Table of contents for Global issues : selections from The CQ researcher.

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1		North Korean Crisis		00</B>
			Does North Korea's Nuclear Program Pose an Immediate 					Threat to the United States?		00
			Should the United States Hold Bilateral Talks With North 				Korea?	00
			Should the United States Consider Military Action to 					Halt North Korea's Nuclear Program?	00
		Background	00
			Korea's Roots	00
			Korean War	00
			Military Ambitions	00
			Hardship and Repression	00
			Agreed Framework	00
		Current Situation		00
			Bush's About-Face	00
			Pyongyang's Response	00
			Policy Debate	00
		Outlook: Iraq War's Impact	00
		Notes		00
		Bibliography	00
2		Weapons of Mass Destruction	00</B>
			Do Terrorists Already Possess Weapons of Mass 						Destruction? 0
			Should Individual Americans Try to Reduce the Risk of 				Exposure to Weapons of Mass Destruction?	00
			Will the Administration's Proposed Defenses Against 					Weapons of Mass Destruction be Effective?	00
		Background	00
			Germ Warfare		00
			Anti-Proliferation Efforts	00
			Impact of Gulf War	00
			"Dark Winter"	00
		Current Situation		00
			Anthrax Lessons	00
			Budget Increases	00
			Vaccine Controversy	00
		Outlook: State's Role	00
		Notes		00
		Bibliography	00
3		Future of NATO	45</B>
			Is NATO Still Relevant?	00
			Should America's Allies Assume a Stronger Military Role 				Within NATO? 00
			Will NATO's Expansion Strengthen the Alliance?	00
		Background	00
			Cold War Alliance	00
			Changing Vision	00
		Current Situation	00
			Threat of Terrorism	00
			Prague Summit	00
			Crisis Over Iraq	00
		Outlook	00
			Political Fallout	00
			Two Paths?	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
4		New Defense Priorities	00</B>
			Should the United States Embrace the Preemptive-strike 				Doctrine?	001
			Should the Pentagon Play a Bigger Role in Homeland 					Security?	00
			Would a National Missile-defense System Protect the 					United States?	00
		Background	00
			Post-Cold War Shift	00
			Clinton's Changes	00
			Bush's Priorities	00
		Current Situation		00
			Afghanistan Victory	00
			Defense Budget	00
		Outlook: Lessons from Iraq	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
5		Policing the Borders	00/B>
			Can the United States Track Foreign Visitors 						Effectively?	00
			Can the United States Keep Weapons of Mass Destruction 				Out of the Country?	00
			Should Lawmakers Create a New Border Security Agency?					00
		Background	00
			Open-Door Policy	00
			Federal Controls	00
			Growing Concern	00
			Sweeping New Laws	00
		Current Situation	00
			Administration Action	00
			Congress Responds	00
		Outlook: Civil Liberties	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
6		Oil Diplomacy		00</B>
			Is American Concern about Weapons of Mass Destruction in 				Iraq a Smokescreen for a Grab for Iraq's oil?	00
			Should Saudi Arabia be Held More Accountable for its 					Role in the Spread of Islamic Fundamentalism?	00
			Can the United States Greatly Reduce its Dependence on 				Persian Gulf oil?	00
		Background	00
			Strategic Commodity	00
			'73 Oil Embargo	00
			More Instability	00
			Persian Gulf Crisis	00
		Current Situation	00
			Sept. 11 Aftermath	00
			U.S.-Saudi Relations	00
		Outlook	00
			Oil Diversification	00
			Iraqi Wild Card	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
7		Japan in Crisis	00</B>
			Is Substantial Economic Reform Possible Under Japan's 				Current Political System?	00
			Should the Japanese Military be Allowed to Engage in 					Combat Missions Overseas?	00
			Should Japan do More to Atone for its Wartime Past?	00
		Background	00
			The Rising Sun	00
			Imperial Overreach	00
			World War II	00
			Post-War Recovery	00
			Economic Dynamo	00
		Current Situation	00
			An Important Friendship	00
			Economic Trouble	00
		Outlook: Epic Crisis Ahead?	00
		Notes		00
		Bibliography	00
8		Foreign Aid After Sept. 11	00</B>
			Would Boosting U.S. Foreign Aid Help to Combat 						Terrorism?	00
			Is Foreign Aid a Waste of Taxpayer Dollars?	00
			Does U.S. Foreign Aid Go to the Most Effective Programs?				00
		Background	00
			The Marshall Plan	00
			Reform Efforts	00
			U.S. Aid Programs	00
		Current Situation	00
			Appeals for Aid	00
			Bush's Priorities	00
			International Response	00
		Outlook: Hot Issues	00
