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§ 11.2 Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 11.2 Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline.

(a) Appointment. The USPTO Director shall appoint a Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED Director). In the event of the absence of the OED Director or a vacancy in the office of the OED Director, or in the event that the OED Director recuses himself or herself from a case, the USPTO Director may designate an employee of the Office to serve as acting OED Director. The OED Director and any acting OED Director shall be an active member in good standing of the bar of a State.

(b) Duties. The OED Director shall:

(1) Supervise staff as may be necessary for the performance of the OED Director's duties.

(2) Receive and act upon applications for registration, prepare and grade the examination provided for in § 11.7(b), maintain the register provided for in § 11.5, and perform such other duties in connection with enrollment and recognition of attorneys and agents as may be necessary.

(3) Conduct investigations into the moral character and reputation of any individual seeking to be registered as an attorney or agent, or of any individual seeking limited recognition, deny registration or recognition of individuals failing to demonstrate possession of good moral character and reputation, and perform such other duties in connection with enrollment matters and investigations as may be necessary.

(4) The Director shall conduct investigations into possible violations by practitioners of Disciplinary Rules, with the consent of the Committee on Discipline initiate disciplinary proceedings under § 10.132(b) of this subchapter, and perform such other duties in connection with investigations and disciplinary proceedings as may be necessary.

(5)-(7) [Reserved]

(c) Petition to OED Director. Any petition from any action or requirement of the staff of OED reporting to the OED Director shall be taken to the OED Director. Any such petition not filed within sixty days from the mailing date of the action or notice from which relief is requested will be dismissed as untimely. The filing of a petition will not stay the period for taking other action which may be running, or stay other proceedings. A final decision by the OED Director may be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section.

(d) Review of OED Director's decision. An individual dissatisfied with a final decision of the OED Director, except for a decision dismissing a complaint or closing an investigation, may seek review of the decision upon petition to the USPTO Director accompanied by payment of the fee set forth in § 1.21(a)(5)(ii) of this subchapter. A decision dismissing a complaint or closing an investigation is not subject to review by petition. Any petition not filed within sixty days from the mailing date of the final decision of the OED Director will be dismissed as untimely. Any petition shall be limited to the facts of record. Briefs or memoranda, if any, in support of the petition shall accompany or be embodied therein. The USPTO Director in deciding the petition will consider no new evidence. Copies of documents already of record before the OED Director need not be submitted with the petition. No oral hearing on the petition will be held except when considered necessary by the USPTO Director. Any request for reconsideration of the decision of the USPTO Director will be dismissed as untimely if not filed within thirty days after the mailing date of said decision. If any request for reconsideration is filed, the decision on reconsideration shall be the final agency action.

[Added, 69 FR 35427, June 24, 2004, effective July 26, 2004]

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