Go to:   Celebrating African American Business Leaders

Index of
Encyclopedia of African American Business History

edited by
Juliet E.K. Walker

© 1999 Greenwood Press

Reproduced 2002 with permission of the publisher

   Table of Contents   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog

Counter Go to:     A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z


Boldface page numbers refer to main entries in the encyclopedia. A A. A. Rayner, 262 Abbott, Robert S., 1-3, 136, 137, 138, 183 ABC/Dunhill, 467, 472 ABC-TV, 352, 596 Abel, Julian, 33 Abner, E. G., II, 277 Abolition Society of Philadelphia, 619 Abolitionist, 176, 181, 241, 343, 458 Abraham and Co., 322 Abyssinian Baptist Church, 544 Acapulco Black Film Festival, 361 Accent Hair Salons, 243 Accra, Ghana, 405 Adams, Jacob, 520 Adams, Lewis, 588 Adams, Lucy Rose (PhD), 116 Adams, Theodore A., 310, 542 Adams, Victorine, 4 Adams, William Lloyd, 3-4 Adarand Construction, Inc. v. Pena, 107, 185, 482, 514 Addis Ababa, 473 Adger, Robert, 621 Adidas, 533 Advanced Engineering Design, 542 Advertising, 4-5, 289, 333, 464, 467, 539, 647. See also Sports, Athlete Enterprises and Entrepreneurs Advertising Age, 99 Advertising, General Marketing Agencies and Blacks, 5-7, 160, 334, 647 Aeronautical University, 151, 472 Affirmative Action, 149, 418. See also Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; Ex- ecutive Order 11246; Office of Federal Con- tract Compliance Program Affirmative Action, Impact on Black Business, 33-34, 46, 49, 51, 77, 107, 120-21, 149, 609-10. See also Equal Employment Oppor- tunity Commission; Federal Contracts Affirmative Action Programs. See also Pro- curement Contract Programs, SBA-8(a) Fed- eral Contracting Firms; Set-Asides, Minority Business Affirmative Action Retrenchment, Impact on Black Business: Blacks in White Corporate America, 165-66, 610; Black Auto Parts Supply Industry, 52; Black Business Leaders Responses, 644; Black Construction Indus- try, 174, 185; Black Contractors, 185; Blacks in White Corporate America, 165- 66, 610. See also Disparity studies Affirmative Action Retrenchment, Supreme Court Decisions, 114, 471. See also Adar- and Construction, Inc. v. Pena; City of Richmond v. J. A. Croson; Fullilov v. Klutz- nick Africa, Indigenous Capitalism Development, 7- 12 Africa, Industrial Sectors, 10-11 Africa, Natural Resources, 316 Africa, Urban Elites, 10 African Institutions Organization, 176 African Insurance Company, 617 African-American Liberians, 303 African-American Mysteries (Organization), 180 African American Booksellers Conference, 87, 89 African-American Business Leaders: A Bio- graphical Dictionary, xvii, 18 African American Business Performance Rates, 387 African American Film Audiences, 237. See also Film Production African American Mayors. See Mayors, Black, and Black Business African American Museum Association, 393 African American Summit, 545 African Blood Brotherhood, 204 African-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) Group, 308 African Civilization Society, 303 African Colonization, 8-9 African Communities League, 268 African Decolonization, 307. See also Africa, Indigenous Capitalism Development African Development Public Investment Corp., 224, 308 African Dorcas Societies, 448 African Economic Survivalisms, 155, 157-159, 219, 247, 597 African Entrepreneurship, 155. See also Af- rica, Indigenous Capitalism Development African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, 241 African Insurance Company, 296 African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, 17, 25, 26, 72, 73, 85, 135, 144, 301, 394, 433, 450 African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 72, 73, 144, 146, 401, 456 African National Congress, 417 "African Royale," 95, 282 African Secret Burial Societies, 295 African Slave Trade, 7, 291, 303. See also At- lantic Slave Trade Profits African Union Company, 304 African Union Society, 296, 616 African and Caribbean Finance Forum (ACF), 410. See also National Black MBA Associa- tion "Afro," 330 Afro-American Council, 401 Afro-American Industrial Benefit Asociation, 625 Afro-American Realty Company, 445 Afro-American Publishing Company, 83 Afro-American Realty Company, 399 Afro Marketing Company, 360 Afro-Sheen, 330 A. G. Gaston Construction Company, 173, 174, 269 A. G. Gaston Home for Senior Citizens, 173, 269 A. G. Gaston Motel, 173 AGENDA, 412 Agribusiness, Virginia's Black Farmers, 12-17 Agricultural Experiment Station, 125 AHBAI (American Health and Beauty Aids In- stitute), 288, 313 A. H. Enterprises, 468 Ahiarah, Sol, 111 AIDS, 257, 427, 539 Aiken and Faulkner Construction Company, 550 Aiken, Walter "Chief," 550 Air Atlanta, 324, 568 Air Jordan, 534 Air Transport Company, 568 Akaki, Ethiopia, 473 Al Johnson Cadillac-Avanti-Saab, 47 Al Johnson, Inc., 46 Alabama, 41, 133, 271 Alabama Penny Savings and Loan Company, 446 Alabama State University, 115 Albany State University, 115 Alberto-Culver Co., 288 Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, 357 Alexander, Archie, 172, 173, 307 Alexander, Gertrude, 603 Alexander, Sadie Tanner Mossell, 17-18 Alexander, Raymond, 17 Alkebu-lan, 88 Allain, Rosine, 29 All-Black-Cast Films, 234, 382; See also Film Production Allen AME Church (NY), 145 Allen, Anthony D., 303 Allen, Leonard, 466 Allen, Peyton A., 550 Allen, Richard, 296, 486, 616 Allensworth, CA, 78, 626 Alien Temple Baptist Church (Oakland), 145 Allen, Tina, 406 Alien University, 634 The All Negro Hour, 463 All-Pro Broadcasting Company, 533 All-Pro Enterprises, 533 Alonzo F. and Norris B. Hemdon Foundation, 42 Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority and Fraternity, Inc., 285-86, 348 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, 151 Alpha Phi Alpha, 441 Alston, Wendell P., 404 Aluminum, 533 Amber, Geannine, 110 AME. See African Methodist Episcopal Church AME Book Concern, 85 AME Sunday School Union and Publishing House, 86 American Aid for Ethiopia, 530 American Anti-Slavery Society, 242 American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), 115 American Black Book Writers Association (ABBWA), 89 American Booksellers Association, 89 American Business History, xvi American Busines History, Black, xvii American Capitalism, 43, 168, 212, 377 American Caribbean Contracting Company, 307 American Civil Liberties Union, 17 American Colonization Society, 241, 419 American Economic Review, 586 American Economy, 189, 206, 215-16 American Economy and Capitalism Critiques, 168, 210, 212 American Economy and Slavery, xiv, 210, 215- 216, 469-70 American Economy, 1992 Business Firms, 384 American Economy, 1992 Business Firms Sales, 113, 384 American Express, 164 American Film Institute, 182 American Giants, Chicago, 137, 141, 414 American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI), 288, 313 American Institute of Architects (AIA), 33 American Institute of Architects Student Chap- ter (AIAS), 33 American Industrial Revolution and Slavery, 45 American League of Colored Laborers, 620 American Library Association, 430 American Marketing Association, 404 American Medical Association, 430 American Missionary Association, 72, 239 American Moral Reform Society, 242 American Muslim Mission, 425 American National Bank and Trust Company, 56 American Negro Academy, 84 American Nicodemus Town Company, 622 American Online (AOL), 644 American Red Cross, 573 American Revolution, 499 American Revolution and Slavery, 44-45 American Shared Hospital Services, 542 American Sociological Association, 169 American Statistical Association, 453 American Stock Exchange, 139, 283. See also Stock Market Listings American Telephone and Telegraph. See AT&T American Tennis Association, 559 America's Black Forum (ABF), 360 Americus, GA, black Business in, 274 AMEZ. See African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church AMEZ Publishing House, 85 Amoco, 177 Amos, Moses, 549 Amos, Wallace, Jr., 18-20 Amos 'n' Andy, 557 Amsterdam News, 2, 547 ANC, 417 Anderson, Bernard, 586 Anderson, Claude (Dr.), 109 Anderson Communications, 6 Anderson-DuBose Co., 646 Anderson, James A., 541 Anderson, James D., 73 Anderson, John Vernon, 115-116 Anderson, Joseph B. Jr., 402 Anderson, Nina King, 552 Anderson, Pamela, 408 Anderson, Talmadge, 75 Anderson, Warren E., 646 Ando, Faith, 370 Andrew Brimmer and Associates, 185 Andrew Brown and Company, 279 Angelus Funeral Home, 262 Anglo-African Magazine, 83 Anheuser-Busch, 7, 404 Annie Malone Children and Family Services Center, 574 Annie Malone Children's Home, 574 Antebellum Baltimore, Black Business, 20-22, 621 Antebellum Black Bankers, Informal Activi- ties, 28, 248, 249, 509, 599, 618 Antebellum Black Beneficial (Benevolent and Mutual Aid) Societies, 22, 25, 435, 447-49. See also Brown Fellowship Society; Free African Society Antebellum Black Business Activities, 181, 515-16, 517; Artisans, 23, 169; Barbers, 21, 22, 23, 391, 517-18, 560, 616, 618, 620; Blacksmiths, 28, 50, 518, 564; Boarding Houses, 24, 29; Building Trades, 23, 32, 170-71; Cabinet Makers, 21, 178; Carpen- ters, 23, 26, 27, 170, 251, 517; Caterers, 22, 24, 129-30, 188, 516; Cemeteries, 25, 40, 263-64; Cigarmakers, 21, 28; Coal and Lumber Merchants, 221; Coffin Makers, 260; Commission Brokers/Merchants, 28, 248, 454; Craftsmen, 23, 50, 169, 178, 251, 260; Dray Enterprises, 20, 29, 564, 617; Dress- makers/Seamstresses, 27, 599, 601, 621; Fu- neral Enterprises, 21, 28; Hair Care and Products Enterprises, 27, 601-2; Health Care Services, 27, 28, 196-97, 599, 618, 620; Hotels and Inns, 24, 130-31, 188, 358, 399, 618; Import Enterprise, 599, 617; Jew- elry/Silverware Store, 249; Land Transport Enterprises, 563-65; Livery Stable Enter- prises, 21, 23, 260, 261, 564, 576, 618, 620; Manufacturers, 169-71, 620; Market (Food) Vendors, 29, 516, 598, 599; Merchants/ Shopkeepers, 21, 28, 137, 249, 423-24, 518, 599-600, 621; Patent Holders, 618; Railroad Enterprise Owners, 221, 564-65; Real Estate Speculators, 28-29, 248, 358-59, 510; Sa- loons and Tavern Keepers, 618; Sculptors, 28, 406; Second-Hand Enterprises, 620, 621; Shoemakers, 26, 27, 564; Shipping Enter- prises, 301-2, 309, 562-63, 618, 619; Tai- lors, 21, 23, 28, 29,249, 343, 550, 617; Teamsters, 576; Undertakers, 21, 28, 260, 576; Wood Factors, 23, 29, 220, 564; See also Catering, Inns, Hotels; Colonial Amer- ica, Slave Market; Ellison, William; Extrac- tive Industries, Enterprises; Forten, James, Jr.; Free Black Entrepreneurs; Funeral Business Firms; Johnson, William Tiler; Pleasant, Mary Ellen; Rillieux, Norbert; South, Black Business, 1790-1880; Weston, Anthony; names of individual antebellum crafts Antebellum Black Business Expatriates, 29, 301-2, 303 Antebellum Black Business Joint Ventures, 28, 175, 220-21, 241, 301-2 Antebellum Black Business Legal Constraints, 20-21, 29, 251. See also Slave Laws, Eco- nomic Constraints Antebellum Black Business/White Employees, 170, 178, 179, 240, 249 Antebellum Black Business Women, 23-4, 27, 321, 598-602, 618. See also names of spe- cific antebellum enterprises Antebellum Black High Status Occupations, 249 Antebellum Black Innovators/Inventors, 21, 28, 170, 240, 388, 595, 618, 620 Antebellum Black International Enterprises, 300-302, 621. See also Cuffe, Paul Antebellum Black Philanthrophy, 22, 25, 447- 49 Antebellum Black Population, 251, 490, 491, 517 Antebellum Black Property Owners, 248, 460- 61, 462, 517, 529. See also Slaveholders, Large Black Antebellum Black School Financing, 22, 25 Antebellum Black Slaveholders, 23, 26, 169, 178, 220, 338, 461, 491, 494, 562, 564, 594 Antebellum Black Slaveholders, Women, 494, 600; Critique of, 600-601 Antebellum Black Slave Traders. See Slave Traders, Black Antebellum Black Stock Investors, 21, 23, 27, 29, 248-49, 321, 509, 565, 599, 620, 621 Antebellum Black Wealth Holders, 250, 620 Antebellum Black/White Business Partner- ships, 515 Antebellum Blacks and Canada, 302 Antebellum Blacks and Haiti, 302 [664]INDEX Antebellum Blacks and European Immigrants, 20-21, 27 Antebellum Blacks and Liberia, 301-2, 303 Antebellum Blacks and Sierra Leone, 300 Antebellum Charleston, Black Business, 23- 27, 516 Antebellum New Orleans, Black Business, 27- 30, 516 Antebellum Race Riots, 20, 135, 419, 510, 618 Antebellum Wealthy Blacks, 250 Antebellum White Violence to Black Enter- prise, 170, 188, 221, 618, 621 Anthony, Charles, 240 Anthony, Robert, 221 Antiapartheid Activities, 213. See also The "Sullivan Principles" Antilynching, 585, 602 Anti-Semitism, 168 Antitrust Regulations and African American Business, 30-31 Antoine, C. C. (Cesar Carpentier), 454 Aon Risk Services, 165 Apartheid, 11, 314 Apex Auditorium, 606 Apex Beauty College, 95 Apex Community Drug Store, 593 Apex Hair Company and Beauty School, 551 Apex Laboratory, 606 Apex News and Hair Company, 95, 305, 593. See also Washington, Sarah Spencer Apex Publishing Company, 606 Apex Rest Tourist Retreat, 606 Apex Warehouse, 606 API/AIAN. See Minority-Owned Businesses, 1992 Survey Apollo Theater, 253, 548 Appomattox Club of Chicago, 441 Aquarian Bookshop, 88 Architects, 31-34, 137, 172 Ardmore Lubricating Company, 223 Argentina, 316 Ariel Capital Management, Inc., xxv Arista Records, 469 Aristotle, 211 A. R. Leak, 262 Armour and Company, 239 Army Air Force Exchange Service, 166 Arnold, Jesse T., 551 Arsenio Hall Show, 557 Articy Advertising, 7 Artisans. See Antebellum Black Business Ac- tivities Ashe, Arthur, 559 Ashhurst-Watson, Carmen, 468, 483 ASHTA International, Inc., 310 Asian and Pacific Islanders/American Indians and Alaska Natives (API/AIAN). See Minority-Owned Businesses, 1992 Survey Asian Americans, 105, 106, 465. See also Asian/Black Entrepreneurship, Comparison Asian/Black Entrepreneurship, Comparison, 34- 38. See also Banking, Minority Asian Companies, 309, 310 Asian Development Bank, 67 Asian-Indian Americans. See Asian/Black En- trepreneurship, Comparison "Asian Invasion," 289 Asian Markets, 315-16 Associated Business Club, 69 Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 85 Associated Negro Press, 288, 574 Association of African American Women Business Owners, 514 Association of Black Psychologists, 320 Association of Black Sporting Goods Profes- sionals (ABSGP), 540 Association of Black Women Entrepreneurs, 611 Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, 115 Association of General Contractors, 185 Association of Minority Enterprises of New York, 113 Associated Publishers, 84 Astor, John Jacob, 248 Astor Picture Corporation, 383 AT&T, 7, 112, 149, 326, 361 Athens, Ohio, 133, Atlanta and West Point Railroad, 126 Atlanta Baptist College, 418 Atlanta Black Business, 88, 95, 106, 274-75. See also Atlanta Life Insurance Company; "Sweet Auburn" Avenue Atlanta City Hall Complex, 479 Atlanta Civic and Political League, 187 Atlanta "Compromise" Speech, 588-89. See also Washington, Booker T. Atlanta Daily World, 2, 550, 552 Atlanta Flames, 536 Atlanta Hartsfield Airport, 375, 479 Atlanta Hawks, 479, 536 Atlanta Life Insurance Company, 38-43, 142, 246, 296, 297 Atlanta Loan and Trust Company, 40, 549 Atlanta Merchandise Mart, 479 Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association, 549 Atlanta Olympic Stadium, 479 Atlanta Omni Sports Convention, 479 Atlanta Race Riot of 1906, 549 Atlanta Stadium, 479 Atlanta State Savings Bank, 40, 550 Atlanta University, 41, 42, 115, 443, 453, 550, 586 Atlanta University Press, 84 Atlanta University Publications, 430. See also Dubois, William E. B. Atlantic City, NJ, 593 Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, 518 Atlantic Records, 467, 469 Atlantic Slave Trade Profits, 43-45, 328, 437 Atwood, W. Q., 222 Auburn Avenue, 39. See also "Sweet Au- burn" Avenue Augusta, GA, black businesses, 297 Augustin-Baptiste Catering Firm, 130 Augustin, P. J., 131 