Press Room


May 6, 2004

Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba Releases Initial Report

Snow Commends President Bush’s Vision for
Hastening the Day Cuba is Free and Democratic

President Bush and the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba released an initial report today outlining stepped up measures to choke off dollars funneling into the Castro regime while accelerating the day when Cuba is free.  

“This Administration seeks freedom, democracy and prosperity for the Cuban people,” said U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow.  “These efforts will tighten the regime’s access to capital, hastening the end of Castro’s reign and weakening the iron grip he uses to choke-hold and subjugate his people.”

Today’s report outlined several key efforts to help expedite the day when Castro’s dictatorship no longer controls the freedom-hungry people of Cuba, prepare the country for a post-Castro, democratic existence and assist the Cuban people in establishing a free market economy.  This framework includes:

à Hastening Cuba’s Transition

à Meeting Basic Human Needs in Health, Education, Housing and Human Services

à Establishing Democratic Institutions, Respect for Human Rights, Rule of Law and National Justice and Reconciliation

à Establishing the Core Institutions of a Free Economy

à Modernizing Infrastructure

à Identifying and Addressing Environmental Degradation

The complete report will be available at
