Advanced Proteomic Platforms and Computational Sciences for the NCI Clinical Proteomic Technologies for Cancer

The Advanced Proteomic Platforms and Computational Sciences initiative is a comprehensive program focused on the development of innovative new tools, reagents, and the enabling of technologies for protein/peptide measurement, such as algorithm development and computational methods to interrogate emerging pre-processed data sets. It also sets out to establish the Advanced Platforms, Data Analysis Methods, and Computational Sciences components of the NCI Clinical Proteomic Technologies for Cancer. The Advanced Proteomic Platforms and Computational Sciences initiative supports two focus areas for protein measurement technology and application in cancer research:

  • The development of innovative high-throughput technology for protein and peptide detection, recognition, measurement, and characterization in biological fluids that will overcome current barriers in protein/peptide feature detection, identification, quantification, and validation.
  • The development of computational, statistical, and mathematical approaches for the analysis, processing, and facile exchange of large proteomic data sets.

Advancing the technological and analytical capabilities in proteomic research will allow the research community to better characterize and understand the differences between the normal and diseased human proteome and to develop diagnostic and treatment procedures based on these distinctions.

Computational Sciences

Proteomic Characterization of Alternate Splicing and cSNP Protein Isoforms
Georgetown University Medical Center*
Principal Investigator: Nathan J. Edwards, Ph.D.

The characterization of alternative splice and variant protein isoforms is a fundamental limitation of current proteomic workflows. To address this issue, this research team is developing an infrastructure to enable characterization of alternative splicing and coding isoforms of single nucleotide polymorphisms.

Enhancement of MS Signal Processing Toward Improved Cancer Biomarker Discovery
College of William and Mary
Principal Investigator: Dariya Malyarenko, Ph.D.

To increase the effectiveness of cancer protein/peptide detection from label-free Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectra for verification and identification, this group is developing novel computational tools that can be used across all laboratories employing this MS technology.

A Platform for Pattern-Based Proteomic Biomarker Discovery
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Principal Investigator: Denkanikota Mani, Ph.D.

To construct and validate a software system for protein/peptide pattern discovery, this research team will combine peptide identity and pattern information obtained from high resolution and high mass accuracy spectra. Application involves the use of peptide identifications via tandem MS throughout the processing of the data set, while still allowing quantification and comparison of unidentified peptide signals.

Analysis and Statistical Validation of Proteomic Datasets
University of Michigan
Principal Investigator: Alexey I. Nesvizhskii, Ph.D.

Building more reliable statistical algorithms and models for analyzing large proteomic data sets is the goal of this research group. These algorithms and models are necessary to make peptide assignments to spectra from tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), inferring proteins by assembling identified peptides, estimating quantitative changes, assessing the quality of MS/MS data and spectra, and analyzing MS/MS data from cross-laboratory multiple studies.

Quantitative Methods for Spectral and Image Data in Proteomics Research
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Principal Investigator: Timothy W. Randolph, Ph.D.

There is a rapidly growing need for rigorous quantitative methods that increase the power to perform comparative proteomics for current and upcoming platforms in proteomic research. This team hopes to meet that need through the use of wavelet scale functions to define peaks, and a penalized regression model to align spectra.

Computational Tools for Cancer Proteomics
University of Colorado at Boulder
Principal Investigator: Katheryn A. Resing, Ph.D.

Computational methods needed to quantify protein expression changes, to increase the accuracy of peptide and protein identification from tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) spectra, to improve phosphoproteomics analysis, and to cluster multidimensional peptides and proteins between many samples will be the focus of this group of scientist.

New Proteomic Algorithms to Identify Mutant or Modified Proteins
Vanderbilt University
Principal Investigator: David L. Tabb, Ph.D.

The development of new proteomic algorithms to identify protein mutations and modifications is a critical need. If successful, this research team's efforts could lead to a highly useful methodology and computer infrastructure with high-throughput for accurate identification of mutations and modifications.

PICquant-An Integrated Platform for Biomarker Discovery
University of Virginia
Principal Investigator: Dennis J. Templeton, Ph.D.

One promising proteomic application is the potential for a complete analytic platform for urine biomarker discovery. Using PIC labeling, this research team seeks to develop a new labeling reagent for peptides, in addition to a clinical registry that links acquired urine specimens to current and prospective clinical information, including outcomes. The registry enables multivariate clustering of disease states with quantified protein families.

Advanced Proteomic Platforms

Proteomic Phosphopeptide Chip Technology for Protein Profiling
University of Houston
Principal Investigator: Xiaolian Gao, Ph.D.

To develop a novel proteomic phosphopeptide microchip technology platform that can profile proteins carrying phosphopeptide binding domains, this research group is taking a comprehensive approach to build all the necessary parts, including software development, chip fabrication, and construction of analytic tools.

Global Production of Disease-Specific Monoclonal Ab's
Northeastern University
Principal Investigator: Barry L. Karger, Ph.D.

This research group seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of a global approach to the generation of disease specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to low-level proteins for the discovery and validation of biomarkers to cancer.

Top-Down Mass Spectrometry of Salivary Fluids for Cancer Assessment
University of California Los Angeles
Principal Investigator: Joseph A. Loo, Ph.D.

The "top-down" approach has great potential for structural characterization of known proteins, and may even become a new tool for the identification of unknown proteins. The goal of this research group is to develop a new type of ion source, electrospray-assisted laser desorption (ELDI) for top-down sequencing of salivary proteins.

A New Platform to Screen Serum for Cancer Membrane Proteins
Institute for Systems Biology
Principal Investigator: Daniel B. Martin, M.D.

In an effort to obtain better diagnostic markers of prostate cancer, this group will develop and implement a proteomic platform for the capture and analysis of membrane glycoproteins in cell culture models of the disease. The goal of this work is to define a rapid, specific, reliable, and inexpensive strategy to identify and validate prostate cancer protein markers.

A Proteomics Approach to Ubiquitination
Emory University
Principal Investigator: Junmin Peng, Ph.D.

An accurate and quantitative biochemical analysis of the ubiquitination proteome of mammalian tissues and human brain tumors has yet to be carried out. Using high-resolution mass spectrometry, this team's efforts will go to providing a new and powerful preparative proteomic technology to capture and isolate this interesting, and largely uninvestigated, class of molecules.

A Proteomics Platform for Quantitative, Ultra-High Throughput, and Ultra-Sensitive
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Principal Investigator: Richard D. Smith, Ph.D.

Many proteins of relevance to cancer are of extremely low abundance in clinical samples, making them difficult to detect reliably. To address this problem, the research group seeks to develop a cancer protein/peptide assessment platform for analyses of clinically relevant samples that will provide measurements that are much more robust, are of higher sensitivity, provide more than order of magnitude throughput, and have improved quantitative utility, particularly for low-abundance proteins, compared to existing platforms.

Aptamer-Based Proteomic Analysis for Cancer Signatures
Michigan State University
Principal Investigator: Stephen P. Walton, Ph.D.

To test the potential for aptamers to detect specific proteins in biological samples, this scientific team will use bead-based or oligonucleotide arrays of molecular bar-codes to detect protein-binding aptamers containing molecular bar-codes.