Augustin, Peter, 129 Augustin, Theodore, 129 Ault, Inc., 542 Aunt Jemima, 4, 624 Austin, Thelma, 407. See also National Black MBA Association Austin W. Curtis Laboratories, 285 Australia, 308, 311, 644 Auto and Aeroplane Mechanical School, 231- 32 Auto Dealers, 45-50, 122, 140, 567, 609, 646 Auto-Electric Service Station and Garage, 458 Automatic Traffic Signal Invention, 390 Automobile, Patterson-Greenfield, 50 Auto Parts Supply Industry, African Ameri- cans, 50-53, 533 Autoplane Company of St. Louis, 567 Auto Transportation and Sales Company, 231 Avant, Clarence, 468 Avery, James, 404 Avon, 165, 610 A.Wendell Malliet Company, 84 B Bad Boy Entertainment, 469 Bahamas, 247, 308 "Bahamian Diet," 640 Bahan, Simon, 29 Bailey, L. C., 625 Bailey, R. W., 111 Baker Funeral Home, 262 Bakke (Regents of the University of California v Bakke), 114 Ball, Charles, 54-55, 486, 508 Baltimore Afro-American, 1 Baltimore Black Business, 3-4, 134 Baltimore Railroad, 565 Baltimore Society for Relief in Case of Sei- zure, 448 Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI), 568 Bangladesh, 477 Bank Moratorium, 60, 68 Bankers Fire Insurance Company, 436 Bankhead Cotton Control Act, 183 Banking, Chicago Community Development Banks and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), 55-59 Banking, Minority, 1865-1996, 59-64, 476 Bank of America/Continental, 56 Bank of California, 457 Bank of Galilean Fisherman, 512 Bank of the United States (BUS), 129, 152 Banks. See Black Banks Banks, Charles. See Black Town Enterprises Banks, Commercial and Government Deposits, 64-68 Banks Fried Chicken and Restaurant Com- pany, 627 Banks, N. P. (General), 621 Banks, Thomas, 627 Banks, William V., 638 Banneker, Benjamin, 616 Bantu Business League (South Africa), 417 Bantu World Bank (South Africa), 593 Baptist Normal Theological School, 446 Baptiste-Augustin, Clara, 129 Baptiste, Eugene, 129 Barakett, Brett, 534 "Barber of Natchez," 337 Barbers. See Antebellum Black Business Ac- tivities, Barbers; Black Barbers Barber Shops, 274 Barden, Bella Marshall, 317 Barden Cablevision, 644 Barden Companies, 317 Barden, Don, 317 Barden International (BI), 317 Barker, Lex Nigel, 312, 568 Barett, Claude A., 288, 574 "Barnstorming" System, 415 Baroon, Emanuel and Mary, 128, 598, 615 Bartholomew, Joseph, 632 Baseball. See National Negro Baseball League; Sports, Athlete Enterprises and Entrepre- neurs Basketball. See Sports, Athlete Enterprises and Entrepreneurs Bates, Timothy, xvii, 37, 107, 281, 367, 368- 69 Baynesville, VA, 304 Beale Street, 142, 357 Beale Street: Where the Blues Began, 357 BE 100 List. See Black Enterprise's Industrial/ Service 100 Beard, Andrew, 625 Beatles, 467 Beatrice International Foods (France), 311. See also TLC Beatrice International Holdings; Lewis, Reginald Francis Beaumont, TX, 383 Beauticians Journal & Guide, 391 Beauty Star Cosmetics, 607 Beckett, Justin, xxv Beckwourth, James P., 131 Beckwourth Pass, 131 Bedford-Stuyvesant Project, 278 Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, 477 Beijing, 311 Belgium, 311 Bell, Al, 467 Bell, Alexander Graham, 623 Bell and Arnold Realty, 551 Bell, Derrick, 213 Bell, James Thomas "Cool Papa," 415 Bell, Ora T., 551 Bell Realty, 551 Bell, Thom, 468 Bell, Thomas, 457 Bell, Travers J., 322 Beloved, 596 Ben & Jerry's, 165 Beneficial Societies, Antebellum, 22, 435, 447- 49. See also Brown Fellowship Society Benevolent Societies, 39, 447-49. See also Antebellum Black Beneficial Societies; Fra- ternal Organizations Benezet Joint Stock Asssociation, 620 Bennett College, 287 Benson, Al, 463 Benson, Charles, 383 Benta (Funerals), 262 Bermuda, 308, 405 Berry, E. C., 133 Berry, Ed J., 133 Berry, Evelyn, 604-5 Berry Hotel, 133 Berry & Ross Department Stores, 605 Berry & Ross Doll Manufacturing Company, 604 Berry & Ross Manufacturing, Inc., 605 "Berry's Famous Brown Skin Dolls," 605 Bess, Robert T., 322 Bessie Coleman Aero Club, 459 Best's Insurance Reports, 547 BET, 309, 541 BET Cable Network, 335 BET Color Code Skin Care, 336 BET Direct, 336 BET Film Productions, 336 BET Financial Services, 336 BET Holdings, Inc., 335 BET Holdings II, Inc., 646 BET Movies, 647 BET Movies/STARZ!3, 336 "BET on Jazz," 309, 336 BET on Jazz International, 336 BET Networks, 337 BET Pictures, 336 BET SoundStage Casino, 336 BET Visa, 336 BET Weekend, 336 Bethel AME Church (Los Angeles), 145 Bethany Baptist Church, 145 Bethune-Cookman College, 348 Bethune, Mary McLeod, 348, 451, 603 BETI, Black Entertainment Television Interna- tional Better Boys Club of Chicago, 452 Better Family Planning, 435 Beulah, 557 Bibb, Lazurus, 520 Biddle, Nicholas, 129 Big Boy Restaurants, 643 "Big Chief Mason," 390 Big Emerging Markets (BEMs), 316 "Big Three," The, 51, 403. See also Auto Dealers Bill Cosby Show, The, 557 Bill Cosby. See William Henry Cosby, Jr. Billion Dollar Company. See TLC Beatrice In- ternational Holdings; Lewis, Reginald Fran- cis Bing, Dave, 402, 533, 538 Bing Group, 402 Binga, Jesse, 55, 68-70, 137, 138, 183, 451 Binga Safe Deposit Corporation, 68 Binga State Bank, 55, 138, 281, 440 Birmingham, AL, 172, 271 Birmingham Grate Coal Mining Company, 221- 22 Birth of a Nation (1915), 233 Bishop College, 94, 115, 167, 287 Black Airline Enterprises, 151-52, 312, 459, 567-68 Black Americans of Achievement (BAOA), 542 Black Auto Manufacturer, 50, 566 Black Bail Bondsman, 229 Black Banks, 245, 291-92, 429, 440, 446, 474, 525, 532, 538-39, 542, 550 Black Banks, Criticisms of 291-92, 440, 446, 532, 538-39, 542 Black Banks to 1933, 40, 55, 59-60, 68-69, 80, 82, 94, 138, 143, 571, 580, 603, 613 Black Banks (1934-1950s), 60, 580, 608, 633, 634 Black Banks since 1960, 55-56, 61, 63 Black Barber Colleges, 391 Black Barbers, 276, 297, 346. See also Binga, Jesse; Hair Care Products Industry; Hem- don, Alonzo Franklin; Merrick, John; Thomas, James Black Beneficial Societies. See Black Burial Associations; Fraternal Organizations Black Beaches, 3, 230, 565 Black Beauty Colleges. See Lelia Beauty Col- lege; Poro Beauty School; Poro College, St. Louis Black Beauty Shops, 101, 254, 268, 284, 285, 449, 604, 632. See also Hair Care Products Industry; Rose Meta House of Beauty; Turnbo-Malone, Annie Mineral Pope; Walker, Sarah Breedlove; Washington, Sarah Spencer Black Billion Dollar Company. See TLC Be- atrice International Black Boarding Houses, 456 Black Builders. See Construction Industry; Construction/Contracting Black Building and Loan Associations, 625 Black Burial Associations, 140, 255, 268, 296, 297. See also Fraternal Organizations Black Business Acquisitions/Mergers, 139, 142, 174, 580. See also Black Banks; Black Insurance Enterprises Black Business Advertising, 369, 519 Black Business Capital Constraints, 103, 105 Black Business Capitalization, 106 Black Business Districts (BBD), 523-24. See also Black Wall Street; Enclaves, Entrepre- nerial; Great Migration, Black Entrepreneur- ship Black Business Equity Capital, 106 Black Business Firms Location. See South, Black Business, 1860-1880 Black Business Growth, 103 Black Business Internet "Gateways," 319 Black Business Joint Ventures. See Black Joint Ventures; Joint Ventures Black Business Legal Constraints, 251. See also Affirmative Action Retrenchment, Su- preme Court Decisions; Jim Crow Era, Business Impact Black Business Loans. See Black Business Venture Capital; Small Business Administra- tion Black Business Non-Minority Markets, 102, 141 Black Business, Number (1992). See Minority- Owned Businesses, 1992 Survey Black Business Performance Rates. See Minority-Owned Businesses, 1992 Survey Black Business Philosophies, 5, 40, 49, 69, 76, 94, 643 Black Business Receipts, 75, 112, 113, 368. See Minority-Owned Businesses, 1992 Sur- vey Black Business Schools. See Business Schools, Black Faculty; Business Schools, Histori- cally Black Colleges and Universities; Busi- ness Schools, New Professional Program, School of Business and Industry; Business Schools and Blacks Black Business Sole Proprietorships, 111. See also Black Sole Proprietorships Black Business, Survival Rates, 122-23 Black Business Venture Capital, xxvi, 51, 102, 103, 569 Black Business/White Competition. See names of individual industries Black Business/White Employees, 203, 223, 253, 633 Black Business/White Hostility, 68, 82, 230, 232, 253. See Race Riots and American Business Black Businesses, Large, 121-22 Black Businesspeople/Political Activism, 646. See names of individual businesspeople Black Bus/Trolley Lines, 81, 94, 567, 626 Black Cable Ventures, 315, 535, 642. See also BET; Cable Television Industry Black Capitalism, 66, 76, 77, 122, 139, 210, 216-17, 377, 418 Black Capitalism Critiques, 75, 290, 292, 429, 474, 478 Black Casket Manufactures, 263-64 Black Caterers, 131-33 Black Cattle/Livestock Enterprises, 26, 239, 253, 358, 556 Black Charter Airlines, 568 Black Churches and Business, 22, 32, 40, 73, 85-87, 104, 112, 145, 264, 296, 417, 429, 512 Black Church Financial constraints, 145 The Black Church in the African American Ex- perience, 144 Black Cigarmakers, 21, 27, 28, 229 Black Classics Press, 84 Black Clothing Designers, 249, 486. See also Jones, Carl; Kani, Karl Black Clothing Firms, 389, 483, 642 Black Coal Dealers, 228. See also Extractive Industries, Enterprises Black Coal Mining Firms 1992, 225 Black College Day, 98 Black Colleges, Financing, 1865-1900, 70-72 Black Colleges, Financing, 1900-1930, 73-75 Black Colleges, professional training in build- ing industry, 32 Black Collegian, 430 Black Comic Books, 641 Black Commercial Airline, 568 Black Computer Technology Firms, 122, 165, 309-10, 318, 533, 318, 643. See also Max- ima Corporation Black Construction Industry, 32, 172-74, 203. See also Architects; City of Richmond v. J. A. Croson; Mayors, Black, and Black Business; Black General Building Contrac- tors, 174; Heavy Construction, 174; Special Trade Contractors, 174; Subdividers and De- velopers, 174 Black Consumer Market, 4-5, 101, 105, 306, 332, 339, 466, 604, 609, 633, 638 Black Consumers, 46, 137, 632 Black Cooperatives, 272, 628, 629, 632 Black Copartnerships. See Joint Ventures Black Cosmetic Manufacturers, 253, 304, 308, 474, 483, 604, 606-7 Black Cosmetology Industry, 282-83. See also Black Beauty Shops; Hair Care Products In- dustry Black Credit Unions, 246, 632-33 Black Criminal Business Activities. See Illegal Black Businesses Black Cross Navigation and Trading Com- pany, 270 Black Cross-Over Markets, 277 Black Defense Contracts, 151, 173, 379, 632 Black Department Stores, xxi, 137, 245, 253 Black Disc Jockeys (DJs), 463-64 Black Economic Development Strategies, 109. See also Entrepreneur Models, Black Com- munity Economic Development Black Economic Injustices. See Reparations and African American Business Black Elites, 451. See also Black Middle Class Black Engineer Contractors, 172, 309 Black Ensemble Theater, 411 Black Enterprise, xxv, 165, 251, 315, 319, 430. See also Graves, Earl Gilbert Black Enterprise's (BE) Industrial/Service 100, 107, 111, 122, 139, 318, 430, 467; Advertis- ing, 7; Athlete Enterprises, 533, 535, 537; Auto Dealers, 47, 48, 49, 567; Construction, 174, 224, 271; Extractive Industries, 224, 313; Food and Beverage Industry, 364; Hair Care Products Industry, 95, 193; Media/En- tertainment Enterprises, 449; Total Sales, 107; Transportation Enterprises, 568 Black Entertainment and Sports Lawyers Asso- ciation (BESLA), 540 Black Entertainment Television, 309, 541 Black Entertainment Television International (BETI), 309 Black Entertainment Network, 318 "Black Entrepreneur of the Century," 271 Black Entrepreneurship, 34-38, 101, 104, 106, 123 Black Export Firms, 301, 304, 306, 309, 310, 312, 542. See also International Trade En- terprises Black Extractive Enterprises. See also Extrac- tive Industries, Enterprises Black Farm Ownership Decline (1920-1992), 13-14, 16, 635 Black Farmers, 183. See also Agribusiness, Virginia's Black Farmers Black Fishing, Hunting, Trapping Enterprises (1992), 224, 538 Black Fitness Center, 474 Black Football Players, 533 Black Forestry Enterprises (1992), 224 Black Franchise Owners (Franchisors), 243, 533, 609, 640, 641, 643, 645. See also Franchise Units Black Fraternal Order Banks. See Fraternal Or- ganizations Black Fraternal Order Burial Societies. See Fraternal Organizations Black Fraternal Order Insurance Companies. See Fraternal Organizations Black Fraternal Organizations, 99-100, 104, 172, 217, 230-31, 296. See also Fraternal Organizations Black Freemasonry. See Fraternal Organiza- tions Black General Merchandising Stores, 274, 519 Black GNP (Gross National Product), 339 Black Grocers. See Black Supermarket Chains Black Funeral Homes. See Funeral and Mortu- ary Enterprises; Funeral Business Firms; Fu- neral Business History Black Gangs Enterprises. See Illegal Black Businesses, Organized Crime Activities Black Hair Care Products, 641. See Hair Care Products Industry Black Hairdressers. See Black Beauty Shops Black Health Care Industry Enterprises, 110, 246, 349, 355-56 435, 450, 451, 542, 624, 625, 640 Black Heavy Industry Enterprises, 223. See Black Construction Industry; Extractive In- dustries Black High-Technology Enterprises, 122, 165, 309, 318, 533, 609. See also Black Com- puter Technology Firms; Black Telecommu- nications Enterprises Black Hotels, 133-34, 218, 238, 245, 358, 521, 522, 551, 606, 622, 629, 634, 638 Black Import Firms, 304, 306, 308, 309, 310, 423 Black Industrial Metals and Mineral Firms, 224-25; See also Fuci Metals, USA Black Innovators, 131, 555 Black Insurance Enterprises, 262-63, 276; numbers, 298, 299, 633, 638; See also In- surance Companies; Markets, Protected, and Black Entrepreneurship Black Internet Service Providers, 319. See also Internet, Black Businesses Online, World Wide Web Black Interurban Transit Enterprises, 345, 566- 67, 569. See also Black Bus/Trolley Lines Taxicab Enterprises Black Investment Banking. See Investment Banking Black Jazz Records, 468 Black Joint Ventures, 203, 277. See also Joint Ventures; Joint Venturting Black, Joseph (Joe), 404 Black Labor, 139 Black Labor, White Wealth, 109 Black Laws of Illinois and a Few Reasons They Should be Repealed, 344 Black Laundry Enterprises, 578 Black Lawyers, 17, 49, 137, 361, 363, 418, 540, 547, 550. See also Norris, James Aus- tin Black, Leah, 498 "Black Like Me" (South Africa), 314 Black Livery Firms, 521 Black Lumber Enterprises, 304, 359. See also Extractive Industries, Enterprises Black Mail Order Enterprises, 304, 305, 474, 584, 607, 626 Black Managers, 148, 150, 192. See also Cor- porate America, Black Managers "Black Man's Burden," 304 Black Manufacturers (USA), 306, 309-10, 369, 424, 483, 533, 542, 627. See also Auto Parts Supply Industry, African Americans; Hair Care Products Industry Black Manufacturers, Overseas Subsidiaries, 105, 300, 312, 313, 314, 317, 346, 349 Black Market, 294. See also Illegal Black Businesses, Organized Crime Activities Black Mayors, 323. See also Mayors, Black; Washington, Harold Black Mergers, 174 Black MBA's, 115, 119-21, 151, 164, 418, 610. See also National Black MBA Associa- tion Black Mayoral Politics, and Construction In- dustry, 173 "Black Mecca," 375 Black Metropolis, 137 Black Metal Mining Firms (1992), 225 Black Middle Class, 103, 139, 163, 218, 376, 445, 526 Black Middle Management, 120, 150. See also Corporate America, Black Managers Black Millionaires, 253, 289. See Sports, Ath- lete Enterprises and Entrepreneurs Black Mining Enterprises (1992), 224 Black Mortgage Companies, 634. See also Travis, Dempsey Black Movie Theaters, 644. See also Magic Johnson/Sony Theaters Black Multimedia Technologies, 335 Black Multinationals, 307-16 Black Musician Enterprises, 158. See also Re- cording Industry Black Music Divisions, White Record Compa- nies, 469 Black Mutual Aid Societies. See