Brown Trout

Brown Trout

Salmo trutta


A stockier trout that is a uniform olive-brown to golden-brown color with a squared off tail. Dark brown or black spots are present on the body and upper fins, some red or orange spots may be present below the lateral line. Spots are usually surrounded by bluish halos. Lake dwelling Brown Trout are typically lighter brown to silvery and have fainter spots.


Typically found in slower-moving, warmer pools and streams; can also do well in cooler, fast-moving streams typical of trout.


Primarily eats fish but will also eat aquatic and terrestrial insects, especially when young.


Average length is 7 – 14 inches and average weight is 4 – 8 pounds.


Introduced from Europe in the late 1800’s; common in the north eastern United States and the Great Lakes.

Other Useful Information

Brown Trout are difficult to catch and are often highly prized by anglers because of this trait.

Similar Species

Atlantic Salmon, Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout, Lake Trout

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