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NOAA Fisheries


Arctic Fishery Management

At its October 2006 meeting, the Council requested that staff prepare a draft discussion paper on options for management of fisheries in the Alaskan EEZ waters of the Arctic Ocean.  With the apparent climate change trends, the environment for commercial fishery development in the Alaskan Arctic may be changing, with warming ocean temperatures and changes in seasonal sea ice conditions potentially favoring the development of commercial fisheries. The Council is interested in exploring possible policy options, such as a Fishery Management Plan, to address management of potential future commercial fisheries in this region.  The Arctic Management Area would be the EEZ waters north of Bering Strait (Cape Prince of Wales to Cape Deshneva) including the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.  (link to map)

NOVEMBER 08:  Preliminary Draft Arctic FMP; Public Review Draft EA/RIR/IRFA

Arctic FMP Motion 10/08

Draft Arctic FMP; EA/RIR/IRFA 10/08

Arctic FMP Discussion Paper Dec 2006
The Council reviewed this paper in December 2006 and requested an expanded evaluation of options for fishery management in the Arctic (link to motion). 

Arctic FMP Discussion Paper April 2007
The Council reviewed this expanded discussion paper at its June 2007 meeting, and requested that staff work with the Ecosystem Committee and bring a progress report to the December 2007 meeting (link to June 2007 motion). 

Ecosystem Committee Minutes
The Ecosystem Committee reviewed the proposed work plan for developing an Arctic FMP analysis package.  The Committee developed several recommendations for Council consideration.

Council Recommends Preparation of an Arctic FMP
At its October 2007 meeting, the Council adopted a motion that tasked staff with preparation of a draft Arctic FMP, amendments to the scallop and crab FMPs to terminate their geographic coverage at Bering Strait, and an accompanying NEPA analysis.  The Council requested staff conduct an outreach program as recommended by the Ecosystem Committee, and provide a progress report on outreach at its December 2007 meeting; that presentation is available.  June 2008 Council motion.

Outreach Program
The Council adopted an outreach program designed to inform residents of the Arctic region of the Council’s intent in developing an Arctic FMP.  The schedule for development of the FMP is provided on a flyer to be distributed to individuals, groups, villages, and other entities in the Arctic.   

Additional Information
1990 Treaty between the U.S. and Russia on the boundary between the two countries signed by the U.S. but not yet ratified by Russia.

Senate Joint Resolution 17

United Nations Agreement on Straddling Stocks and Migratory Fish

Satellite image, minimum polar sea ice extent, September 24, 2007

605 West 4th, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2252 • Phone: (907)271-2809 • Fax: (907) 271-2817
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