Table of contents for RFL, Reginald F. Lewis : a tribute / edited by Elliott Wiley.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog
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Introduction by Loida Nicolas Lewis, ix
Memorial Service, St. Edward's Roman Catholic Church, Baltimore, 1
Hon. Kurt L. Schmoke, 5
Christina S. N. Lewis, 9
J. Russell Fugett, 11
Sabrina E. Fugett, 13
Jean S. Fugett, Sr., 15
Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., 19
Lena C. Fugett, 25
Charlotte Cooper Sullivan, 27
Beverly A. Cooper, 31
Samuel J. Cooper, Jr., 37
Marcus G. Fugett, 39
Samuel Peabody, 41
Elias Wilson, 45
Lee A. Archer, Jr., 47
Robert Bell, 49
David A. Guarino, 55
Imelda M. Nicolas, 59
Agnes Welch, 61
Rev. Maurice J. Blackwell, 65
Joseph M. Fugett, 69
Anthony S. Fugett, 71
Leslie Nicolas Lewis, 75
Carolyn C. Fugett, 79
Loida Nicolas Lewis, 83
Archbishop William D. Borders, 89
Memorial Service at The Riverside Church, New York City, 95
Rev. James Forbes, 97
Christina S. N. Lewis, 101
Samuel J. Cooper, Jr., 103
Leslie Nicolas Lewis, 105
Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., 107
Loida N. Lewis, 111
Kathleen Battle, 115
Hon. David N. Dinkins, 117
Percy Sutton, 123
Vincent P. O'Sullivan, 127
Imelda M. Nicolas, 131
Dr. Robert C. Clark, 135
James W. Kinnear, 141
James E. Obi, 143
W. Kevin Wright, 147
Lea Salonga, 153
Rev. Jesse Jackson, 155
Rev. Dr. Calvin 0. Butts, III, 165
Dedication of The Reginald F. Lewis International Law Center,
Harvard Law School, 167
Dr. Robert C. Clark, 169
Neil Rudenstine, 177
Frank Sander, 183
William C. Slattery, 187
Christina S. N. Lewis, 191
Leslie Nicolas Lewis, 193
Dr. Robert C. Clark, 199
RFL: Quotations, 201
Color Plates, 207

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Lewis, Reginald F, , 1942-1993, African American businesspeople Biography, African American lawyers Biography, Millionaires United States Biography