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  Details for 09/23/2008

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Date 09/23/2008
Subject Physician Payment Information for Value-Driven Health Care
Audience All

CMS Updates Physician Payment Information for Value-Driven Health Care (9-23-08)

To support the delivery of high-quality, efficient health care and enable consumers to make more informed health care decisions, President Bush directed the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to make cost and quality data available to all Americans.  As a first step in this initiative, Medicare posted information in 2006 about the payments it made during the previous year for common and elective procedures and services provided by Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs), Hospital Outpatient Departments, and Physicians.  Medicare updated the information in 2007.

Earlier this year, Medicare updated the Hospital information and moved it to the Hospital Compare Website where it can be viewed along with hospital quality information.  The Hospital compare website may be found at http://www.medicare.gov. 

The ASC payment information was updated on August 22, 2008, and on September 23, 2008, Medicare posted an update to last year's physician services data.  This information is being displayed in the same format as last year, updated with calendar year (CY) 2007 data.  The posting update may be found at: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HealthCareConInit/.  Medicare will update the Hospital Outpatient Department payment information later this fall.

Medicare will continue to publicly report updates to this payment information as part of its commitment to enable consumers to compare the quality and price of health care services so that they can make informed choices about their providers, services, and treatments.  Medicare also continues to expand the quality information it publicly reports for hospitals, nursing homes, dialysis facilities, home health agencies, Medicare Advantage and Part D plans and is considering options for reporting quality information for physicians.  All of the quality information is available on the CMS Compare websites at http://www.medicare.gov.


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Last Modified Date : 09/29/2008
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