Fraternal Or- ganizations Black Nationalism, 76, 168 Black Nationalist Leaders, 380, 400 Black Newspapers, 1-2, 427, 525, 550, 552, 582, 602, 642. See also Black Press "Black on Black Love Campaign," 96 Black Nonmetallic Minerals Firms (1992), 225 Black Oil and Gas Extraction Firms (1992), 225 Black Oil-Land Owners, 82, 223. See also Ex- tractive Industries Black Oil-Coal Distribution Industries, 122 Black Opal Cosmetics and Skin Care, 607 Black Opal for Men, 607 Black Overseas Firms, 301, 306, 307, 308, 309 Black Overseas Subsidiaries, 309, 311, 314, 474. See also TLC Beatrice International Holdings Black Panther Oil Company, 223 Black Patentholders, 126-27, 310, 348, 349, 371, 389-90, 567, 622, 623, 625; Women, 604, 609, 623 Black Patty Records, 466 Black Personal Service Enterprises, 36. See also Personal Services Enterprises Black Pharmacists, 55, 550 Black Pharmaceutical Enterprises, 349 Black Philanthropists. See Adams, William Lloyd; Binga, Jesse; Bronner, Nathaniel H.; Cottrell, Comer J., Jr.; Hair Care Products Industry; Herdon, Alonzo Franklin; Hern- don, Norris Bumstead; Johnson, George C.; Johnson, John Harold, Lewis, Reginald Francis; Philanthropysts, Black; Winfrey, Oprah Black Plantation Owners, 337. See Durford, Andrew; Slaveholders, Large Black Black Population, 113, 314 Black Power, Black Business, 1960s, 75-77; Symbols in advertising, 6 Black Press, 1-3, 83, 109, 137, 151, 287, 335, 424, 538. See also Black Newspapers Black Printers, 443 Black Professional Sports Team Owners, 535- 36 Black Publicly Traded Companies. See Stock Market Listings Black Publishing Industry, xxv-xxvi. See also Black Newspapers; Black Press; Book Pub- lishers, Commercial; Book Publishers, Insti- tutional and Religious Black Railroad Enterprises, 181, 220, 565, 639 Black Real Estate Enterprises. See Adams, William Lloyd; Binga, Jesse; Church, Rob- ert J.; DePriest, Oscar Stanton; Herdon, Alonzo Franklin; Lawless, Theodore Ken- neth; Nail, John B; Payton, Philip A.; Perry, Herman; Thomas, James; Travis, Demp- sey J. Black Real Estate Ventures (Organizations). See Father Divine; Nation of Islam- Enterprises; Universal Negro Improvement Association Black Real Estate Ventures (Women). See Ma- son, Biddy; Pleasant, Mary Ellen; "Pig Foot Mary" Black Resorts, 3-4, 230, 560, 606, 629 Black Restaurants, 134, 140; See also Cater- ing, Inns, Hotels; Food Services and Hotel Industries Black Retail Merchants, 245, 274-76 Black Revolution, 84, 418 Black Saloons, 346. See also Church, Robert Jr. Black Savings and Loans (S&L), 139-40, 269, 642 Black Scientists, 349, 355. See also Carver, George Washington, Julian, Percy Lavon Black Shipping Enterprises, 175-76, 179, 301, 357. See also International Trade Enterprises Black Soap Opera, 360 Black Sole Proprietorships, 386, 532, 640 Black Sports Apparel Manufacturers, 539, 640 Black Stars, 332 Black Star Line Steamship Corporation, 76, 269, 270, 304 Black Steamboat Owners, 179, 625 Black Stockbrokers, 322. See also Investment Banking Black Supermarket Chains, 363, 636, 642 Black Swan Records, 444, 466 Black Talent, 319 Black Talent News, 319 Black Technology Firms. See Black Computer Technology Firms; Black High-Technology Enterprises; Black Telecommunications En- terprises Black Teenage World Scholarship Pageant, 193 Black Telecommunications Enterprises, xxv, 309, 315, 542, 644 Black Television Executives, 558 Black Television News Anchors, 559 Black Television Shows, 557 Black Television Station Owners, 558 Black Tennis, 560 Black Town Enterprises-Mound Bayou; Isa- iah T. Montgomery, Charles Banks, 77-81 Black Towns, 77-78, 80, 622, 624, 626 Black Transportation Enterprises, 369, 565-69. See also Black Railroad Enterprises Black Union League Organization, 180 Black Union Solders, 59, 329 Black United Fund of Illinois, 411 Black Wall Street, 81-83, 202, 339. See also Durham, NC, Entrepreneurial Enclaves in the African American Experience; Tulsa, Oklahoma Black Wealthholding, 103, 106, 108, 112-13, 211, 223, 370, 517, 537 Black WebSites. See Internet, Black Business Online, World Wide Web Black/White Business Partnerships, 172, 520. See also Joint Ventures Black Wholesalers, 276, 310, 312, 329, 346 Black Women Business Enterprises: Corporate Management, 164, 610-11; Great Depres- sion, 605; Great Migration, 603-5; Post Civil Rights Era, 607-12; World War II Era, 605-7. See also Women, Business En- terprises Black Women, Domestics and Laundresses, 90, 602 Black Women, Philanthropists. See Couvent, Madame Bernard; Mason, Biddy; Pleasant, Mary Ellen; Walker, Sarah Breedlove; An- nie Turnrbo-Malone, Annie Minerva Pope; Washington, Sarah Spencer; Winfrey, Oprah Black Women in the Labor Force, 587 Black Women School Founders, 451 Black Women Technology Enterprises, 609 Black Working Class, 292, 293, 326 The Black Worker, 290 Black World, 332 Black Yankees, 415 Black Yellow Pages, 430 Blackboard African American Bestsellers List, 89 Blacks and Information Age, 335. See also In- ternet, Black Business Online, World Wide Web Blacks and Race Tracks. See Race Tracks Blair, Henry, 618 Blake, Wilton, 212 Blandin, A., 28 Blaxploitation Film Movement, 235-36 Blayton Business School, 550 Blayton, Jesse B., 464, 550 BLMIYA Corporation, 550 Blodgett, J. H., 624 Bloomington, Indiana, 86 BlockBuster, 643 Blue Seas Quick Service Dine-In/Carry Out Restaurant, 426 Blumrosen, Albert, 586 BML Associates, 535 B'nai B'rith Foundation, 356 Bogle, Robert, 129 Bolivia, 96 Bonacich, Edna, 201 Bond, Alan, 608 Bond, Procope Capital Management, 607 Bond, Ulysses S., 264 Bonneau, Thomas, 23 Bonnett, Aubrey W., 476, 477-78 Book of the Month, 357 Book Publishers, Commercial, 83-84 Book Publishers, Institututional and Religious, 84-87 Book Stores, Commercial, 87-90, 618 Booker T. Washington Business College, 271 Booker T. Washington Broadcasting, 272 Booker T. Washington Insurance Company, 271, 640 "Booker T. Washington of South Africa," 417 Boon, James, 171 Booth, Newton, 456 Bosley, Freeman, Jr., (Mayor), 374 Bosnia, 96, 214 Bostian Ken, 300, 493, 562 Boston, 7, 131 Boston [T. D.] Consulting Group, 185 Boston, Thomas D., 106, 111, 386 Bottner, Irving, J., 289 Boutte, Alvin, 55 Bowles, Barbara Landers, 610 Bowman, Emesta, 299. See also Procope, Er- nesta Boxing, 352, 531, 532, 537-38 Boy Scouts of America, 278, 530 Boy's Club, 452 Boycotts, Economic, 90-93, 148, 217, 642 Boyd, Henry, 170 Boyd, Richard Henry, 94-95, 417 Boyd, Robert L., 36, 37, 255, 283, 284 Boyer International Laboratories, 253 Bracheer, Leo, 384 Bracken, James, 466 Bracken, Vivian Carter, 466 Bradley, Henrietta, 609 Bradley, Thomas (Mayor), 373 Brainstorm Advertising, 6 Bratsk Aluminum (Siberia), 313 Brazil, 96, 306, 308, 309, 314 Bread-Making Machine, 131 Bridenbaugh, Carl, 499 Brigantine Hotel, 606 Brimmer, Andrew, 173-74, 280, 367, 478 British Columbia, 302 British Guiana, 270 British Honduras (Belize), 269 Broadcast Enterprises Network, 324 Broadside Press, 84, 88 Broadway Financial, 542 Bronner Bros., 95 Bronner Bros. Inc., 95 Bronner, Arthur E., 95 Bronner, Nathaniel H., 95-96 Brooklyn, NY, 226 Bronx, 48 Bronze Peacock Club and Restaurant, 474 Bronzeville, 184 Bronzeman, 140 Brook, Albert, 564 Brooklyn Dodgers, 530 Brooklyn, IL, 78. See also Lovejoy, IL Brooklyn Hip Hop Boutique (Japan), 310 Brooklyn Law School, 547 Brooks, Bill, 408. See National Black MBA Association Brooks, Pauline, 609 Brooks Sausage, 310 Brotherhood Crusade, 410 Brown and Payton Realty Company, 445 Brown Belle Bottling Company, 271 Brown Bomber Baking Company, 531 Brown Boy Bottling Company, 550 Brown Bootz and Coddington, 185 Brown, Demetrius (Tony), 312, 533 Brown Fellowship Society, 25, 245, 395, 447 Brown, A. C., 630 Brown, Jim, 533 Brown, John, 343 Brown, Juanita, 407 Brown, Ronald Harmon, 96-97 Brown, Tony [William Anthony], 97-98 Brown v. Board of Education, 134, 173, 187, 418, 434 Brown, Willa Beatrice Brown. See also Coffey School of Aeronautics Brown, William H., III, 433 Brown, William Washington, 245, 296, 395 Brown, Winifred, 609 Brunson, Dorothy E., 464, 608 Bryant Stratton College (Chicago), 48 Buffalo Booking Agency, 472 Buffalo Livestock Exchange Board, 239 Buffalo, NY, 239 Bulls. See Chicago Bulls Bunche, Ralph, 290, 633 Bundles, A'Lelia, 572, 582 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 150 Burger King Corporation, 243, 326, 361, 533, 609, 644 Burnside, John, 492-93 Burroughs, Margaret, 393 Burnett, Edward C., 310 Burrell Advertising, 6, 334 Burrell Communications Group, 5, 98 Burrell, Thomas J., 5, 6, 98-99 Busby, Jheryl, 469, 538 Bush, George (President), 139 Bush, John Edward, 99-101 Business and Society Review, 120, 121 "Business As Public Service," 286 Business Graduates, 102, 105, 106, 114-15. See also Black MBA's Business, Traditional and Emerging Lines, 101-4 Business Development, Twentieth Century, 104-8 Business Doctorates, Black, 120 Business Motivation, Guidelines for Twenty- First Century, 108-11 Business Ownership, Since 1969, 111-14 Business Schools, Black Faculty, 120, 418-19, 550 Business Schools, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), 114-15, 512- 513 Business Schools, New Professional Program, School of Business and Industry (SBI), Flor- ida A&M University, 115-18 Business Schools and Blacks, 41, 118-21, 418 Business Success Factors, 49 Business Trends, Post-1960's, 121-23, 513. See also Downsizing, Corporate; Affirmative Action, Retrenchment; Civil Rights Era, Post, Black Business Business Venture Capital, 511 Business Week, 431, 535 Bustill, Cyrus, 128 Butcher, Henry, 380 Butler College, 287 Butler, Benjamin (General), 454 Butler, John Sibley, xvii, 35, 36, 82, 362 Butler, Lurany, 617 Butler, Stuart M, 206 "Buy Black," 181, 210, 526 Buy Black Network, 319, 430 "Buy Freedom" campaign, 97 Buxton, Iowa, 78 Bynoe, Peter, 535 C C & S Records, 466 "C" Corporations, 386. See also Subchapter C Corporations C. D. Moody Construction, 479 C. E. Ford Company, 239 C. H. James & Co. See James, Charles Howell C. Itoh (Japan), 311 Cable News Network, 558 Cabin in the Sky (1943), 235 Cabinet Makers. See Antebellum Black Busi- ness Activities, Cabinet Makers Cable Jazz Channel, 309 Cable Television Industry, 336, 364, 463, 548, 558. See also Johnson, Robert L. Cablinasian, 534 Cabrini Connection, 411 Cain, Herman, 641, 645 Cal Merchant Bank (Ghana), 311 Calabar, (Nigeria), 437 Caldwell, Henry, 469 "California Curl," 282 California Gold Rush of 1849, 221 California State University, 352 The Call, 457 Calloway, Cab, 551 Calvert New Africa Fund, 311 Cameroon, 309 Campbell, John 506 Campbell, Keith (Bill). See Mayors, Black, and Black Business Canada, 302, 308, 311 Canada West, 302 Canary Islands, 312 "Capital of the Black Middle Class," 436 Capital Savings Bank, 104 Capitalism and Race Relations, 168 Capitalism and Slavery, 291 Capitol Cafe, 132 Caraco Pharmaceutical Labs, Ltd, 542 Care Free Curl, 268, 282. See also Gardner, Edward G. Caribbean, 110, 166, 475 Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 477 Caribbean Economic Community, 308 Caricom, 308 Carnegie, Andrew, 223 Carnegie-Mellon, 120 Carolina Panthers, 535 Caroline Jones, Inc. (Advertising), 6 Carpenters. See Antebellum Black Business Activities, Carpenters Carrie Steele Logan Orphanage for Black Chil- dren, 549 Carr's Beach (Maryland), 3 Carson, Inc., 331, 535, 542, 610, 646 Carter Presidential Center, 479 Carter, Calvin, 466 Carter, James [President], 17 Carter, Stephen, 214 Carver Federal Savings, 542 Carver, George Washington, 124-128 Carver Penol Company, 124, 127 Carver Products Company, 124, 126 Carver, Vivian, 466, 608 Carvoline Company, 124 Cary, Mary Ann Shadd, 601 Casenave, Pierre A. D., 28 Cassius Clay. See Muhammad Ali Cassey, Joseph, 220 Caste, Class and Race, 168 Caste System and Black Business, 112. See also Separate Economy Catering, Inns, Hotels, 129-134 Caterers Manufacturing and Supply Company, 132 Catholic Church, 70, 230, 449 Catholic Institute for the Care of Orphans, 450 Catholic Orphan Asylum, 449 Catholic Priests, 449 Catskill Mountain Resort, 606 Cattle/Livestock Enterprises. See Black Cattle/ Livestock Enterprises Cayenne, British Guiana, 474 CBS, 182, 483, 557, 558 C-D Rom Products, 542 Cellular and Cordless Phones, xxv, 315. See also Black Telecommunications Enterprises Central Africa, 309 Central America, 100, 306 Central Brooklyn Federal Credit Union, 476 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 586 Central Life Insurance, 603 Challenger Air Pilots Association, 472 Challenger Air Pilots Flying Field, 472 Chanute Air Field, 473 Charles, Ezzard, 532 Chapman, Nathan A., 646 Chapman Holdings, 646 Chappell, Emma, 608, 644 Chappelle, Thomas, 466 Charlotte, North Carolina, 85 Chase Manhattan Bank, 164, 278, 476 Chauffeurs' School, 231 Chaumette, Alexandre, 28 Chemical Bank of New York, 60, 476 Chenault, Kenneth I., 164, 431, 647 Cherokee Nation, 432 Cherry Deron, 535 Chesapeake and Liberia Trading Company, 301, 619 Chesapeake Marine Railway and Dry Dock Company, 134-36 Chess Records, 466, 467, 472 Chevalier, Omar, 302 Chevis Products, Ltd., 52. See also National Association of Black Automobile Suppliers Chevis-Johnson Controls venture, 53 Chevy Chase Federal Savaings Bank, 327 Cheyenne, WY, 239 Chez Jim (Malta), 306 Chicago Bears, 533 Chicago Bee, 439-40 Chicago Black Expo, 468 Chicago, Black Business History, 1, 5-6, 55- 56, 132, 136-40, 183, 263, 343, 439. See also Binga, Jesse; DePriest, Oscar Stanton; Fuller, S. B.; Hair Care Products Industry; Overton, Anthony; Travis, Dempsey; Wash- ington, Harold Chicago Board of Education, 183 Chicago Board of Trade and Commodities Exchange, 322 Chicago Bulls, 312, 533, 535 Chicago Defender, 1-3, 232, 348, 382-83 Chicago Defender Charities, 348 Chicago Metropolitan Assurance Company, 140-42, 298, 547 Chicago School of Music, 451 Chicago Teachers College, 267 Chicago Theological Seminary, 326 Chicago Tribune, 344 Chicago Urban Leaue, 139 Chicago Vietnam Veterans and Family Assis- tance, 411 Chicago Whip, 137 Child, Lydia Marie, 241 Chile, 96 China, 96, 309, 316 Chinese-Americans. See Asian/Black Entrepre- neurship, Comparison Chocolate Chip Cookies. See Amos, Wallace Jr. Chock Full O' Nuts Corporation, 532 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 146 Christian Ethics, 214 Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 86 Christianity, 304 Chrysler, 46, 53, 112, 403, 555. See also Auto Dealers; Auto Parts Supply Industry, African Americans Church of Christ, 380 Church of God in Christ (COGIC), 86, 144 Church of God in Christ Publishing Company, 86 Church of God Movement, 379 Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apos- tolic Faith, 433 Church, Robert Reed, Sr., 142-43 Church, Robert, Jr., 143 Churches, Black Independent (1890-1997), and Business, 32, 73, 143-47; 264. See also Black Churches and Business Cigar Makers. See Black Cigarmakers Cincinnati, Ohio, 133, 170 Cineplexes, 237 Citibank, 362 Citizens Bank of Louisianta, 321 Citizens and Southern Bank and Trust Com- pany, 613 Citizens Committee of Colored Creoles, 451 Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Associa- tion, 272 Citizens Savings Bank and Trust, 186 Citizens Railway Company, 345 Citizens Trust Bank of Atlanta, 549 Citizens Trust Company, 297 City Beverage Company, 479 City Lands Corporation, 57 City of Richmond v. J. A. Croson Co. (1989), 107, 114, 173, 174, 184, 481-82, 514, 641 Civil Aeronautics Authority, 151 Civil Libertarianism, 216 Civil Rights Act of 1875, 104 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 111, 148, 406 Civil Rights Era and Black Business, 46, 112, 149-50, 532, 543. See also Affirmative Ac- tion Civil Rights Era, Pre, Black Business, 112, 120; Black Athletes, 531. See also Separate Economy Civil Rights Era, Post, Black