps lakes also help strengthen family ties and friendships; provide opportunities for children to develop personal skills, social values, and self-esteem; and increase water safety.


Economic Benefits

141,216 visits per year resulted in:

  • $2.79 million in visitor spending within 30 miles of the Corps lake.
  • 62%of the spending was captured by local economy as direct sales effects.

With multiplier effects, visitor trip spending resulted in:

  • $2.96million in total sales.
  • $1.62 million in value added (wages & salaries, payroll benefits, profits and rents and indirect business taxes).
  • Supported 37 jobs in the local community surrounding the lake.

Benefits in Perspective

The money spent by visitors to Corps lakes on trip expenses adds to the local and national economies by supporting jobs and generating income. Visitor spending represents a sizable component of the economy in many communities around Corps lakes.

Click here for more information about how these numbers are calculated


Environmental Benefits

  • 480 land acres
  • 200 water acres
  • 6 shoreline miles
  • 1,627 environmental educational contacts

Benefits in Perspective

Recreation experiences increase motivation to learn more about the environment; understanding and awareness of environmental issues; and sensitivity to the environment.

Source: Value to the Nation web site at Use Fast Facts to view this and other reports.

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