Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > § 1.415 The International Bureau. - Appendix R Patent Rules

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§ 1.415 The International Bureau. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 1.415 The International Bureau.

(a) The International Bureau is the World Intellectual Property Organization located at Geneva, Switzerland. It is the international intergovernmental organization which acts as the coordinating body under the Treaty and the Regulations (PCT Art. 2 (xix) and 35 U.S.C. 351(h)).

(b) The major functions of the International Bureau include:

(1) Publishing of international applications and the International Gazette;

(2) Transmitting copies of international applications to Designated Offices;

(3) Storing and maintaining record copies; and

(4) Transmitting information to authorities pertinent to the processing of specific international applications.

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