Eastern Chipmunk

An Eastern Chipmunk in the forest.

Tamias striatus


Squirrel-like rodent with a bushy tail held straight up while running. Black and white stripes on the face, side, and back that end at a reddish rump. Makes a loud, sharp chuck-chuck noise. Hibernates for most of the winter.


Deciduous forests and bushy areas; can be seen in trees or on the ground.


Seeds, bulbs, fruits, nuts, insects, meat, eggs; will store food underground to eat later.


Eastern United States and south-east Canada.

Other Useful Information

Chipmunks assist in the spread of the trees and shrubs they eat by taking the seeds and burying them in another location; those seeds not eaten have a chance to start a new plant.

Similar Species

Least chipmunk, Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

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