		Notes		00
		Bibliography	00
9		Rebuilding Iraq	00</B>
			Can Iraq be Transformed Into a Stable, Pro-Western 					Democracy?	00
			Should the U.N. Play a Greater Role in Iraq's 						Reconstruction?	00
			Should Baath Party Members be Purged from the Civil 					Service and Other Public Positions?	00
		Background	00
			Nation Building	00
			Afghanistan	00
			From Garner to Bremer	00
		Current Situation	00
			Security Troubles		00
			Iraq's Infrastructure	00
		Outlook: Too Soon to Tell	00
		Notes		00
		Bibliography	00
10	Emerging India	00</B>
			Is India's Commitment to Secularism and Pluralism 					Waning?	00
			Should Kashmir be Allowed to Secede from India?	00
			Should India Have a Permanent Seat on the U.N. Security 				Council?	00
		Background	00
			5,000 Years of History	00
			The Raj	00
			Fight for Independence	00
			A New Nation	00
		Current Situation	00
			Economic Reform	00
			U.S.-Indian Relations	00
		Outlook: A New Superpower?	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
11	Trouble in South America	00</B>
			Are IMF Policies Partly Responsible for South America's 				Current Economic Woes?	00
			Is South America in Danger of Retreating from the 					Democratic Gains Made Since the Early 1980s?	00
			Should the United States Continue Aiding Colombia's 					Fight Against Leftist Guerrillas?	00
		Background	00
			Discovery and Conquest	00
			Push for Independence	00
			New Troubles	00
			Relations With U.S.	00
		Current Situation	00
			Free-Trade Proposal	00
			Shaky Economics	00
			Fighting Poverty	00
		Outlook: New Leaders	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
12	Aiding Africa	00</B>
			Should the U.S. Intervene Militarily in Africa to Stop 				Wars and Humanitarian Crises?	00
			Will Africa's Recent Democratic Gains be Sustained and 				Expanded?	00
			Is the Foreign Aid that Goes to Africa Generally 					Effective?	00
		Background	00
			Out of Imperialism	00
			The Cold War	00
			New Hope	00
		Current Situation	00
			Slow Growth	00
			New Optimism	00
		Outlook: Bleak Future?	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
13	Torture	00</B>
			Is the United States Torturing Suspected Terrorists?	00
			Does Torture Extract Reliable Information from 						Uncooperative Suspects?	00
			Should Foreign Leaders Whose Governments Practice 					Torture be Subject to Arrest?	00
		Background	00
			Ancient Practice	00
			Reform Campaign	00
			20th-Century Horrors	00
			International Law	00
		Current Situation	00
			Authoritarian Tool	00
			Post-War Iraq	00
			U.S. Methods	00
		Outlook: Human Nature?	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
14	Ethics of War	00</B>
			Would an Invasion of Iraq be a "Just War"?	00
			Are the Detainees at Guantanamo Bay Entitled to 					Prisoner-of-war status?	00
		Background	00
			Ancient Rules of War	00
			World Wars	00
		Current Situation	00
			International Court	00
		Outlook: More Brutal Wars?	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
15	Bush and the Environment	00</B>
			Should Basic Environmental Laws be Revised to Reflect 				Economic Priorities? 00
			Will the Administration's Proposed Clean-air Measures 				Improve Air Quality?	00
			Would Giving Timber Companies Greater Access to National 				Forests Help Reduce Wildfire Damage?	00
		Background	00
			Status Report	00
			Air Quality	00
			Water Quality	00
			Toxic Waste	00
			Public Land	00
			Endangered Species	00
		Current Situation	00
			Energy Strategy	00
			Initiatives in Congress	00
			Regulatory Review	00
		Outlook: Election Impact	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00
16	Fighting SARS	00</B>
			Should WHO Intervene in Countries that Fail to Halt the 				Spread of Infectious Diseases?	00
			Would Americans Accept Draconian Measures to Stop the 				Spread of a Deadly Epidemic?	00
			Can the Public-health System Protect Americans from 					Infectious Diseases?	00
		Background	00
			Early Response	00
			Technology Prevails	00
			New Diseases	00
			Threat of Bioterrorism	00
		Current Situation	00
			SARS Outbreak	00
			SARS Update	00
			U.S. Reprieve	00
			Bush Response	00
		Outlook	00
			Promising Research	00
			SARS Proposal	00
		Notes	00
		Bibliography	00

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication: Globalization, International relations, Security, International