
A bobcat.

Lynx rufus


Bobcats are medium sized felines, weighing between 15-35 lbs. From head to tail, the measure between 30-35 in. long. They are nocturnal and solitary cats.


Bobcats are found in swamps and forests throughout the eastern U.S. and more rocky and mountainous areas in the west.


Bobcats are carnivorous mammals, eating birds, small mammals, and carrion.


Bobcats are found throughout the entire New England area, sporadically throughout the South, and throughout the whole western part of the U.S.

Other Useful Information

Bobcats are the only wild feline that are not endangered or threatened.

Similar Species

Lynx are similar in appearance. Lynx have a black tip on their tail that goes all the way around, whereas bobcats the black tip is only on top. Lynx are roughly the same size as bobcats, however, lynx are not found in Vermont or New Hampshire.

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