Using this Course

Using this Course

This course is an online resource for you to use throughout your indexing career. The information in this course will be available through the NLM Web site and kept current.

You can complete this course by following all of the topics in order using the forward button or by using the table of contents on the left to go directly to any section.

Use this button to move forward from any page forward arrow
Use this button to move backward from any page back arrow
Items in Blue Text indicate a link to more information. If a single word is in blue text you can click on the word to view the definition of that term from the glossary.  

Before beginning this course please set your screen resolution to 1024 by 768. If your resolution is lower than this setting you may have to scroll to view all of the content on a page. To set your resolution go to "Start", then "Settings", then "Control Panel." Double click on the display icon, click the settings tab, and move the slider in the lower right to "1024 x 768."