Business, 52, 113, 139-40, 161-62, 327, 308, 416. See also Affirmative Action Retrenchment, Im- pact on Black Busines; Affirmative Action Retrenchment, Supreme Court Decisions; Business Ownership, Since 1969 Civil Rights Movement, 93, 543, 555 Civil Rights Movement and Black Business, 93, 139, 139, 147-51, 543. See also Affir- mative Affirmative Action; Impact on Black Business Civil Rights Movement Impact on Black Busi- ness: Auto Dealers, 46-47, 49, 51 Civil War, 59, 70, 78, 100, 104, 133, 188, 302, 303, 329, 346, 454, 494 Civil War and Black Business, 516 Civilian Pilot Training Program (CPTP), 151 Claiborne, Liz, 312 Clara's House Shelter, 411 Clark-Atlanta University School of Business, 115, 119, 184 Clark, Edward V., 130 Clark, Olivia, 473 Clark, Robert, 564 The Clansman, 233 Class and Race (Sports), 537 Class Resources and Black business, 37, 478 The Claverite, 231 Clay, David, 620 Clay, John, 321 Clemson University, 33 Cleveland Call, 390 Cleveland Call and Post, 2, 390, 538 Cleveland Association of Colored Men, 390 Cleveland, Ohio, 85 Clinton, William (President), 58, 96, 207-8, 347, 647 Clio Award, 98 Clothes Cleaning and Repairing Rooms, 344 CME Publishing House, 86 CNN, 558 Coal Mining Firms (1992), 225 Coca Cola Company, 7, 99, 126-27, 148, 315, 404 Coca Cola Bottling Company of New York, 363 Coca Cola Enterprises, 191 Code of Conduct, 217. See The "Sullivan Principles" Coethnic Consumer Markets, 280. See Mar- kets, Protected, and Black Entrepreneurship Coffey, Cornelius Ribunson, 472. See also Coffey School of Aeronautics Coffey School of Aeronautics (Cornelius Ri- bunson Coffey and Willa Beatrice Brown), 151-52 Coffin, Levi, 576 Cognos Advertising, 6 Cohen, Lyon, 468 Coker, Daniel (Reverend), 301 Cole, Harry, 4 Cole, Johnetta, 452 Cole, Peter K., 303 Cole, Robert A., 140 Cole, Robert, 415 Cole Taylor, 55 Cole's American Giants, 415 Colgate-Palmolive, 361 College of Wiliam and Mary, 44 Collins Chicago Study. See Corporate Amer- ica, Black Managers Colonial America, Black Business, 152-54; 447; Black Musicians, 158; Women, 597-98 Colonial America, Slave Market Women, 155- 57; 598 Colonial New England, African Economic Sur- vivalisms, 157-59; 597 Colonialism, Impact on African Business, 7-8, 328, Colonialism, Impact on African Property Own- ership, 9 Color, 287 The Color Purple, 596 Colorado Lincoln Hills Development Com- pany, 629 Colorado Statesman, 582 Colored American, 624 Colored American Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts And Science, 620 Colored American Magazine, 83 Colored Caulkers' Trades Union Society, 135 Colored Cooperative Publishing Company, 83 Colored Free Masons, 525 Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, 73, 86, 144 Colored Men's Physicians, Dentists and Phar- macists Club, 136 Colored Merchants Association (CMA), 399, 512, 630, 631 Colored National Convention, 344. See also National Negro Convention Movement Colored Players Film Corporation, 234 Colored State Fair, 345 Colored Men's Professional and Business Di- rectory (1885), 136 Colored People's Blue Book of Chicago (1905), 137 Columbia Bank (PA), 321, 510 Columbia Broadcasting Company, 380. See also CBS Columbia Railroad, 565 Columbia University, 290, 355, 363, 407, 594 Cominsky Park, 416, 535 Colvis & Dumas, 28 Colvis, Joseph, 28 Commerical Bank and Trust Company, 580 Commision on Interracial Cooperation, 124 A Common Destiny: Blacks and American So- ciety, 112 Communist Party, 183, 227 Community Bank of Lawndale, 55 Community Law Project, 411 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), 30, 56, 102, 476. See also Banking, Chicago Com- munity Development, Community Reinvest- ment Act "Compelling State Interest," 481 Competition. See Black Business/White Com- petition Comprehensive Business Resource Center, 477 Comptroller of the Currency, 57, 61 Computer Technology. See Black Computer Technology Firms Comstock Mining Boom, 457 Concord Baptist Church (Brooklyn), 145 Cone Corp. v. Hillsbrough County, 186 Confederates, 260, 346, 494 Congo. See Zaire Congress of Racial Equality, 77, 144 Connecticut, 224 Conrad, Earl, 88 Conservative Black Economic Nationalism, 97 Consolidated Edison, 638 Consolidated Lasting Machine Company, 372 Consortium for Graduate Study in Manage- ment, 121 Construction Industry, 174, 185. See also Black Construction Industry Construction/Contracting, 122; and Federal Government, 173 Consumer Market. See Black Consumer Mar- ket Concessions International Corporation, 479 Consolidated Bank and Trust Company, 580, 642 Consumer Expenditure Survey, 353 Continental Army, 128 Contract Set-Aside Program, 150. See also Federal Contracts; Set-Asides, Minority Business "Contract With America," 278 Convenience Corporation of America, 645 Convention Industry, 376 Converse (Sports Shoes), 533 Conyers, John, Jr., 49 Conyers, Nathan G., 49 Conyers Riverside Ford, 49 Cook, Sarah, 29 Cooke, H. D., 252 Cooper, Edward Elder, 624 Cooper, Jack L., 463 "Cooperative Economics," 353, 354 "Cooperative Industry," 401 Cooperative Enterprises, 430, 476 Cooperative Financial Insitutions, 292 Coors Brewing, 177 Copper Romance, 332 CORE, 77, 144 Corley, Lester, 645 Cornelius, Charles H., 43 Cornell University, 120 Corn Planting Machine, 618 Comes & Co., Ltd (Japan), 310 Cornwell, W. Don, 541, 608, 641 Corporate America, Black Managers, 150, 159- 64 Corporate America's Black Executives, 162, 164-66, 642, 644 Corporation of Caterers (NY), 132 Correction Connection, Inc., 640 Cortisone, 349 Cosby, Camille, 452 Cosby, William "Bill,"Henry, Jr., 363, 452, 535, 536, 557 Cosmetic Manufacturers. See Black Cosmetic Manufacturers Cosmetology Schools. See Black Beauty Col- leges Cosmopolitan Chamber of Commerce, 138 Costa Rica, 270, 583 Cotton Gin, 45, 170, 199, 518 Cotton Planting Machine, 618 Cotton Production, Black Farmers Pre-World War I, 12 Cottonwood Hot Springs Spa Motel, 96 Cottrell, Comer J., 166-67, 283, 535 Cottrell Foundation, 167 Couvent, Madame Bernard, 449 Coverall North America, 243 Cowles Business Media, 353 Cox Broadcasting, 548 Cox Brothers Funeral Home, 551 Cox, Charles and Allen, 551 Cox, Minnie, 603 Cox, Oliver Cromwell, 167-69 Craftsmen Aero-News, 459 Craftsmen of Black Wings, Inc., 459 Craftsmen Manufacturing, Construction, 169- 74 Crain's Chicago Business, 268 Cramps Ship Building Company, 132 Crisis, 232, 289, 444 Creek Freedman, 223 Creek Nation, 223 Creek Negroes, 223 Creektown Trading Houses (Nigeria), 437 Crest Toothpaste, 533 Criminal Activities. See Illegal Black Busi- nesses, Organized Criminal Activities Croatia, 96 Cromwell, Levi, 131 Croson. See City of Richmond v. J. A. Croson Co. Cross Colours, 642 Crowell, W. R., 383 Crummell, Alexander, 303 Cuba, 270, 304, 306, 474 Cudahy and Company, 239 Cuffe, Paul, 175-76, 219, 240-41, 300, 307, 448, 562 Cuffe & Howards, 175 Cullers, Marian, 177 Cullers, Vincent, 4, 177 Culture of Peace Programme (UNESCO), 545 Culver, Taylor, 33 Cunningham "Mama" Carrie, 551 Cunningham, Wendell T., 550 Curly Kit, 167 Currie, T. E., 565 Curry, Leonard, 251, 447 Curtis, Austin, 127 Curtom Record Company, 468 Czech Republic, 644 D D & K Enterprises, 243 Dabney Publishing Company, 83 "Daddy" Grace, 381, 512 Dallas, TX, black business in 167 The Dancing Nig (1907), 233. See also Film Production Daniels and Bell, 322, 637 Daniels, Billie, 556 Daniels-Carter, Valerie, 609 Daniels, John, 609 Dark & Lovely, 287, 314, 535. See also Carson, Inc. Darrow, Clarence, 70, 183 Dartmouth, 120 Daughters of Tabor, 246 Davenport, Chester, 542 David's (Cookies), 19 Davis Bend Plantations, 388 Davis, Benjamin, 550 Davis, Ed, 46 Davis, Edward (Dr.), 184 Davis, Jefferson, 388 Davis (Jefferson/Joseph) Bend Plantations, 79 Davis, Joseph, 388 Davis, Walter A., 404 Davis, Willie D., 533 Davis, William W., 165, 646 Dawson, William L. (Congressman), 348 Day, Thomas, 170, 178-79, 516, 518 Day, Thomas, Jr., 179 Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute, 451 Dearborn Real Estate Board, 571 DeBaptiste, George, 179-80 DeBow, J.B.D., 1850 Louisiana Census Black Businesses, 27 Decatur, Stephen, 240 Deerfield, Colorado, 78 Def Comedy Jam, 483, 557 Defender, Chicago, 1-3, 136 Defense Contracts. See Black Defense Con- tracts Defense Data Network, 309 Def Jam Records, 431 Delany, Martin Robison, 130, 170, 180-82, 210, 220, 248, 303, 448, 509, 562, 564-65 Delaware, 127 Dell Computers, 541 Delta Kappa Chi, 453 Delta Penny Savings Bank, 603 Delta Sigma Theta, 17 Democratic Party, 187, 348, 522, 590 Democratic Photoplay Corporation, 234. See also Film Production Denmark, 311 Denver Colorado, 89, 131 Denver International Airport, 324 Denver Nuggets, 535 De Passe Entertainment, 182 DePasse, Suzanne, 182, 557, 608 DePauw University, 349 DePriest, Oscar Stanton (Congressman), 138, 182-84 Dereef and Howard, 563 Dereef, Richard, 23, 220 Dermatologist, 356 Des Moines, Iowa, 83 Desara, David, 562 Desegregation, 101-2 Detroit, 6, 49, 51, 88, 179, 283 Detroit Lions, 535 Dial Corporation, 191 Diasporic Africans, 478 Dick Gidron Cadillac and Ford, Inc., 48 Dick Griffey Associates, 468 Dick Griffey Productions, 224, 309, 468 Dickerson, Earl B., 298 Diehl, Walter, 232 Digital Equipment Corporation, 112 Diggs, Charles, Jr. (Congressman), 61, 261 Diggs, Charles C., 261 Dime Savings Bank, 642 Dinkens, David (Mayor), 547 Dillard University, 73 "Dimensions of Soviet Economic Power," 586 Direct Selling Association, 193 Disadvantaged Theory of Ethnic Entrepreneur- ship, 34-35 Discrimination Disparities, 470 Discrimination, Remedies, 481 Disney Studios, 165, 236, 596 Disparity Studies, 184-86 Diton, Effie, 405 Dixon, Thomas, 233 DJMA, 185 D. J. Miller & Associates, 184 Dobbs, John Wesley, 186-87, 548 Dode, Peter, 21 Dodge Dealerships, 609 Doley, Harold, 322 Don King Productions, 352 Don King Sports Entertainment Network, 352 Doley Securities, 322, 637 Domestics, 583 "Don't Spend Your Money/Shop Where You Can't Work" Campaign, 137 Dootone Recording Company, 466 Dorsey, Hugh, 126 Douala, Cameroon, 309 Doubleday, 635 Douglas Broadcasting Inc., 465 Douglas, John, 464 Douglas, Stephen, 378 Douglass Bank (Kansas City, KS), 58, 61 Douglass, Frederick, 20, 60, 252 Douglass Life Insurance Company, 632 Douglass, N. John, 558 Douglass National Bank (Chicago), 55, 138, 440 Downing, Thomas, 130 Downing, George Thomas, 130, 132, 188-89 Downsizing, Corporate, 118, 165, 189-92, 610 Doxey, Lewis, 516 Dozier, Lamont, 467 Drake, St. Clair and Horace Cayton, 138, 255, 280, 281 Draper, Garrison, 21 Dreadlocks, 311 DreamWorks, 237 Drew Pearson Companies, 640 Drew, Timothy, 432. See also Noble Drew Ali Drexel National Bank, 55, 635 Drug Trade. See Illegal Black Businesses, Or- ganized Criminal Activities Drugstores, 55 Drum Major For Justice Award, 538 Dube, John Langalabele (Reverend), 417 DuBuclet, Antoine, 491, 492 Du Bois and Dill Publishing Company, 83 Du Bois, William E. B.(Edward Burghardt); Atlantic Slave Trade, 45; Black business philosophy, 291; Black business studies, 111, 274, 395, 430, 453; Black business strategies, 418, 625; "Business as Public Service," 286; Critics of DuBois, 291; Cri- tique on Garvey's Pan/Africanism/Neocolo- nialism, 305; Critique on Booker T. Washington, 589; DuBois/Washington De- bate, economist assessment, 209-210; Eco- nomic Co-operation Among Negro Americans, 451; 1898 Fourth Atlanta Con- ference, 418; Misinterprets house slaves/ser- vants as origin of black business class, xiv; Moon Illustrated Weekly, 443; NAACP, 204, 589; National Afro-American League, 400; Negro in Business, 274, 430; Niagara Movement, 40, 400; Political Ideology, 94, 216, 429-30; Promotion of black coopera- tives, 430; On South's Jim Crow Responses to black beneficial societies, 298; Souls of Black Folks, 589; "Talented Tenth," 40, 418, 436 Duckworth, Margaret, 579 Ducrois, G. N., 28 Dudley Cosmetology University, 193 Dudley, Eunice, 193, 286 Dudley, Joe L., 192-94, 282, 286, 330 Dudley's Haircare Fact Book, 282-83 Dudley Products Inc., 193, 282 Dugger, Edward, III, 324 Duke Ellington, 551 Duke Label, 472 Dulan, Hurlon, 407. See also National Black MBA Association Dumas, Alexander, 28 Dumas Hotel, 131 Dumas, Joseph, 28 Dumases, 302 Dun & Bradstreet, 305, 399, 439 Dun Mercantile Credit Company, 321 Dun Mercantile Credit Reports, 130, 170, 565. See also Free Black Entrepreneurs Dunbar Film Company, 234 Du Pont Gunpowder Mills, 219 DuPuy, Edmond, 565 Duran, Roberto, 351 Durham, NC, 82, 202-3, 436. See also Black Wall Street Durham Commerical and Security Company, 203 Durham Committee on Negro Affairs (DCNA), 436 Durham Human Relations Committee, 528 Durham Textile Mill, 82 Durnford, Andrew, 194-97. See also Durford, Thomas Dumford, Thomas, 492 DuSable High School (Chicago), 569, 561 DuSable, Jean Baptiste Pointe, 136, 153 DuSable Museum of African American His- tory, 85, 393 "Dutchess" Quamino, 128, 154, 598 Dyke and Dryden (London), 308 E Earl Graves Associates, 278 Earl G. Graves, Ltd, 278 Earl G. Graves Publishing Company, 278 Early, Arthur, 433 East India Toilet goods Company, 624 Eastern Airlines, 637 Eastern Colored League, 414 Eastman Kodak, 361 Easton, Robert J., 403 Eatonville, Florida, 80 East Saginaw, Michigan, 222 East St. Louis, IL, 46, 78, 336, 372 East-West (All-Star) Game, 416 Ebony, 46, 177, 289, 611. See also Johnson, John Harold Ebony Fashion Fair, 332, 452 Ebony-Jet Tours, 332 Ebony Jr!, 332 Ebony/Jet Showcase, 557 Ebony South Africa, 314-15, 334 Echo Records, 466 Eckstine, Billy, 4 Eckstine, Ed, 469 Economic Blueprint of the Nation of Islam, 422 Economic Co-operation Among Negro Ameri- cans, 451, 453. See also DuBois, William E.B. "Economic Detour," 36 Economic Development Administration, 61-62 "Economic Empowerment" Program, 545 Economics of Discrimination, 586 Economic Opportunity Act, 635 Edgar, Jacqueline L., 609 Edison, Thomas, 127 Editor and Publisher Year Book, 2 Edmonds Entertainment, 237 Edmonds, Kenneth "Babyface," 469 Education and Black Businesspeople, 112, 159, 243. See also Literacy and Black Busi- nesspeople Edward Burnett's Casual Fashions (Japan), 310 Edwards, Junius, 7 EEC, 308 EEG Dallas Broadcasting Company, 278 EEOC. See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission E. F. Young, Jr. Manufacturing Company, 285 E. G. Bowman Co., 299, 607, 638 E. G. Gardner Beauty Products Inc., 267 Egoli Beverages, 315 Egypt, 305 Eisenhower, Dwight D. (President), 187, 357, 380 Eldridge, Elleanor, 599 Electric Lights, 623 Elgin Settlement (Canada), 302 Elijah Muhammad Three Year Economic Plan, 426 Elliot Department Store, xxi Ellison, William, 169-70, 198-99, 492, 516, 518 Ellsworth, Scott, 204 EM (Ebony Man), 332 Emancipation Proclamation, 498 Emancipator, 449 Embalming Fluid Manufactory, 264 Emerge, 315 Emergency Education Program, 459 EMI Records, 468 Employment, Blacks and Federal Government, 149 Employment Discrimination, 409 Employment Patterns, Black Business, 75, 107, 199-201 Employment Patterns, Minority Business, 480 Employment Training, 545 Enclaves, Entrepreneurial, 35-36, 201-5, 280, 513 Enclaves, Ethnic, 526. See also Immigrant Merchants Endorsements. See Sports, Athlete Enterprises and Enterpreneurs England, 300, 302, 306, 308 Engineering Contractors v. Metropolitan Dade County, 186 Enterprise (South Africa), 315 Enterprise Zones, 205-8 Enterprise Zones: A Solution to the Urban Crisis, 206 Enterprise Zones: Pioneering in the Inner Cities, 206 Entertainment Enterprises, 3-4, 608; See also Film Production; Radio Enterprises; Record- ing Industry; Television Industry Entreprenuer Models, Black Community Eco- nomic Development, 208-11 Entrepreneurial Enclaves in the African Amer- ican Experience, 413 Entrepreneurial Theories, 35-36, 293 Entrepreneurship and Self-Help Among Black Americans, 201 Envirotest Systems Corporation, 324, 542 Epic/Sony