National Center for Research ResourcesP D F document Print-Friendly PDF
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
NCRR Strategic Plan 2009-2013: Translating Research from Basic Discovery to Improved Patient Care

About NCRR

Funding Comparison: Center vs. Research Project Grants

Pie charts

In contrast to other parts of NIH that mainly support individual investigator–initiated grants, most of NCRR’s budget supports center grants that underwrite research infrastructure at academic medical centers and universities. These centers provide specially adapted research facilities, instrumentation, training, animal models, and expertise to more than 30,000 NIH-funded biomedical investigators across the country. The graphic above provides one example of the difference in support provided by NCRR in comparison to a categorical NIH Institute. Note that NCRR and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute also support other types of grants, so the total of center plus research project grants is not their total budget.