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  Details for 09/22/2008

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Date 09/22/2008
Subject This Week is National Adult Immunization Awareness Week
Audience All

September 21 " 27, 2008 is National Adult Immunization Awareness Week!  This annual health observance is a great opportunity to promote the importance of adult immunizations. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reminds health care professionals that Medicare Part B reimburses health care providers who accept the Medicare-approved payment amount for influenza, pneumococcal, and hepatitis B vaccines and their administration. All adults 65 and older should get flu and pneumococcal shots. People with Medicare who are under 65 but have chronic illness, including heart disease, lung disease, diabetes or end-stage renal disease should get a flu shot. People at medium to high risk for hepatitis B should get hepatitis B shots. CMS needs your help to ensure that people with Medicare take full advantage of these vital preventive benefits. You can help by talking with your Medicare patients about their risk for these vaccine-preventable diseases covered by Medicare and the steps they can take to help reduce their risk of contracting these diseases, including getting vaccinated. With flu season approaching, remember to start vaccinating as soon as you receive vaccine. And remember to continue to vaccinate as long as you have vaccine available, even after the New Year. And finally, don't forget, health care workers also need to protect themselves. Get Your Flu Shot. " Not the Flu.

For more information about Medicare's coverage of adult immunizations and a list of related educational resources, please visit CMS' Medicare Learning Network Preventive Services Educational Products web page (http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNProducts/35_PreventiveServices.asp) on the CMS website.

For information about National Adult Immunization Awareness Week, please visit the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases at http://www.nfid.org/ on the web.


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Last Modified Date : 09/29/2008
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