Records, 469 Epsilon Nu Delta Mortuary Fraternity, 265 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 148-49, 586 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Companies, 164 Equiano, Olaudah, 43 Equitable Life, 164 Equitable Life Assurance Building, 478 Equity Capital, 106 Erving, Julius" Dr. J." Winfield, II, 363, 533, 535 Essence, 110, 289, 315, 430, 611 Essence Awards for Business, 182 Essence Communications, 611, 646 Esso Standard Oil, 404 Esther Laboratories, 285 Esusu, 247, 474 Eta Phi Beta, 633 Ethics, African Americans and Business, 211- 15 Ethics and American Democratic Capitalism, 215-19 Ethics, White Corporate America, 212-13 Ethiopia, 472 Ethiopian Clowns, 416 Ethnic Entrepreneurship, 35 Ethnic Entrepreneurship Class Resources, 37, 514 European Economic Community (EEC), 308 Evanita Holding Company, 322 Exclusive Records, 466 Executive Order 11246, 199 Executive Order 11458, 65-66 Executive Order 11625, 66 Executive Order 12138, 66 Extractive Industries, Enterprises, 219-25, 378 "Eyes on the Street," 526 F Faces at the Bottom of the Well, 213 Falwell, Jerry (Reverend), 146 Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies. See Amos, Wallace, Jr. Fard, W. D. (Wallace Drew), 422, 432 Far East, 306 Far Eastern Trade Association, 307 Farmers, 12-17 Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), 15-16 Farr, Mel (Sr.), 646 Fashion Fair Cosmetics, 308, 333, 607 Father Divine [George Baker], 226-29, 381, 433, 512 "Father of Harlem," 445 "Father of the Curl," 393 Faustina Beach, 230 Faustina, Gilbert, 229-31 FCN Publishing Company, 86 Fedco Foods Corporation, 363, 636 FDIC. See Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion Federal Aviation Administration, 152 Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 465, 644 Federal Contracts, 52, 149, 199-200, 609. See also. Equal Employment Opportunity Com- mission; Office of Federal Contract Compli- ance Program Federal Courts and Black Business, 52 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, (FDIC), 56, 60, 62, 65, 66 Federal Depository Deregulation and Monetary Act (1980), 62 Federal Employment, 149. See also Equal Em- ployment Opportunity Commission; Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program Federal Government and Minority Business, 150, 173. See also Set-Asides, Minority Business Federal Government Equal Opportunity Man- dates, 513. See also Affirmative Action; Civil Rights Era and Black Business Federal Manuscipt Census/Black Business, 517 Federal Minority Business Plan, 643 Federal Reserve Bank, 65, 550 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpora- tion, 65, 66 Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 265, 288, 330 Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 459 Feldman, Lynn, 272, 483, 582 Felton, William McDonald, 231-32 Female Trading Association, 601 Ferguson, Kathy, 598 Ferris, William H., 269 Fields, Michael, 165, 643 Fifty-Ninth Street Theater (Harlem), 231 Filipinos, 307 Film Production, 232-38, 277, 307, 310, 327, 336, 459, 468, 483, 533, 640. See also Mi- cheaux, Oscar Final Call, 425, 427 Finance Capitalism, xxviii Financial Capital, 511 Financial Management Service, 66 Finland, 306 First American Woman Bank Founder. See Walker, Maggie Lena First Artist Production, 235 First Black Actuary, 528 First Black Billion Dollar Business. See TLC Beatrice International Holdings First Black Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 549 First Chicago(Bank), 56 First Harlem Securities, 322 First National Bank (Chicago), 46 Fishing, Hunting, Trapping Firms 1992, 224 Fisk University, 71, 73, 452, 556, 610 Fisk University Press, 84 Fitzgerald, Richard Burton, 82 Fitzhugh, H. Naylor, 120, 405 Five Blackbirds, The, 459 Five Civilized Tribes, 204 501(c)3 Corporation, 407, 412 Flavor, 483 Flavor Unit Record, 608 Flemming, Adelaide, 405 Fletcher, Arthur (Dr.), 406 Flippen, Pearl, 405 Flori Roberts, 541 Florida, 41 Florida A & M University (FAMU), 115, 118 Florida A & M School of Business, 115-18 Folkes, Scott, 469 Folsom, Joseph Libby, 359 Foneal, J. V., 29 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 126 Food Services and Hotel Industries, 133-34. See also Catering, Inns, Hotels Foot Cone & Belding, 98 Forbes, 475, 596, 608 Ford, Barney L., 238-39, 302 Ford, Cornelius Evarts, 239-40 Ford Dealership, 609 Ford Foundation, 476, 636 Ford, Gerald (President), 139 Ford, Henry, 50 Ford Motor Company, 7, 49, 50, 51, 140, 313, 403. See also Auto Dealers; Auto Parts Sup- ply Industry Ford Motor's Lincoln-Mercury Division, 361 Foreign Cars, 47, 122 Forestry Enterprises, 224 Forten, Charlotte, 242 Forten, James, 170, 176, 240-42, 248, 448 Forten, James, Jr., 242 Forten, Robert, 242 Fortune, Amos, 616 Fortune, 4, 113, 287, 535, 537, 552 Fortune Global 500 Industrials, 46 Fortune 500 Corporations, 51, 52, 119, 121, 148, 340, 375, 609 Fortune 500 Black Managers/Executives in, 150, 164-65 Fortune 500 Board Members, 166 Fortune 500 Industrial Companies, 162 Fortune Service 500 Companies, 162 Fortune Service 250 Companies, 162 Fortune, T. (Timothy) Thomas, 269, 400 Forty Acres and a Mule, 236. See also Film Production; Lee, Spike Foster, Rube, 137, 414 Foster Photoplay Company, 233 Foster, W. F., 588 Foster, William 233 "40 Acres and a Mule," 12 Founders National Bank (Los Angeles), 538- 39 400 Years without a Comb, 392 Fourteenth Amendment and American Busi- ness, xvi Fourth (1898) Atlanta Conference, 418 Fox-TV, 539 France, 131, 249, 302, 306, 308, 347 Franchise Units, 122, 312, 243-44, 268, 533, 609, 643. See also Auto Dealers; Black Franchise Owners; TLC Beatrice Interna- tional Holdings Franklin, Benjamin, 499 Franklin, John Hope, xxiv Franprix (France), 312 Fraser, George, 430 Fraternal Organizations, 99-100, 172, 217, 255, 245-46, 264, 296, 420, 512, 525 Fraunces, Samuel, 129, 154 Fraunces Tavern and Restaurant, 129, 154, 616 Frazier, E. Franklin, 202, 255, 290, 436 Frederick Douglass, 270 Frederick Douglass Memorial Hospital and Training School, 625 Free African Society, 241, 247-48, 296, 394, 435 Free Black Entrepreneurs, 248-52. See also Antebellum Black Business Activities Free Frank. See McWorter, Free Frank Free Frank: A Black Pioneer on the Antebel- lum Frontier, xix Free Labor Bank, 621 Free Lance Press, 85 Free Masonry. See Fraternal Organizations Free Men of Color, 23 Free People of Color, 27, 29, 515 Free Produce Movement, 601 Free Soil Journalist, 344 Free Speech (Memphis), 602 Free Will Baptist Seminary, 378 Freed, Allen, 464 Freedom National Bank (NY), 474, 532, 636, 642 Freeman, Marcus, 560 Freedman's Aid Society, 73 Freedman's Bank, 59-60, 252-53 Freedmen Saving's and Trust Company, 59. See also Freedman's Bank Freedmen, 70, 498 Freedmen's Bureau, 12, 71 Freedmen's Journal, 449 Freedmen's Hospital, 96 Freedom Bookstore, 88 Freedom's Journal, 1, 302 Fresh Prince of Bel Air, 557 Friendly Society of Sierra Leone, 176, 300 Frito-Lay, 165 From Slavery to Freedom, xxiv Fuci Metals, USA, 312, 533, 609 Fudge, Ann, 164, 610 Fugitive Slave Law, 1850, 343-44 Fugitive Slaves, 220, 302, 429. See also Un- derground Railroad and Black Business Fujita, Japan McDonald's, 310 Fuller Department Store and Office Building, 253 Fuller Livestock Enterprise, 253 Fuller Guaranty Corporation, 253 Fuller Philco Home Appliance Center, 253 Fuller Products, 193, 330 Fuller, S. B., 193, 253-54, 282, 286 Fullilov v. Klutznick (1980), 481 Full-Line Insurance Company, 297 Funeral and Mortuary Enterprises, 254-56, 551, 552 Funeral Business Firms, 256-59, 524 Funeral Business History, 25, 259-66, 616 Fur Trading, 131, 136 Fykes, James Samuel Lynch, 306 Fykes, Leroy, 407. See also National Black MBA Association G Gadhafi, Muammar, 427 Gaines, N. Walter, 558 Gall, Amelia, 599 Gallo Winery, 7 Gamble and Huff Enterprises, 468 Gamble, Kenneth, 467 G. A. Morgan Hair Refining Cream, 389 G. A. Morgan Hair Refining Company, 389 G. A. Morgan Refining Company, 389 Gambling and Black Business, 131, 141, 142. See also Illegal Black Businesses, Organized Criminal Activities Gantt, Harvey, 33 Garden, John, 461 Gardena, California, 166 Garden State Cable TV, 642 Gardner, Edward G., 267-68, 282, 286, 535, 611 Gardner, Gary, 267, 268 Gardner, Newport, 616 Gardner, Terri, 611 Garnett, Henry Highland, 303 Garrison, William Lloyd, 175, 241, 448 Garvey, Amy Jacques, 269, 304 Garvey, Marcus, 76, 176, 210, 268-71, 304-5, 430, 431, 444 Gas Heating Furnace Invention, 604 Gas Mask Invention, 389. See also Morgan, Garrett Augustus Gaston, Arthur George, 261, 263, 271-73, 452 Gaston, Minnie, 270 Gate City Drug Store, 549 Gate City Free Kindergarten, 40 Gateway National Bank, 55, 635 Gatorade, 533 Gaye, Marvin, 18 GDP (Gross Domestic Product), 208 Gender Equality, 327 General Education Board, 74 General Electric, 433, 623, 630 General Foods, 148, 164, 326, 333, 610 General Mills, 533 General Motors (GM), 46, 112, 140, 313, 317, 403, 408. See also Auto Dealers; Auto Parts Supply Industry Gender Discrimination, 156, 585 "Genius With the Midas Touch," 606 Genovese, Eugene, 489 George Washington Carver Foundation, 127 Georgia, Black Business, 1890-1915, 273-77 Georgia Democratic White Primary, 187 Georgia Institute of Technology, 319 Georgia Pacific Building, 479 Georgia Prince Hall Masons, 186 German-Jewish Slaveholder, 28 Germany, 304, 306, 311, 644 Ghana, 307, 311, 312 Gibbs, Mifflin W., 302 Gibson, Althea, 559 Gibson, Josh, 414 Gibson, Kenneth (Mayor). See also Mayors, Black, and Black Business Gibson, Truman, 298 Gidron, Richard, 48-49 Gilbert, Jarobin, 557-58 Gillespie, Frank L., 546, 629 Gillette Co., 7, 288 Gillette, Frankie Jacobs, 406 Giraud, Stephen, 248 Giuliani, Rudolph, 477 Glass, Carter (Senator), 60 Glass Ceiling, 118, 217, 610 Glenn, Mildred, 639 Glidden Paint Company, 349 Global Political Economy, 10, 110, 189, 313- 317, 478. See also Population (1995) GM. See General Motors Godfather's Pizza, 641, 645 Godwin, John, 515 Goings, Russell, 322 Gold Coast (West Africa), 417 Gold Forever Music (Records), 467 Gold Mines, 307. See also Extractive Indus- tries, Enterprises Gold Mining, 221, 620 Gold Strike, 302 Gold Rush, 455 Golden State Insurance Company, 630 Golf, 4, 531, 534, 606, 625 "Good Faith Agreements," 592 Good Times, 557 Goode, Wilson (Mayor). See also Mayors, Black, and Black Business Goodrich (Goodridge), William, 170-71, 249, 564-65, 576 GOP. See Republican Party Gordon, Robert, 221 Gordy, Berry, Jr., 182, 277, 467 Gordy Company, 277 Gospel Music, 110, 269, 472, 557 Gospel Spreading Church of God, 381 Gospel Spreading Tabernacle Building Associ- ation, 380 Government Contracts and Minority Business, 150, 481. See also Set-Asides, Minority Business Government Loans, 102. See also Small Busi- ness Administration Grambling State University, 115 Grameen Bank (Bangladesh), 477 Grand Fountain of the United Order of True Reformers. See True Reformers Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, 245 Granite Broadcasting, 318, 541-42, 643 Granito, Lori, 311 Grant and Stone Store, 301 Grant Company, W. T., 529 Grant, George F., 625 Grants, 474 Grant, Ulysses S. (President), 238, 252 Grassroots Alternatives for Public Policy, 412 Grassroots Initiatives for Economic Develop- ment, 412 Graves, Earl Gilbert, 111, 277-78, 331, 430, 431, 535. See also Black Enterprise Gray, Cecil, 490 Gray, Simon, 278-79. See also Slave Entrepre- neurs and Intrapreneurs Gray, William H., 115 Great Britain, 9. See also England Great Chicago Fire, 344 Great Depression, 168, 191, 210 Great Depression and Nation's Banks, 55, 60, 291, 580 Great Depression and Black Business failures, 280-81, 339, 464; Numbers of (1930-1940), 555 Great Depression, effects on: Black Aviation Enterprise, 459; Black Banks, 138, 440, 631; Black business districts, 339, 527, 552; Black Film Production, 235; C. H. James & Co., 329; Construction Industry, 172; Farm- ers, 13, 183; Father Divine, 227-28; Frater- nal Organizations, 246; Illegal activities and venture capital, 140, 293, 415; Insurance Companies, 298, 436, 440; International en- terprises, 306; Madam C. J. Walker Manu- facturing Company, 584; Manufacturing Enterprises, 105; Poro Hair Products, 574; Protest activities, 92-93; Self Help Activi- ties, 380 Great Depression and Black Business Survi- vors, Funeral and Mortuary Industry, 261; Sarah Spencer Washington (Apex), 305; Murray Cosmetic Company, 306; North Carolina Mutural, 436; Hobart Taylor Cabs, 555; Consolidated Bank and Trust Com- pany, 580; Citizens Trust Bank of Atlanta, 549. See also Atlanta Life Insurance Com- pany; Booker T. Washington Insurance Company; Golden State Insurance Company; Mechanics and Farmers Bank; Universal Life Insurance Company Great Migration, Black Entrepreneurship, 2, 68, 183, 279-81, 255, 261, 390, 445, 546; European Immigrants, 280; Women Enter- prises, 603-4 Great Philadelphia Trading Company, 468 Great Plains, 381 Green Bay Packers, 533 Green, Clifford Scott, 433 Green, Joseph, 29 Green, Kim, 165 Green, Thomas, 22 Greenbrier, Mr., 576 Greene, Lorenzo, 171 Greenlee Field, 415; Newspapers, black, 1-3 Greenlee, William August "Gus," 415, 416 Greensboro (NC) Sit-In, 326 Greenwood District. See Black Wall Street; Enclaves, Entrepreneurial; Tulsa, Oklahoma Greer, Prince, 260 Gregory, Dick, 640 Greyhound Corporation, 404 Grice, Hezekiah, 301 Griffey, Dick, 224, 308, 467 Griffith, Mark Winston, 476 Griggs v. Duke Power Company, 586 Griggs, Sutton E. Reverend, 84 Grigsby Brandford and Co., 311, 322 Grigsby, Calvin, 311, 644 Grimes Oil Company, 224 Grimes, William, 158 Grisham, Daryl, 140 Grog shops, 131 Groves, Junius G., 565 Gryzwinski, Ronald, 57 G-III Apparel Group, 337 Guarantee Bank and Trust Company. See Na- tion of Islam Enterprises Guide Publishing Company, 83 Guaranty Bank and Trust, 55 Gulf-Western Complex, 467 Gumbillotte, Oscar, 28 Gundles, John H., 322 Gurin, Patricia, 586 Guthrie, Carlton, 402 Guyana, 312 Guyanese-American, 568 H Hagler, H. A., 551 Haile Selassie (Emperor), 4721 Haines Institute, 443, 451 Hair Care Products Industry, 282-90, 309, 483, 624, 646 Hairdressers. See Black Beauty Shops Hair Pullers, 572 Haiti, 270, 300, 302, 304 Haitian Imports, 306 Haitian Revolution, 23 Half-Century, 441 Hall, Don Carlos, 21 Hall, Gwendolyn Midlo, 27 Hall-Jordan (Funerals), 258 Hall, Peter, 205 Hall, William F., 433 Halliburton, R., 494 Hallmark (Cards), 354 Hamilton, Forest, 467 Hamilton, Samuel, 553 Hamilton, Thomas, Sr., 83 Hammond, James, 499-500 Hampton Conference, 625 Hampton, Gladys, 466, 608 Hampton Institute, 32, 284 Hampton Institute Press, 84 Hampton, Lionel, 466, 608 Hampton Records, 608 Hampton-Tuskegee Model of Industrial Educa- tion, 71 Hampton University Association of New York, 306 Handy, William C., 443, 466 Hanover Direct, 146 Hansberry, Carl A. and N. Louise, 452 Hansberry Foundation, 452 Hansberry, Lorraine, 452 Happy News, 380 Happy News Cafe, 380 Harambee House, 638 Hargrave, Alfred, 518 Harlem, 87, 88, 226, 264, 271, 285, 399, 445 Harlem Airport (IL), 151 Harlem Broadcasting Corporation, 464 Harlem Globetrotters, 535 Harlem Renaissance, 143, 269 Harlem Textile Works, 354 Harleston, David, 468 Haney, R. H., 220 Harold: The Peoples Mayor, 571 Harper, Francis Ellen Watkins, 90 Harpo Productions, 557, 608. See also Win- frey, Oprah Harrell, Andre, 468 Harris, Abram Lincoln, Jr., 137, 138, 210, 290- 92 Harris, Charles F., 635 Harris, Doris Mae, 433 Harris, George S., 141 Harris, Lillian, 603 Harris, Margaret Mitchell, 621 Harris, Samuel, 519 Harris, Thomas P., 141 Harrison, Herbert H., 269 Harrison, William Henry (President), 179 Hastick, Roy, Sr., 477 Hatcher, Richard (Mayor). See Mayors, Black, and Black Business Hartford Avenue Baptist Church (Detroit), 145 Harvard Business Review, 148 Harvard College, 310 Harvard University, 41, 44, 61, 119, 120, 