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Act in Time to Heart Attack Signs

Call 9-1-1

The first step to take when a heart attack happens is to call 9-1-1. Call whether you're sure you're having a heart attack or not.

Anyone showing heart attack warning signs needs to receive medical treatment right away. Don't wait more than a few minutes—5 minutes at most—to call 9-1-1.

Calling 9-1-1 for an ambulance is the best way to get to the hospital because:

Emergency medical personnel (also called EMS, for emergency medical services) can begin treatment immediately–even before arrival at the hospital.

The heart may stop beating during a heart attack. This is called sudden cardiac arrest. Emergency personnel have the equipment needed to start the heart beating again.

Heart attack patients who arrive by ambulance tend to receive faster treatment on their arrival at the hospital.

If for some reason, you are having heart attack symptoms and cannot call 9-1-1, have someone else drive you at once to the hospital. Never drive yourself to the hospital, unless you absolutely have no other choice.

Test Yourself:

Take a quick quiz about what to do if a heart attack happens.


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