Table of contents for In the Spirit : the inspirational writings / of Susan L. Taylor.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog
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Preface                                                    xiii
Introduction: Coming to Faith                               xv
Poem                                                       xxi
Living From Within
Keeping the awareness of your spiritual nature is the
highest priority.                                          1
The Power of Love
When you are in love's embrace, all of God's blessings
flow toward you.                                           7
Renew Your Faith
You can make your life a dance or a dirge; it's your
attitude that makes the difference.                      13
Living Your Faith
The seeds of faith are always alive in you, but sometimes
it takes a crisis to provoke them to grow.              17
New Beginnings
You bring about new beginnings by leaving behind the
things that compromise your wholeness.                  21
You are the cocreator with God, and all around you are
the gifts you can use to shape your world.              27
Life Is a lourney
As long as you are alive, you are in the process of
becoming.                                               31
Personal Notes on Self-Love
Honoring yourself is an important private ritual.       35
The Highest Power
The Holy Spirit awaits you at the center of your being.  39
A Winning Attitude
You were born to win. Start thinking, speaking and
acting like a winner.                                   43
There's Magic in Believing
Through your power to choose, you create your own
possibilities.                                          49
Wisdom of the Spirit
Intuition is your inner voice forever pressing you to keep
giving birth to a new self.                              55
No matter how tangled your life may seem, no matter
how great a loss you experience, you can summon the
courage to make a fresh start.                           59
You Are Love
When you open your heart, you are ready for
communion and your lovemate appears.                     65
Soul to Soul
Love relationships are mirrors that reflect areas of your
life in which you need to grow.                          71
Intimacy Binds Us Heart to Heart
Create a loving space in your relationship where you and
your partner can share with open hearts.                 75
Take Time to Love
Make sure those whom you love know that you cherish
them.                                                    81
Blessed Be the Family
Letting go of the painful past will help you experience the
joy of this moment.                                      85
Going the Distance
Positive action is the key that unlocks the future you
desire.                                                   93
Choosing Longevity
You are the parent of your elder self. You can choose to
stay healthy and strong.                                  99
The death of a loved one can help you appreciate your life
more fully.                                              103
The Triumph of the Spirit
Remembering the endurance of our foreparents will give
you the courage to keep on keeping on.                   107

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication: Spiritual life