121, 310, 349, 355, 361, 407, 476, 535, 638 Harvest Manor Restaurant, 145 Harvey, Iris, 310 Haugabrooks Funeral Home, 551 Haubarbrooks, Geneva, 551 Hawaii, 19, 303, 633 Hawkins, William H., 568 Haymon, Alan, 468 Hayti, 339. See also Black Wall Street; Dur- ham, NC HBCU. See Historically Black Colleges and Universities Health and Beauty Aids Manufacturing Enter- prises, 426, 512. See also Hair Care Prod- ucts Industry Health Care Industry Enterprises. See Black Health Care Industry Enterprises HEED, 405 Heinz "57 Varieties," 24 Heisman Trophy Winner, 533 Helicopter, 567 Henderson, Alexa Benson, xvii Henderson, Fletcher, 444 Henry Clay Frick Coal Company, 222 Henry Harper, James Ransom, & Co., 520 Henry, Ragan, 324 Herb-Juice-Penol Company, 127 Herb Sportswear, 310 Heritage Foundation, 206 Herdon, Alonzo Franklin, 38-43, 276, 296, 297, 549 Herndon, Norris Bumstead, 38-43 Hertz-Rent-a Car, 533 Heywood, John, 369 H. F. Henderson Industries, 309, 466 Higgs, Robert, 276 Higginbotham, A. Leon, Jr., 433 High Brown Face Powder, 439, 606 High Grade Union Made Cigars Co., 229 Highland Community Bank, 55 Hightower, Dennis, 644 Hill, Jesse, 42-43 Hip Hop, 249, 310-11, 483, 608, 641, 642 Hispanic Businesses, 62-63, 465. See also Minority-Owned Businesses, 1992 Survey Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), 114-15, 118 History of Black Business in America, Capital- ism, Race, Entrepreneurship, xvii Hitsville USA, 277 HIV, 257, 427, 539 H. J. Russell & Company., 174, 478 H. J.Russell Construction Company, 478 Holiday, Billie, 551 Holland, Jerome H., 637 Holland, Robert, 165, 644 Hollis, Michael, 568 Holloway, Richard, 23 Hollowell, Louise W., 551 Holman Brothers, 300 Holmes, FLorence, 406 Holocaust, 214 Holsey, Albon, 104 Holyfield, Evander, 537 Home for Destitute Colored Children, 449 Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, 449 Homer Phillips Hospital, 46 The Homesteader (1919). See Film Production; Micheaux, Oscar Honda Dealership, 609 Hong Kong, 205, 307, 310, 311 Honolulu, 306 Hooks, Benjamin, 408 Hoover, J. Edgar, 380 Hope, John, 418 Hopewell, VA, 379 Horace Trumbauer and Associates, 33 Horatio Alger, 194, 344 Hord, Noel, 164 Hot Comb, 572, 582 Hotel Industry and Blacks, 398 Hotel Theresa, 96 House of Bonny (Niger Delta), 328 House of Refuge, 449 House of Willis (Funeral), 263 House Party (1990), 237 Household of Ruth, 245 Houston, TX, 61 Houston, Whitney, 469 Howard, Oliver Otis (General), 252 Howard, Robert, 23, 220 Howard University, 32, 98, 115, 119, 120, 290, 291, 349, 638 Howard University Press, 84, 85 Howe, Sir Geoffrey, 205 Howell, Fitzherbert, 629 Hucksters, 227 HUD. See United States Department of Hous- ing and Urban Development Hudlin Brothers, 237 Hue, 332 Hue-Man Bookstore, 89 Huff, Leon, 467 Hughes Brothers (Albert/Allen), 236 Hughes Radio One Inc., 608 Hughes, Cathy, 465, 608 Human Capital in Business, 37, 251, 368-69, 409, 511, 539 Human Rights, 539 Humane Brotherhood, 25-26 Hunter, Herbert, 168 Hyde Park Bank and Trust, 56 Hygienic Pet Baking Powder, 439 Hyman, John (Congressman), 522 Hyman, Mark, 84 I IBM, 608 Ibo, 203 Illegal Black Businesses, Organized Criminal Activities, xxvii; 3, 68, 293-95, 351, 415, 476 Illinois Beauty Culture Law, 348 Illinois Civil Rights Law, 452 Illinois Council for College Attendance, 411 Illinois Federal Savings and Loan, 138, 139- 40 Illlinois Neighborhood Development Corpora- tion, 57 Immigrant Merchants, 276, 280, 339, 387. See also "Middleman Minorities" Imperial Music Records, 466 Income Inequalities, 210, 370 Indecorp Bank, 55, 56, 641 Independence Bank, 55, 139, 331 Independent Black Economy, 291. See also Separate Economy Independent Black Funeral Directors Associa- tion, 265, 630 Independent Order of St. Luke, 245, 296, 579. See also Fraternal Organizations; Walker, Maggie Lena Independent Order of St. Luke Insurance De- partment, 603 India, 96, 305, 312, 316 Indian Territory, 223 Indiana, 305 Indiana Business School, 111 Indianapolis Clowns, 416 Indonesia, 96, 119, 316 Industrial City, 553 Industrial Education, 71 Industrial Relations Research Association, 587 Industrial Restructuring, 372, 373 Industrial Revolution, 43. See also Industriali- zation Industrial School for Colored Girls, 580 Industrialization, 171, 222-23, 224 Industry Network Solutions (INS), 309 Informal Economy, 54 Information Age, 335. See also Internet, Black Business Online, World Wide Web Information Superhighway, 97. See also Inter- net, Black Business Online, World Wide Web Information Technology, 587 Ingham, Germaine, 433 Ingham, John, 272, 483, 582 Inglis, Thomas, 23, 321 Initial Public Offering (IPO), 337, 541 In Living Color, 557 Inner-City Black businesses, 103, 205, 339 Inner City Broadcasting, 309, 464, 548 Inner-City Communities, 150, 293, 645 Inner-City Crime. See Illegal Black Busi- nesses, Organized Criminal Activities Inner City Ethnic Entrepreneurs, 477 Inner-City Film Audiences, 235 Inner City Foods, 139 Inner City Franchisees, 244 Innis, Roy, 77 Input-Output Computer Service (IOCS), Inc., 309 Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 453 Insurance Companies, 142, 295-99, 512, 525, 633. See also names of specific companies Integrity, 214 Inter-American Development Bank, 67 Internal Labor Markets, 587 Inter-Ocean Hotel, 238 Internal Revenue Service, 48 International Air Association (IAA) Airlines, 568 International Aircraft Trading Inc. (IAT), 312, 568 International Bank for Reconstruction and De- velopment, 67 International Beauty and Trade Show, 95 International Council of Women of Darker Races, 580 International Foundation for Education and Self- Help, 545 International Free and Accepted Masons, 558 International Merchandising Corporation, 307 International Talent Management Inc., 277 International Television, 558 International Trade Enterprises, 110, 176, 300- 317. See also Brown, Ronald Harmon Internet, Black Business Online, World Wide Web, xxv; 87, 309, 317-21 Interracial Council for Business Opportunity, 113 Investment Banking, 165, 311, 321-24, 610, 645 Invictus Records, 467 IOCS, 309 IOCS/African Informatics, 309 Iowa State Bystander Publishing Company, 83 Iowa State Bystander, 83 Iowa State College, 124 IPO, 337, 541 Iron Chest Cincinnati Real Estate and Con- struction, 619 Irons, Edward D. (Dr.), 61 Irvin, Monte, 416 Irvine, Moses, 26 Irving, Washington, 561 Islam, 432 ISOPLUS, 346 I Spy, 557 Italo-Ethiopian War, 472 Italy, 31 IVAX Corporation, 268, 286, 331, 643, 646 Ivey, Waverly, 466 Ivory Coast, 166, 307, 308 J Jackson, Alonzo, 498 Jackson, Booker, 564 Jackson, James A. "Billboard," 404 Jackson, Janet, 538 Jackson, Jesse Louis, 93, 97, 217, 289, 325- 28, 408, 646, 647 Jackson, Luther Porter, 564 Jackson, Mannie, 535 Jackson, Maynard (Mayor), 173, 187, 548. See also Mayors, Black, and Black Business Jackson, Michael, 469 Jackson, Reggie, 533 Jackson, Rufus, 414 Jackson State University, 115, 118 Jackson, TN, 86 Jacksonville, FL, 566 Jacksonville Jaguars, 535 Jaja of Opobo, 328-29 Jakes, Henry, 22 Jamaica, 247, 270, 308 Jamaican Canadian Association, 476 James, Charles Howell, 329-30, 643 James, Charles II, 329 James, Clinton, 131 James, Edward, 329 James Hotel, 551 James M. Wilkerson's Undertaking Company, 260 James Produce Company, 643 James, Thomas S., 345 Jamestown, VA, 615 Japan, 96, 304, 309, 310 Japan Watch, 310, 609 Japanese-Americans. See Asian/Black Entre- preneurship, Comparison Japanese Auto Manufactures. See Auto Dealers Jarrett, Richard, 563 J. A. Rogers Publications, 84 Jaynes, Gerald David, 112 J. C. McBrady and Company, 253 JCPenney, 311 Jefferson, Thomas, 616 The Jeffersons, 557 Jeffries, LeRoy, 404 Jenkins, Philip M., 322 Jenkins, Joseph Roberts, 301 Jennings, Thomas, 618 Jet, 289 Jet Engine Containers, 533 Jewel Food Stores, 7 Jewelers. See Antebellum Black Business Ac- tivities, Jewelry/Silverware Store Jewish-Americans, 356, 520, 526 "Jewish Conspiracy," 168 "Jewish Influence," 272 Jheri Curl, 640 J. H. Heinz Company, 24 J. H. Zedricks & Co., 304 Jihad, 88 Jim Crow Era, Business Impact: Architects, 32- 33; Barbers, 283-84; Catering, 132-33, 274; Construction, 171-72; Financial Institutions, 436, 549. See also Georgia, Black Business, 1890-1915; South, Black Business, 1880- 1930; "Sweet Auburn" Avenue Jim Crow Iniquities, 400, 456, 530, 544 Jim Crow Laws, 91, 100, 187, 204, 230, 271, 380, 395, 417, 554, 555, 565-66 Jitneys. See Taxicab Enterprises J. J. Sulton and Sons, 222, 565 J. M. Products Co., 286, 346 Jobete, 277 "Jobs for Negroes" Campaigns, 93 Joe Louis Distilling Company, 531 Joe Louis Enterprise, 532 Joe Louis Milk Company, 531 Joe Louis Punch Company, 271, 531 Johannesburg, 593 Johannesburg Stock Exchange, 542, 610 John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry, 458 John C. Robinson National Air Collete, 472 John C. Robinson School of Automotive Engi- neers, 472 John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance, 164 Johnson, Albert W., 46-47 Johnson Cadillac, 139. See also Johnson, Al- bert W. Johnson Cadillac-Saab, 47 Johnson, Anthony, 493, 615 Johnson, Camillia, 599 Johnson, Cato, 576 Johnson, Charles, 201 Johnson, Charlie W., 646 Johnson Controls, 52 Johnson Development Group, 538. See John- son, Magic Johnson, Earvin, Jr. See Johnson, Magic Johnson, Eric, 331 Johnson, Eudora, 68 Johnson, Eunice, 607, 611 Johnson, Evelyn, 472 Johnson, George P., 233, 382 Johnson, George E., 55, 139, 253, 282, 286, 330-31 Johnson, Joan, 331 Johnson, John Harold, 253, 298, 331-35, 366, 452, 547. See also Johnson Publications; Johnson Publishing Company Johnson, Lyndon Baines (President), 635 Johnson, Magic, 277, 452, 535 Johnson, Noble, 233-34 Johnson Products, 55, 139, 140, 268, 283, 308, 313, 541, 643, 646. See also Hair Care Products Industry; Johnson, George E. Johnson Products of Nigeria, 330 Johnson Publications, 1947 Advertising Film, 4; Auto Advertising Accounts, 46, 405 Johnson Publishing Company, 46, 83, 138, 308, 314-315, 318 Johnson-Rice, Linda, 611 Johnson, Robert L., 309, 335-37. See also BET; Black Entertainment Television Inter- national Johnson, Roy, 165 Johnson, Walter, 138 Johnson, William Hamilton, 304 Johnson, William Julius "Judy," 415 Johnson, William Tiler, 249, 250, 321, 337- 38, 565 Joint Ventures, 52-53, 174, 277, 317, 318, 333, 336, 337, 340, 479, 538, 644 Joint Ventures International, 308-9, 310, 314, 315, 317, 330, 334, 640 Joint Venturing, 338-43 Joliet State Penitentiary, 69 Jones, Absalom, 296, 616, 617 Jones Brothers, 306, 632 Jones Brothers Ben Franklin Store, 632 Jones, Caroline, 4, 6 Jones, Carl, 642 Jones, Dan (Rev. Dr.), 406 Jones, George C., 260 Jones, Herbert H., Jr., 568 Jones Hotel/Inn, 131 Jones, Jehu, 24, 26, 131 Jones, John, 137, 343-44 Jones, John Jay, 263 Jones, Kate, 599 Jones, Quincy, 431, 469 Jones Street Railway and Equipment Com- pany, 345 Jones, Theresa, 609 Jones, Thomas W., 164 Jones, Wiley, 345-46, 566 Jordan, B. L., 296, 297 Jordan, John, 21 "Jordan Effect," 537 "Jordan Fundamentals," 539 Jordan, Michael, 312, 452, 533-34, 535, 536, 537 Joseph, Charles, 582 Joshua, Ernest, 286, 346-47 Joshua, Michael, 347 J & S (Records), 466 Joubert, L. J., 451 Joyner, Marjorie Stewart, 285, 347-48 Julian Laboratories, 349 Julien, Max, 235 Julian, Percy Lavon, 349-50 Julian Richardson Associates, 88 Julius Rosenwald Fund, 72, 74 "Junk Bond King," 362 K Kalamazoo, Michigan, 88 Kani, Karl, 249, 312, 644 Kansas, 41, 61 Kansas City, Kansas, 61, 603 Kansas City Monarchs, 414 Karenga, Maulana, 352 Karl Kani Infinity Company, 644 Kean, Edmund, 564 Keckley, Elizabeth, 486, 601 Keen, Josephine B., 405 Keith, Leroy, 313, 535 Kellogg Company, 177 Kellogg Foundation, 412 Kemp, Jack (Congressman), 206 Kendrick, Moss H., 404 Kennedy, Edward (Senator), 96 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (President), 17, 392 Kennedy, Robert, (Attorney General), 278 Kent-Barry-Eaton Connection Railroad Com- pany, 639 Kent School of Law, 570 Kentucky, 41 Kentucky Fried Chicken. See KFC Kentucky State University, 115 Kenwood Commercial Furniture, 638 Kenwood Group, Inc., 610 Kenya, 166 Kerford Caves, 223-24 Kerford, George, 223 Kerford, George W., 223 Kerford, Lloyd, 223 Kerford Quarry Stone Mining Company, 223 Kerner Commission Report, 51, 148, 528 Kernersville, NC, 193, 646 Keys, Brady, 533 KFC, 7, 243, 533 Kiblah, Arkansas, 263 King Brothers Construction Company, 487 King, Don (Donald Ferrin), 351-52, 537-38 King, Horace, 487, 515 King, Martin Luther, Jr. (Dr.), 93, 187, 217, 264, 269, 326, 555, 570 King, Martin Luther III, 406 King Training Camp, 352 King World, 596 Kingston, Jamaica, 308, 474 Kinshasa, Zaire, 351 Kirk, Ronald (Mayor), 374 Kizell, John, 300 KLMG-TV, 558 K-Mart, 99, 112, 311, 534, 607 Knight, Henry, 564 Knights of Peter Claver, 230-31 Knights of Pythias, 217, 296, 429, 441, 525. See also Fraternal Organizations Knowles, Matthew, 289 Koch, Ed (Mayor), 547 Koger, Larry, 491, 494 Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts, 362 Korean-Americans Business, 37, 289, 293. See also Asian/Black Entrepreneurship, Compar- ison Kostner, Kevin, 536 KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation, 120 Kraft Foods, 7, 333, 361, 610 Ku Klux Klan, 1, 233, 380 Kung Fu Action Films, 236 Kwanzaa, Commercialism of, 352-54 L Lacroix, Francois, 29, 249, 250, 516, 617 Lacroix, Julien, 248, 250, 565 Lacroix (Francois and Julien) Brothers, 302 LaFace Records, 469 Lafon, Thory, xxiv, 28, 449-50 Lagos, Nigeria, 304 Laird, Roland, 641 Landry, Bart, 280 Lane, Lunsford, 220, 564 Langston University, 115 Lankford, John, 32 Lanoise, J. B., 29 La Noue, George, 185 Larkin, Thomas O., 358 Las Vegas, 531 Lauderback, Brenda, 164, 610 Lauderdale, Jack, 455 Latin America, 308 Lawless, Theodore Kenneth, 355-56 Lawrence, Fenda, 155 Lawyer's Committee on Civil Rights, 17 Lawson State Community College, 115 LeaderPrice Stores (France), 312. See also TLC Beatrice International Holdings Leary Group, Inc., 310, 609 Leary, Kathryn D., 310, 609 LeBlanc, P., 28 LeBlanc, B., 29 Lee, Bertram, 535 Lee, Eliza Seymour, 24, 131, 516 Lee, George Washington, 356-57 Lee, John, 24, 131 Lee, Joseph, 131 Lee, Kathie, 312 Lee, Spike, 110, 640 Lee, Walter, L., 138 The Left, 168, 183-84, 227 Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies, 41, 436 Legoasters Brothers (also LeGoaster), 28 Legoaster, Erasme, 28 Legoaster, Philipe Aime, 28, 29 Leidesdorff, William Alexander, 131, 220, 248, 250, 357-60, 509, 562 Le International Imports, 311 Lelia Beauty College, 585 Lena Hore Cosmetic company, 607 Leo Burnette, 98 Leveraged Buyout, 121, 311, 361, 362, 636, 641. See also Lewis, Reginald Francis Lewis, Byron Eugene, 6, 360-61 Lewis, Edward, 646 Lewis, James, 450 Lewis, John Whitelaw, 628 Lewis-Kemp, Jacqueline, 610 Lewis, Kirk, 402 Lewis, Lawrence, 322 Lewis, Loida, 362, 611. See also TLC Beatrice International Holdings Lewis, Margie, 609 Lewis Metal Stamping Company, 610 Lewis, Reginald Francis, 311, 431, 361-63, 541. See also TLC Beatrice International Holdings Lewis, Steve, 408 Lewis, William, 165 LGT Asset Management, 165 Libby Company, 127 Liberator, The, 242, 448 Liberation Bookstore, 88 Liberia, 270, 300, 301, 303, 304, 307, 419 Liberian Plantations, 301 Liberty Life Insurance Company, 546, 629 Liberty Media Group, 646 Libya, 427 Life, Reggie, 310, 557 Light, Ivan, 35, 365 Light of the World Christian Church (Indian- apolis), 145 The Light and Heebie Jeebies, 572 Light-Skin African Americans, 25-26, 233, 280, 382-83, 444, 583. See also Brown Fel- lowship Society; Mulattos Ligon, Alfred and Bernice, 88 Lily White Security Benefit Association, 246 Limestone Caves, 219, 223 Lincoln, Abraham, 59, 188, 252, 378 Lincoln, C. Eric, 144 Lincoln Hospital, 529 Lincoln League, 143 Lincoln, Lillian, 120 Lincoln, Mary Todd, 486 Lincoln Motion Picture Company, 233, 