OCR: Office for Civil Rights
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Developing Programs for English Language Learners: Goals

Resource Materials for Planning and Self-Assessments

Part II: Developing ELL Programs

Goal Development

The process of developing goals should flow from the educational approach that has been selected for serving ELL students. Goal development should relate back to what experts in the field have identified as successful results under the approach the district has selected. In establishing goals, each district should take its individual circumstances into account. The fundamental Title VI requirement for ELL students is that they have meaningful access to the district's educational program. Therefore, the goals for success for ELL students should relate to the goals maintained for students throughout the district.

Generally, goals that are effective indicate to whom they apply, what level of performance is expected, when the performance level should be attained, and how success will be measured. Effective goals for ELL students address both English language development and subject matter instruction. To meet other known needs of ELL students, the district may also choose to have goals in such areas as staff development, curriculum development, and parental participation.

Do the district's ELL program goals reflect the following?

  • To whom they apply

  • The level of performance that is expected

  • When the performance level should be attained

  • How success will be measured

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Last Modified: 03/16/2005