Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 2422.02 The Requirement for Exclusive Conformance; Sequences Presented in Drawing Figures - 2400 Biotechnology

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2422.02 The Requirement for Exclusive Conformance; Sequences Presented in Drawing Figures - 2400 Biotechnology

2422.02 The Requirement for Exclusive Conformance; Sequences Presented in Drawing Figures

37 CFR 1.821(b) requires exclusive conformance, with regard to the manner in which the nucleotide and/or amino acid sequences are presented and described, with the sequence rules for all applications that include nucleotide and amino acid sequences that fall within the definitions. This requirement is necessary to minimize any confusion that could result if more than one format for representing sequence data was employed in a given application. It is also expected that the required standard format will be more readily and widely accepted and adopted if its use is exclusive, as well as mandatory.

In view of the fact that many significant sequence characteristics may only be demonstrated by a figure, the exclusive conformance requirement of this section may be relaxed for drawing figures. This is especially true in view of the fact that the representation of double stranded nucleotides is not permitted in the "Sequence Listing" and many significant nucleotide features, such as "sticky ends" and the like, will only be shown effectively by reference to a drawing figure. Further, the similarity or homology between/among sequences can only be depicted in an effective manner in a drawing figure. Similarly, drawing figures are recommended for use with amino acid sequences to depict structural features of the corresponding protein, such as finger regions and Kringle regions. The situations discussed herein are given by way of example only and there may be many other reasons for relaxing the requirements of this section for the drawing figures. It should be noted, though, that when a sequence is presented in a drawing, regardless of the format or the manner of presentation of that sequence in the drawing, the sequence must still be included in the Sequence Listing and the sequence identifier ("SEQ ID NO:X") must be used, either in the drawing or in the Brief Description of the Drawings.

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