382 Lincoln University (MO), 168, 443 Lindbergh Charles, 458 Lion Publishing Company, 472 Liquid Gold Manufacturing Company, 426 Lister Brothers, 126 Literacy and Black Businesspeople, 153, 522 Literacy Volunteers of America, 20 Little Rock, Arkansas, 99, 260 Little Sisters of the Poor, 450 Liverpool (ENG), 301, 303 Livestock Enterprises. See Black Cattle/Live- stock Enterprises Livingstone College, 401 Llewellyn, James Bruce, 363-64, 535 Lloyds of London, 302 Locke, Alain, 290 Lockhart & Pettus, Inc., 6 Lockhart, Keith, 6 Locks Funeral Parlor, 260 Loewen Group, Inc. (Canada), 257, 258, 266 Lomax, Charles, 351 London, 308, 312. See also England Longview, TX, 558 Lone Star Motion Picture Company, 234 Lonesome Dove, 182, 557 L'Oreal (France), 268 Lorillard Corporation, 177 Los Angeles, 18, 88 Los Angeles Lakers, 535 Los Angeles Parachute Company, 632 Los Angeles Riot (1992), 193 287 Los Angeles Sentinel, 2 Lottery, 4, 26, 247 Louis, Errol T., 476 Louis, Joe, 474, 531-32 Louisianna Association for the Benefit of Col- ored Orphans, 449 Louisiana Native Guards, 454 Louisiana Volunteer Infantry, 454 Louisville National Medical College, 265 Lovejoy, IL, 284, 572. See also Black Town Enterprises; Brooklyn, Illinois Lower/Upper South Black Business Rates. See South, Black Business, 1790-1880; South Black Business, 1860-1880 Lumber Merchants. See Extractive Industries, Enterprises Lundy, Larry, 643 Lundy Enterprises, 643 Luster, Fred, Sr., xxvii Luster, Jory, 646 Luster Products Company, 286, 313, 347 Lustrasilk, 288 Lyons, Henry (Reverend Dr.), 146, 265-66 Lyons, Sidney and Mary, 624 M Macao, 312 Macmillan, Terry, 89 Macy's, 19 Madam C. J. Walker. See Walker, Sarah Breedlove Madam C. J. Walker Hair Culturists Union of America, 451, 583 Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company, 283, 347, 583 Madam Walker Spirit Awards, 585 Madam Walker Theatre Center, 585 Madhabuti, Haki, 84 Madison, Arkansas, 264 Maggie Lena Walker National Historic Site, 581 Maggie Lena Walker Foundation, 581 The Magic Hour, 539 Magic Johnson Enterprises, 535 Magic Johnson Foundation, 539 Magic Johnson/Sony Theaters, 110, 319, 538. See also Johnson, Earvin Mahalia Jackson Show, 557 Mahogany Travel Co., 332 Mail Order Enterprises. See Black Mail Order Enterprises Major League Baseball, 530 Make the Connection, 597 Malcolm X, 88 Malcolm X, 640 Malone, Aaron, 573 Malone, Annie, 284. See also Turnbo-Malone, Annie Minerva Pope Malone, Deadric, 467 Malta, 306, 308 Malveaux, Julianne, 406 Malvin, John, 562 Mamiya, Lawrence H., 144 Management Technology, 609 Mancelona Manufacturing, 402 Mandela, Nelson, 314 Manhattan Borough President, 547 Manley, Abe, 415 Manley, Effa, 415, 416 Manpower Training, 149 Manufacturers' Record, 126 Marciano, Rocky, 532 Marcus Books, 88 Marguerita Ward Cosmetics Company, 607 Markets, Black Consumer, 4-5, 101, 105, 150, 306, 332, 466, 604, 609 Markets, Protected, and Black Entrepreneur- ship, 365-68 Market Structure Barriers, Black-Owned Busi- ness, 368-71 Marriott Corporation, 404, 643 Mars Contract Company, 404 Mars, Inc., 5, 361 Marshall & Associates, 7 Marshall Fields, 19 Marshall, Thurgood, 187 Martha's Vineyard Racquet and Fitness Club, 560 Martin, Elsa Ramsey, 551 Martin Luther King Community Center, 479 Martini, Herbert A., 330 Marxist-Influenced, 168 Mary, Aristide, 29, 449, 451 Mary Bethune, 568 Maryland Haytian Company, 302 Mason, Biddy, 450 Mason Tillman, 185 Masons, 186, 187, 217, 296, 558. See Frater- nal Organizations Massiah, Frederick, 172 Masters Championship, 534 Matthews, Butch, 522 Matthews, Eugene, 310 Matthews, George, 558 Matthew House of Champaign, 411 Matthew, Issac, 564 Matthews, Jennie, 522 Matthews Livery Stable, 564 Mattis, James, 472 Matzeliger, Jan Earnst, 371-72 Mayfield, Curtis, 468 Mayors, Black, and Black Business, 372-77. See also Washington, Harold Maytag, 165 Maxell House Coffee, 164, 610 Maxima Corporation, 318, 639, 647 MBAs on the Fast Track, 585 MBDA, 66 MBDP, 64, 65 MBELDEF, 185 MCA Music Entertainment Group, 468, 643 MCA Records, 277, 467, 469 MCI, 541 McArthur (Douglas) General, 307 McCabe, E. P., 624 McCall Pattern Co., 362 McCarty (Macarty), Madame Cecee (Eulalie), 28, 248, 250, 462, 599-600 McCarty, Drauzin Barthelemely (also Drosin), 29 McCartys, 302 McClennan, Alonzo (Dr.), 450 McClarty, Homer W., 402 McCoy, Elijah, 622 McDaniels, E. E., 565 McDaniels, Gene, 469 McDonald, Hattie, 262 McDonalds, 7, 99, 243, 310, 533, 643 McDonogh, John, 194 McGhee, Norman L., 322, 634 McGhee & Co. Investment Securities, 322, 634 McGill Brothers, 302 McGill, George, 301 McKinley, William (President), 100 McKissick Brothers Construction Company, 173 McLaughlin, Clara, 558 McLaurin, Dunbar, 307 McPherson, Christopher, 300, 562, 563, 616 McSween, Cirilo A., 634 McWorter, Free Frank, 219, 377-79, 429 McWorter, John, 567 Meachum, John, 516, 562 Mechanics and Farmers Bank, 291, 296, 436, 529 Mechanics Savings Bank, 297 Medill, Joseph, 344 Medina, Bobby, 469 Meharry Medical Collete, 73, 265 Meier, August, 401 Melbourne, Julius, 302 Mel Farr Automotive Group, 646 Memphis Drama, 212 Memphis State Bank, 61 Memphis, Tennessee, 86, 142-43 Menace II Society (1993), 236 Mercantile Agency Reference Book, 518 Mercedes Benz, 643 Mercury Records, 467, 469 Merrick, John, 40, 82, 246, 436, 529 Merrill Lynch, 165, 323 Messenger, The, 444 Messenger of Peace Citation (UN), 539 Metal Mining Enterprises 1992, 225 Metoyers, 461, 492, 493 Metoyer, Augustin., 492, 493 Metoyer, Coincoin (Marie Therez), 493, 494, 600 Metoyer, Dominique, 619 Metropolis, IL, 571 Metropolitan Applied Research Center, 586 Metropolitan Atlanta Council for Economic Development, 375 Metropolitan Life, 297 Metropolitan Mutual Assurance Company, 138, 141 Metropolitan Funeral Home, 263 Metropolitan Funeral Systems Association (MFSA), 140 Metropolitan Realty and Investment Company, 627 Meullion, Jean Baptiste, 451 Meullion, Suzanne, 321, 620 Mexico, 302, 306 Mexico City, 306, 349 Mfume, Kweisi, 398 MGM, 235. See Film Production MGT of America, 185 Michael Jordan Foundation, 452 Michaux, Lewis H., 87 Michaux, Lightfoot Solomon [Elder], 379-81 Micheaux, Oscar, 234, 381-84 Micheaux Film and Book Company, 382 Micheaux Pictures, 234. See also Micheaux, Oscar Micheaux, Swan, 383 Michigan Institute Technology, 32 Microlending Associations, 476 Microsoft, 318, 337, 541 Middle Class. See Black Middle Class Middle East, 306, 308 Middle Easterners, 36 Middle Passage. See Atlantic Slave Trade Prof- its Middlebury College, 96 "Middleman Minorities," 36, 294 Midway Television Institute, 550 Military Contracts. 390. See Leidesdorff Military Savings Banks, 59, 621 Milken, Michael, 362 Millman, Joel, 475, 478 Mills, Gary, 493 Milton, Lorimer D., 549-550 Milton, NC, 178 Milwaukee County Pavers Assn v. Fiedler, 186 Mingo, Frank, 5 Mingo Group, 4, 5 Mingo-Jones Advertising, 6 Mings Chinese Restaurant, 550 Minnie Lee Pie Company, 605 Minor, Raymond, 469 Minor's Moralist Society, 25 Minority Bank Deposit Program (MBDP), 64, 65 Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), 66 Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund, 185 Minority Business Set-Asides, 480-482 Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Company (MESBIC), 636 Minority-Owned Businesses, 1992 Survey, 384- 88 Minority-Owned Business Formation Rates, 370 Minority-Owned Businesses Venture Capital, 387 Minton, Henry, 130, 131 Mission Impossible, 557 Mississippi Life Insurance, 41, 297, 356, 357, 603 Mississippi River Packet Company, 454 Missouri, 41, 46 Mitchell, Arthur W. (Congressman), 183 Mitchell, Parren (Congressman), 481 Mitsubishi, 310, 327 MJJ Productions, 469 Mobile, AL, 229 Mobley, Sybil, 116, 408 Modell, John, 201 Moesha, 557 Mogul, Artie, 18 Mohammad, Warith Deen, 425 Mollenkopf, John, 374 M-l Tank Transmission Containers, 533 Mon Luis Island, 230 Monarch Productions, 234 Monrovia, 301, 474 Montel Williams Show, 557 Montgomery Bus Boycott, 93 Montgomery, Benjamin T., 78, 388 Montgomery, Isaiah T. See Black Town Enter- prises Montgomery, Mary, 78 Moon Illustrated Weekly, 443 Moore, Aaron McDuffie (Dr.), 436, 529 Moorish Science Temple, 431 Moral Covenants, 148 More, Willis P., 522 Morehouse College, 73, 95, 115, 119, 187, 288, 313, 418 Morgan, Delphine W., 567 Morgan, Garrett Augustus, 388-91 Morgan, Henry M., 284, 287, 391-92 Morgan National Safey Hood, 390 Morgan Stanley, 165, 362 Morgan State University, 32, 73, 115, 278 Morial, Ernest N. (Mayor), 374 Morial, Marc H. (Mayor), 374 Morin, William J., 190 Morlan International, 257 Morril Fund, 71 Morris Brown College, 42, 73 Morris, John P. Sr., 568 Morrison, Toni, 596 Morrow, Willie L., 286, 392-93 Morrow's Curly Hair Products," 392 Morrow's Unlimited, 392 Morter, Isaiah, 269 Mosaic Templars, 99-100 Mosely-Braun, Carol (U.S. Senator), 268 Moskowitz, Milton, 120 Moss H. Kendrix Public Relations Company, 404. See National Association of Market Developers Moton, Robert Russa, 203 Motown, 139, 467. See Gordy, Berry Motown Productions, 182, 277, 557 Motion Picture Industry. See Film Production Moulin Rouge Hotel, 531-32 Moultrie, Francis J., 132 Mound Bayou. See Black Town Enterprises Mound Bayou Loan and Investment Company, 80 Mound Bayou Oil and Manufacturing Com- pany, 79 Mound Bayou Cotton Mill, 417 Mouyiaris, Carol Jackson, 607 Movie Theaters, 644 Moy, Sylvia, 469 Mrs. Fields (cookies), 19 Mt. Zion Baptist Church (Indianapolis), 145 Muhammad Al, 351, 532 Muhammad, Elijah, 77, 351, 432 Muhammad, Herbert, 351 Muhammad Speaks, 424 Muhammad, Wallace, 425 Muhammad's Temple No. 2 Publications De- partment, 86 Mulattos, 23, 25, 28, 280, 460, 461, 520, 521, 524, 620 Multicultural Markets and Media, Summit on, 647 Multiethnic Radio, 465 Multiplex Theater, 538 Mulzac, Hugh, 632 Municipal Bankruptcies, 374 Municipal Bond Industry, 322 Municipal Contracts, 375 Murphy, Eddie, 236 Murphy, John H., Jr., 1 Murray, Arthur, 345 Murray, Charles D., Sr., 306 Murray, Lili, 306 Murray Cosmetic Company, 306 Murray's Hair Pomade, 306 Museum of Fine Arts Nubian Gallery (Bos- ton), 587 Museums, 393-94 Musician's Protective Union, 136 Muskogee, (Oklama), 80, 260 Muslim Fish House, 423 "Mutual," 435. See also North Carolina Mu- tual Life Insurance Company Mutual Aid/Insurance Enterprises, South, 395- 96 Mutual Aid and Banking Company, 512 Mutual Aid Societies, 474 Mutual Assessment Organizations, 39 Mutual Federal Savings and Loan Association, 186, 552 Mutual Savings and Loan Association, 436, 529 Myers, Issac, 135 Myrdal, Gunnar, 2, 171, 255, 261 Myriad International, 542 Mystery, 180 N NAACP Antilynching Fund, 585 NAACP Commerce and Trade Council (CTC), 398 NAACP Economic Development Initiatives, 397-99 NAACP Legal Defense And Educational Fund, 187, 411 NAACP Operation Fair Share, 639 NAACP Reciprocity Initiative, 398 NABAS. See National Association of Black Automotive Suppliers Nail & Parker, 399 Nail, Edward, 133 Nail, John B., 133, 399-400, 622 Namibia, 317 Nanette Candy Company, 605 Nantucket, 455 Nanula, Richard, 165 Naomi Sims Beauty Products, Limited, 483 Naomi Sims Collection, 282, 483 Napier, James, 417, 566 Napier, William, 517 NASA, 453, 481 NASDAQ. See Stock Market Listings Nashville Globe, 94 Nashville, TN, 84, 86, 94, 173, 566 Nat King Cole, 551, 557 Nat Turner, 500 Natchez, Mississippi, 249, 337 Natchez Race Course, 337 Natchez Railroad, 321 National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion, 453, 481 National Afro-American League, 400-402 National Alliance of Postal Employees, 186 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 30, 85, 93, 147, 151, 187, 233, 270, 349, 390, 397, 399, 431, 444, 570, 589 National Association of [Negro] Bankers, 512 National Association of Black Automotive Suppliers (NABAS), 402-3 National Association of Black Accountants, 636 National Association of Black Owned Broad- casters (NABOB), 645 National Association of Black Women Entre- preneurs, 611 National Association of Colored Women, 143 National Association of Funeral Directors, 265 National Association of Market Developers (NAMD), 403-5 National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD), 47-48 National Association of Minority Contractors, 113 National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Incorporated, 405-6, 611 National Association of Resident Management Corporations, 413 National Association of Securities Dealers Au- tomatic Quotations. See Stock Market List- ings National Association of Tonsorial Artists, 391 National Association of Urban Bankers, 638 National Bankers Association (NBA), 61, 113, 612 National Baptist Church Supply Company, 94 National Baptist Convention, 94, 143, 265, 433, 529 National Baptist Convention of America, 86, 146 National Baptist Publishing Board, 86. See Boyd, Richard Henry National Baptist Publishing House, 94 National Bar Association, 525 National Basketball Association, 535 National Beauty Culturalist League, 285, 346, 633 National Benefit Life, 40, 41, 246 National Black Business Council, 514 National Black Chamber of Commerce, 406-7, 514 National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame, 194 National Black MBA Association, 121, 191, 319-20, 407-10 National Black Media Coalition, 320 National Black Network, 638 National Black United Fund [NBUF], 410-11 National Black United Fund, Inc. v. Alan K. Campbell and United Way of America, 410- 11 National Builders Association, 630 National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 586 National Business League. See National Negro Business League National Cable Television Association (NCTA), 336 National Center for Educational Statistics, 120 National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise (NCNE), 411-14, 514 National Clothing Factory, 424 National Conference on Constitutional Rights and American Freedom, 392 National Council of African American Churches, 265 National Council of Negro Women, 348, 539 National Credit Union Administration, 66 National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, 65 National Design Model and Dressmakers' As- sociation, 629 National Economic Association Westerfield Award, 587 National Economic Research Associates, 185 National Educational Association, 453 National Fez Factory, 424 National Freedmen Savings and Trust Com- pany. See Freedman's Bank National Funeral Directors and Morticians As- sociation (NFDMA), 262, 264, 266 National Group Television, 558 National Headquarters of the Nation of Islam, 426 National Hockey League, 536 National Institute of Science, 453 National Leader Publishing Company, 433 National Memorial Bookstore, 87, 88 National Merchant Bank of Zimbabwe, 311 National Minority Business Council, 113 National Minority Supplier Development Council, 113, 430 National Negro Airmen's Association, 151 National Negro Bankers Association, 417, 525, 613, 630 National Negro Bar Association, 417 National Negro Baseball League, 414-16 National Negro Business League (NNBL), 5, 40, 69, 76, 80, 94, 99, 222, 399, 401, 447, 416-19, 512, 589 National Negro Congress, 632 National Negro Convention Movement, 90, 181, 419-20, 618 National Negro Doll Company, 94 National Negro Finance Corporation (NNFC), 203, 529, 630 National Negro Funeral Directors and Morti- cians Association (NFDMA), 265, 525 National Negro Insurance Association (NNIA), 298, 356, 512, 525 National Negro Labor Union, 135, 188 National Negro Press Association, 512 National Negro Retail Merchants Association, 525, 526 National Negro Undertakers Association, 417 National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), 34 National Rainbow Coalition, 327. See PUSH National Recovery Act, 183 National Recovery Administration, 530 National Register of Historic Places, See McWorter, Free Frank; Walker, Sarah Breed- love National Safety Device Company, 