TABLE 6 A Sample Conditional Probability Table (Version 3),,,,,,, Land uses,,,,,Mode choices,, % medium residential,% high residential ,% commercial ,% other land uses,Probability motorized trip,Probability nonmotorized trip,Probability transit trip, 10,10,20,60,90,5,5, 10,10,40,10,52,16,33, 10,40,30,20,69,18,13, 10,80,10,0,62,8,30, 20,10,10,10,78,11,11, 30,10,10,10,78,11,11, 10,20,50,10,53,14,33, 10,30,20,10,53,14,33, 10,40,20,10,63,7,30, 20,60,10,10,78,10,12, 10,30,30,10,52,15,33, Notes: Notice how a small mix of uses has high probabilities of transit and nonmotorized trips. The same happens with extremely high percentages of residential densities. Could this be the quantitative proof about land-use mixes?,,,,,,,