Smallmouth Bass

Slmallmouth Bass

Micropterus dolomieui


This member of the sunfish family is an olive-brownish bronze on the back and sides with a white belly. Darker bronze vertical bands or blotches may be present on the sides of some smaller fish. Young smallmouth bass have a distinctive tri-colored tail that is yellow-orange at the base, black in the middle, and white on the tip.


Clear, cool-water lakes or streams with rocky bottoms and not much vegetation. Takes shelter and hangs around overhanging banks, sunken logs, and small reefs.


Crayfish are a major food source for this fish; also eats insects and fish.


Average length is 6 – 15 inches; average weight is 3 – 5 pounds.


Widely distributed in southeastern Canada, the northeastern United States, and north-central United States along the Great Lakes, Mississippi River, and St Lawrence River watersheds. Distribution throughout the rest of the United States is spotty; rare in the rest of Canada.

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A very popular sport fish; known for its excellent fighting ability.

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