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Here’s how it works. The driver in a carpool picks up other interested commuters at their home, at a park “n” ride lot or at another mutually agreed-upon location. Although it only takes two people to form a carpool, increasing the number of passengers will reduce overall commuting costs.

Examples of carpool arrangements include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • A licensed driver uses his/her personal vehicle, with vehicle operating costs pro-rated among all of the passengers
  • Shared driving and independent cost responsibilities, with each participant covering his or her own vehicle’s operating expenses

There are many personal benefits to carpooling:

  • Reducing your gasoline costs, tolls and insurance
  • Reducing the cost of depreciation of your personal vehicle
  • Reducing the need to buy or own a car; when you ride and don’t drive your vehicle to work and therefore save on wear and tear
  • Making personal vehicle(s) more available to other family members on weekdays
  • Encouraging new friendships
  • Reducing stress
  • Eliminating temptation for illegal driving and reducing absenteeism, if a driver’s license is suspended or revoked

Carpooling also benefits employers and the environment by:

  • Reducing congestion within existing parking areas
  • Reducing capital costs of building additional parking spaces
  • Improving employee morale
  • Improving community relations by reducing neighborhood traffic and parking problems
  • Reducing absenteeism and late arrivals
  • Reducing traffic congestion
  • Improving air quality
  • Conserving energy

A free Rideshare Matchlist for carpooling is available.


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  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  January 30, 2004