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A look at Anchorage's business advantages from the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation.

Ask The Experts

 • The Rise of the 4PL
 • Port of Hamburg Grows as Distribution Point to Eastern Europe
 • Intermodal Grows Up
 • Is the Dollar's 'Exorbitant Privilege' as the Global Standard at Risk?
 • Inside World Trade: Supply Chain Finance Conference: The Right Stuff at the Right Time!
Supply Chain Watch
The Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners has approved a 40-year lease agreement with Aeroterm to develop and manage an international air cargo center at the Ontario International Airport, located in Southern California’s Inland Empire.

Moving Offshore Brings New Financing Twists
Lenders get creative with 'bridge' financing and other options.

Transportation Mangement Systems Give Shippers Power to Make Smarter Trucking Choices
Shippers are taking back more transportation management to combat trucking costs and bring added capability to tracking, security, and visibility.

by Amy Zuckerman

Software-as-a-Service Model
Supply chain management takes a threshold leap forward with full up-stream integration.

by Amy Zuckerman

Exploiting the Global Supply Chain
What changes when your sourcing and markets go international? Everything!

by Jeremy N. Smith

Ocean Freight Carriers Cope With Good Times, October 2005
Freight levels are at all-time highs, and putting the squeeze on carriers and ports.

Getting the Most Out of Your Air Cargo Program in 2005, July 2005
Experts advise to look for untapped markets, avoid the cheapest rates, and build a just-in-case supply chain.

by Lara L. Sowinski

Redux or Re-regulation
The rail industry is at the proverbial crossroads--will it regain its glory or fall victim to government intervention?

Old Dominion Frieght Line MapSee World Trade's Global Supply Chain Map (2MB PDF). Sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line.
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RealTime Magazine Real Time
The journal of supply chain innovation, provides product information and real-world data collection, mobile computing, wireless and RFID solutions.

Jan 12, 2009 - Jan 19, 2009
ProMat 2009
Chicago, Illinois

Jan 19, 2009 - Jan 21, 2009
SMC³ 2009 Winter Conference
Atlanta, Georgia

Feb 8, 2009 - Feb 11, 2009
Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) Logistics 2009
Dallas, Texas

Most Emailed
  1. Intermodal Grows Up
  2. The Rise of the 4PL
  3. Inside World Trade: Supply Chain Finance Conference: The Right Stuff at the Right Time!
  4. Supply Chain Globalization: The Era of Revitalized Command is Upon Us
  5. Rail Shippers Seeking Relief from Higher Prices
  6. China, Taiwan Open Cargo Links
  7. China to Boost Rail Spending to Nearly $88 Billion
  8. Top U.S. Trading Partners
  9. China’s Manufacturing Sector Close to Recession
  10. Collaborative Logistics, February 2008
Top Searches
  1. international trade
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Most Popular Articles
  1. The Rise of the 4PL 01/05/2009
  2. Intermodal Grows Up 01/05/2009
  3. DHL, UPS Still Negotiating on International Deal 01/06/2009
  4. Performance Partners: Awards of Excellence 12/02/2008
  5. Port of Hamburg Grows as Distribution Point to Eastern Europe 01/05/2009
  6. China’s Manufacturing Sector Close to Recession 01/06/2009
  7. Qantas, British Air Call Off Merger Talks 12/21/2008
  8. Effective Multicultural Communication 07/06/2006
  9. Obama Picks Ron Kirk as USTR 12/21/2008
  10. An Evolving Tech Backbone Makes 4PL Service More Effective 01/05/2009
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