Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress


Access: On-Site Access Only

Description: The OCLC Online Union Catalog contains the collective records of books, periodicals, maps, scores, films, recordings, websites, and other materials cataloged by over 41,000 OCLC member libraries. Coverage extends beyond the United States to 82 other nations, with millions of records in the WorldCat database.

The scope includes everything from Babylonian inscriptions to e-books. Researchers can limit their search to: Books; Serial Publications; Articles; Visual Materials; Sound Recordings; Musical Scores; Computer Files; Archival Materials; Maps; Internet Resources and Continually Updated Resources.

WorldCat can be used to verify citations for items not found in the Library of Congress Catalog, and to find holdings in other libraries. Bibliographic records may also include tables of contents, cover art, book summaries, and notes about authors. Updated daily.

For items not found in WorldCat, please consult the National Union Catalog.

Coverage: Various Dates

Bibliographic Tools
Cataloging Resources
Subscription Database List

Related DatabasesOn-Site Access Only
Archive Finder
Books in Print
Deutsche Bibliothek
Digital Dissertations
GPO Monthly Catalog
Hand Press Book
Libros en Venta en América Latina y España
Ulrichs Periodicals Directory

Related Links
National Library of Australia Catalogue
** **
Other Related Links:
WorldCat (Open Access)

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