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Florida Products

Preparing for Hazards

Although hurricanes are inevitable, coastal communities and residents have many ways to prepare for coastal storms. At the same time, to be effective, these efforts must be prioritized. The tools on this page are designed to give Floridians the information they need to prepare effectively.

Predicting Effects of Polluted Storm Water
Ever wondered what happens to pesticides used in agricultural, residential, and commercial applications during a storm? Where do they go? Can these pesticides cause any harm? Flooding associated with storms may carry contaminants, adversely affecting estuarine water quality, and often closing shellfish beds and tourist beaches. This risk assessment database identifies 170 likely toxic contaminants. Visit this site to learn about the known toxicology and chemical characteristics that affect transport and fate.

Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
What hazards can impact your community? Where is your house in relation to storm surge or flood areas? Does your community have a mitigation plan? Do you know what the Community Rating System (CRS) is? Does your community participate? Use this Web site to learn how to conduct a risk and vulnerability assessment, map hazard locations in relationship to your house, visualize 3-D storm surge, and learn about precautionary measures to protect your community from coastal storms.

Flood Planning and Response Tool
Federal, state, and local officials and emergency managers can access real-time flood information, such as current rainfall estimates, rainfall forecasts, and current and forecasted river stages with the Inland Flood Planning and Response Tool, available within HURREVAC. This information can be used to update or develop inland flood-related evacuation and response plans, and conduct exercises and drills.

Hazardous Materials Planning
Outreach, training, and capacity building are important elements in any program designed to aid communities. The more communities and citizens know, the better they can prepare and respond to storm impacts.

Data Access and Standards
The devil is in the details. It is for this reason that the Coastal Storms Program decided to make data access and standards one of its primary efforts. The goal is to give people more access to data by standardizing the data formats and access portals.