390 National Small Business United, 113 National Society of Black Engineers, 319 National Steamboat Company, 625 National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 465 National Trucking System, 424 National Urban League, 85, 96, 113, 206, 430, 431, 472, 530 National Urban League Black Executive Exchange Program, 420-21 National Youth Administration (NYA), 287, 473, 594 Nation of Islam Enterprises, Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, 77, 210, 310, 381, 421- 28, 432, 532 Native Americans, 175, 204, 223. See also Minority-Owned Businesses, 1992 Survey Navcom Systems Group, 568 NBA. See National Bankers Association NBC, 558-59 NBUF. See National Black United Fund, Inc. NCNE. See National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise NDI Video, Inc., 643 Neal, Mansfield, 433 Needham Harper & Steers, 99 "Negro Appeal," 464 Negro as Capitalist, The, 137, 290-91. See also Harris, Abram Lincoln, Jr. "Negro Bar," 221, 359. See also Extractive Industries, Enterprises Negro Brokerage House, 322 Negro Business and Business Education, 453, 554, 555-56 The Negro College Graduate, 201 Negro Digest, 331-32 Negro Division of U.S. Department of Com- merce, 269 Negro Factories Corporation, 268. See also Garvey, Marcus "Negro Grounds," 501 Negro in Business, 274, 430. See also Du Bois, William E. B. Negro Labor Relations League, 139 "Negro Market" Specialists, 403 Negro Motion Picture Players Association, 459 "Negro Potato King," 565 Negro Press. See Black Press "Negro Removal," 570. See also Urban Re- newal Negro Wall Street, 204. See also Black Wall Street; Durham, NC; Enclaves, Entrepreneu- rial; "Sweet Auburn" Avenue; Tulsa, Oklahoma Negro World, 268, 269 Neighborhood Enterprise Associations, 207 Neighborhood Institute, 57 Neighborhood Leadership Development Insti- tute (NLDI), 412 Neiman-Marcus, 19 Neisner, 474 Nelson, Orville, 330 Neoconservatives and Black Business, 422, 478 Netherlands, 311 Netnoir, 319, 644 Networks, Black Business, 285-86, 428-31, 526. See Rotating Credit Associations; So- cial Capital New Africa Advisers, 311 Newark Eagles, 415; Newspapers, black, 1-3 New Black Middle Class, 218, 430 New Day, 227 New Deal, 183, 380, 459 New Jersey, 19 New Jersey Jets, 536 New Negro Alliance boycott, 93 New Orleans, 88 New Orleans City Railroad Company, 565 New Orleans Freedmen's Aid Association, 622 New Orleans Gas Light Company, 321 New Orleans Louisanian, 454 New Orleans, Opelousas and Great Western Railroad, 321 New Philadelphia, IL, 78. See also McWorter, Free Frank Newport News, Virginia, Black Business in, 304 New South, 216 New South Africa, 311 Newspapers, black, 1-3, 427. See also Black Press New World National Bank, 639 New York African Society for Mutual Relief, 321 New York Age, 231, 400, 401 New York Amsterdam News, 2 New York, Black Business, xxii-xxiii, 48, 553, 628. See also Harlem New York Black Real Estate Enterprises. See Payton, Philip; Nail, John B. New York Central Railroad, 239 New York Colored Business Men's Associa- tion, 628 New York City, 7, 48 New York Cubans, 415 New York Curb Exchange, 322 New York Life Insurance, 634 New York Slave Conspiracy (1741), 499 New York State Urban Development Corpora- tion, 477 New York Stock Exchange, 321, 322, 337, 535, 637. See also Stock Market Listings New York Times, 473 New York University, 473 New York West Indian Businesses. See Rotat- ing Credit Associations, Caribbean Ameri- can Chamber of Conference NFDMA. See National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association Nibby, Inc., 469 Niagara Movement, 40, 400 Nicaragua, 302 Nickel Savings Bank, 296 Nicodemus, KN, 78 Niger Delta, 247 Niger River Palm Oil Trade, 328 Nigeria, 166, 303, 304, 307, 308, 313 Nigerian-American Tapes and Recordings As- sociates (NATRAL), 309 Nine West, 164, 610 "Nigger Company," 619 "Nigger Work," 490 Nike, Inc., 312, 534, 539, 642 99th Pursuit Squadron, 151, 173 Nissin Foods, 311 Nixon, E. D., 93 Nixon, Richard (President), 65, 77, 139, 210 Nkrumah, Kwame, 88 NNBL "War-Time Clinic," 269 Noble Drew Ali (Timothy Drew) 431-32 Noer, David M., 190 Nonmetallic Minerals Firms 1992, 225 Nonminority (White) Employers, 200 Nonminority Markets, 102 Non-Segregating Seating, 567 Norfolk State University, 115 Norman Film Manufacturing Company, 234 Norris International Boxing Club, 532 Norris, James Austin, 432-35 Norris, Schmidt, Green, Harris, Higginbotham, and Associates, 432 North Beach & Mission Railroad Law Suit, 456 North Carolina A&T University, 115, 193, 287, 326 North Carolina Central University, 115 North Carolina College, 528, 529. See also North Carolina Central University North Carolina Mutual Life and Provident As- sociation, 435 North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, 17, 41, 82, 296, 297, 395, 435-37, 512 North Jacksonville Street Railway Company, 566 Northeastern Life Insurance Company, 546 "Northern Campaign." See Abbott, Robert Northwest Airlines, 541 Northwest Frontier, Old, 378 Northwestern University, 46, 151, 167, 267, 355, 591 Nossiter, Adam, 475 "Note Shaver," 510 Nova Scotia, 573 Nsa, Eyo Honesty II, 437-38 Nuclear Engineering Firm, 609 Nujoma, Sam (President Namibia), 317 Numbers Game. See Illegal Black Businesses, Organized Criminal Activities; Policy/Num- bers Game Numbers Kings, 415 Numery, Lee, 408 NYA. See National Youth Administration NYA Resident Training Program, 473 O Oahu, 303, 633 Obrok (Russian), 487-88 Occidental Petroleum, 165 Ocola Textile Mill, 627 O'Connor, Sandra Day (Justice), 481 Odanes, A., 383 Odd Fellows, 245, 296, 525. See Fraternal Or- ganizations Odd Fellows Building, 550 Odum, Howard W., 245 OFCCP. See Office of Federal Contract Com- pliance Program Office of Federal Contract Compliance Pro- gram (OFCCP), 148, 149 Office of Resident Initiatives, 413 O'Hare, William P., 35 OIC. See Opportunities Industrialization Cen- ters of American, Inc. Oil-Coal Distribution Industries, 122 Oil and Gas Extraction Firms 1992, 225, 556 Oil Pipelines, 569 Oklahoma, 203-4, 223 Oklahoma City Bombing, 214 Oklahoma Oil Boom, 204, 223 Okpaku, Joseph, 84 Oliver Cromwell Cox Award for Distinguished Anti-Racist Scholarship, 169 Oliver, Melvin, 106 Olmsted, Frederick Law, 494 Olympics, 552, 558 Omaha, Nebraska, 382 Omni Group, 536 O'Neal, Shaquille, 533 One Cent Savings and Bank Trust, 94 Ontario (Canada), 302, 476 O.P.E.N. Cleaning Systems, 243 Open Heart Surgery, 284 Open Vision Technologies, 165, 318, 643 Operation Breadbasket, 139, 148, 326 Operation Fair Shares, 397-98 Operation PUSH. See PUSH Opportunities Industrialization Corporation, 217 Opportunities Industrialization Centers (OIC) of American, Inc., 544-45 Opportunities Industrialization Centers Interna- tional (OICI), 545 Oprah Book Club, 596 Oprah Winfrey Show, The, 557, 596 Oracle Company, 165 Order of the Eastern Star, 558 Order of Emancipation, 180 Order of Twelve Knights, 246 Order of the Men of Oppression, 180 Organization Industrial Center, 435 Organization Resource Counselors, 192 Organized Labor, 171 Oriental, 526. See Asian-Americans Oriental Picture Exchange, 307 Orion Publishing Company, 84 othe Ombudsmeno, 405 Otis, Clyde, 469 Otis, James, 44 Ottley, Roi, 2 Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market, 540 Overton, Anthony, 55, 69, 183, 253, 305, 439- 41 Overton Hygienic Manufacturing Company, 137, 305, 439 Owl Cab Company, 555 Oxford Colored Orphanage, 529 Oyster Cellar, 301 Oystser Company, 249 Oyster House Restaurant, 188 Oystering, Chesapeake Bay, 441-42 P Pace and Handy Music, 443, 466 Pace, Harry Herbert, 298, 443-45, 466, 546 Pace Phonograph Corporation, 466 Pacific Appeal, 456 Pacific Rim, 110, 303 Pacifist, 532 Pagers, 537 Paige, Satchel, 415 Palmer Institute, 451 Palm Oil Trade (West Africa), 437 Palmer, Ransford, 478 Panama, 100, 303, 304, 305 Panic of 1857, 130, 135, 179 Panic of 1873, 252, 521 Panic of 1893, 447, 561 Panis, Marie Louis, 321 Parachutes, 632 Parallax, 609 Paramount Race Artist Series, 466 Paramount Records, 444, 466 Parham, Bettie Esther, 285 Paris, 302 Paris Import and Export Corporation, 304, 629 Parker, Alice H., 604 Parker, Deannie, 467 Parker House Sausage Company, 138, 139, 140 Parks, Henry, 4, 636 Parks Sausage Company, 3, 541, 636, 637. See also Parks, Henry Parkway Ballroom (Chicago), 141 Parsons, Richard D., 431, 642, 644 Partnerships, 386 "Passing" and Black Businesspeople, 182, 358-59, 390, 444, 509 Pastin, Mark, 214 "Patent Bedstead Factory," 170 Patent Holders. See Black Patentholders Path Press, 84 Patricia Stevens Cosmetic Company, 253 Patterson, Charles and Frederick. See Automo- bile, Patterson-Greenfield Patterson, Sons and Company, 566 Patton, Boggs and Blow, 96 Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, 361 Pavageau, Adele, 29 Payne, Daniel Alexander, 25 Payne, Evans (Rev.), 296 Payola Scandals, 464 Payton Apartment Corporation, 445 Payton, Philip A., 445-46 Peabody Education Fund, 70, 73 Peabody, George, 70, 73 Peace Mission Enterprises, 227-228 Peace Mission Movement. See Father Divine Peace Mission Real Estate Holdings, 227 Peace Movement, 327 Peacock (Records), 467, 472 Peanut Manufacturers. See George Washington Carver Pearson, Mrs. C. M., 551 Pendulum Records, 468 Penny Savings Bank of St. Luke, 245 Pentecostals, 144 People United to Save Humanity. See PUSH People's Insurance Company, 296 Peoples Involvement Corporation, 638 People's Republic of China, 96, 309 People's Restaurant, 238 People's Tabernacle, 551 Peoples, James, 370 Pepsi Cola, 165, 404, 405, 633 Pepsi Cola New Age Beverages, 315 Pepsi Cola of Washington, DC, 277, 535 Pequot Indians, 175 Percy Sutton Intercontinental, 308 Percy Sutton International, 224, 548 Perry, Christopher James, Sr., 1, 623 Perry, Herman, 172, 297, 526, 549 Perry, Mae (Bryant) Walker, 584 Personal Achievement Radio, 465 Personal Communications Services (PCS), xxv, 324, 644. See also Black Telecommunica- tions Enterprises Personal Services Enterprises, 36, 105, 106, 217, 254, 273-74, 294 Pet Milk, 404 Peters, William H., 553 Petersburg, VA, 260 Pettiford, William Reuben, 446-47 Pettus, Theodore, 6 Phat Farm (Clothing), 483 Philadelphi American, 434 Philadelphia Afro-American, 382 Philadelphia, Black Lawyers, 17. See also Norris, James Austin Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge, 433 Philadelphia Coca Cola Bottling Company, 363, 535 Philadelphia Female Antislavery Society, 242 Philadelphian Independent, 434 Philadelphia Institute For Colored Youth, 449 The Philadelphia Negro, 434. See also Du- Bois, William E. B. Philadelphia Registration Commission, 433 Philadelphia Tribune, 1, 623 Philadelphia's Caterers Association, 132 Philander Smith College, 115 Philanthropic Society of Pittsburgh, 448 Philanthropy, Black, 447-53. See also Adams, William Lloyd; Antebellum Black Philan- thropy; Binga, Jesse; Bronner, Nathaniel H.; Cottrell, Comer J., Jr.; Hair Care Products Industry; Herdon, Alonzo Franklin; Hem- don, Norris Bumstead; Johnson, John Harold; Lewis, Reginald Francis; Winfrey, Oprah Philip Morris, 164 Phillips, Dewey, 464 Phillips, Ulrich B., 486 Philippines, 305, 307, 538 Philips Petroleum, 308 Plinton, James O., Jr., 637 Phoenix Bookstore, 90 Phoenix Color and Chemical Company, 306, 630 Phyllis Wheatley, 270 The Pickaninnies Doing a Dance (1904), 233. See also Film Production Pierce, Joseph (Reverend), 565 Pierce, Joseph A., 105, 111, 453, 555 Pierre, Harve, 469 "Pig Foot Mary," 603 Pillsbury, 326, 641 Pinchback, Pickney Benton Stewart, 451, 454- 55 Pine Bluff (Arkansas) City Council, 345 Pine Bluff Press Eagle, 345 Pittsburgh Courier, 2, 253, 306 Pittsburgh Crawfords, 415 Pittsburgh Keystones, 414 Pizza Hut, 177, 243, 643 Plato, 211 Platt, William, 220 Plessy, Homere, 451 Plessy v. Ferguson, 73, 91, 104, 134, 273, 451, 565-66 Pleasant, Mary Ellen, 455-58 Po Boy Production, 235 Poitier, Sidney, 235 Poland, 306, 316 Policy Kings, 306, 632 Policy/Numbers game, 3. See also Illegal Black Businesses, Organized Criminal Ac- tivities Polio, 127, 167 Polygram, 467, 468, 483, 608, 643 Polygram Films, 483 Pompez, Alex, 415 Pontiac-GMC Division, 165 Poole, Elijah Poole. See Nation of Islam Enter- prises Population (1995): Africa, 314; Asia, 315; Brazil, 314; China, 315; Europe, 314; India, 315; Nigeria, 314; South America and Ca- ribbean, 314; USA, 1995, 314 Population, African Americans, 1995, 113, 314 Population, Blacks in South Africa, 314 Poro Beauty School, 551 Poro College, Chicago, 472, 574 Poro College, St. Louis, 573 Poro Company, 283, 288, 304, 305, 582. See also Turnbo-Malone, Annie Minerva Pope Port-of-Spain (Trinidad), 167 Porter, Ollie Chinn, 405, 406 Portugal, 311 Posey, Cumberlan Willis, 414 Postal Employees, 100, 522, 551 Postro Inc., 641 Pottier, Honore, 28 Powell, Adam Clayton Reverend (Congress- man), 92-93, 544 Powell, Clilan B., 2 Powell, Colin (General), 89-90 Powell, Lucylle, 459 Powell, William Jenifer, 458-60 POWER, 426 Prairie View A&M University, 115, 547 Pre-Civil Rights Era black business, 105. See also Jim Crow Era, Business Impact; Sepa- rate Economy; South, Black Business, 1880- 1930 Preferential Treatment, 482 Pressing Comb, 572, 582 Price, G. N., 66, 67 Price, Hugh B., 97 Price, J. D., 410 Price, Ramon, 393 Prince, Abijah, 616 Prince Hall, 245 Prince Hall Masons, 186, 187, 245 Prince, Mary Gardner, 300, 601 Princeton University, 44, 336 Principles of Cutting and Styling Negro Hair, 392 Procope, Eresta, 431. See also Bowman, Er- nesta Procope, John, 607 Procter & Gamble, 7, 99 Proctor, Barbara Gardner, 6, 609 Proctor and Gardner Advertising, Inc., 6, 7, 334, 609 Proctor, Henry Hugh, Reverend, 40 Proctor, Virginia, 602 Procurement Contract Programs, 122, 150, 309. See also Affirmative Action; SBA-8(a); Disparity Studies; Set-Asides, Minority Business Progress Plaze, 636 Progressive Land Development Company, 424 Progressive National Baptist Convention, 146 Prohibition, 270 Pro-Line Corporation, 166, 308, 314, 331 Property Ownership African, 8-9 Property Owners, South (1790-1880), 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 460-62, 517, 518. See also Slave- holders, Large Black Property Owners, South, Women, 1790-1880, 462. See also Antebellum Black Slavehold- ers, Women Proposition 209 (California), 114. See also Af- firmative Action Retrenchment, Impact on Black Businesses; Affirmative Action Re- trenchment, Supreme Court Decisions Prosser, Gabriel, 500 Prostitution, 131, 456, 516 "Protected Markets," 36, 105. See also Mar- kets, Protected, and Black Entrepreneurship Prothro, Charles, 550 Prothro, Louise, 404 "Proud Lady" Logo, 288 Prout, Mary, 579, 602 Provident Hospital, 624 Provincial Freeman (Canada), 601 Pryor, McClendon Counts & Co. (PMC), 311, 323. See also Investment Banking Pryor, Richard, 236 Public Money, 67 Public Waiters Association, 132, 133 Public Works Employment Act (1977), 481 Publishers Weekly, 88 Puerto Rican, banks, 63 Puerto Rico, 307, 474 Pulaski County, KY, 219 The Pullman Porter (1910), 233. See also Film Production Pulsar Data Systems, 165, 318 Pure Food and Drug Act, 126 Puritans. See Atlantic Slave Trade Profits Purvis, Robert, 242 Purvis, William B., 623, 624 PUSH, 93, 139, 148, 217, 326, 468, 548, 642 Pyrocap, 310, 542 Pyrocap B-136, 310. See also Black Pantent- holders Pyrocap International Bermuda, Ltd., 310 Q QBR: The Black Book Review, 89 Quakers, 176, 455. See also Alantic Slave Trade Profits Quaker Oats, 7, 361, 533 Quarry Stone Mining, 223 Quartz Mill, 221 Queen Charlotte Island Coal Company (Can- ada), 302 Queens Inner Unity Cable Systems, 548 Queen Litafah, 608 Qwest Records, 469 R R. B. Fitzgerald Brickyard, 82 R. G. Dun Mercantile Credit Reports, 181, 248, 509. See also Dun Mercantile Credit Reports R. J. Dale Advertising, 6 R. L. Dukes Oldsmobile, 139 Race Conscious Procurement Programs. See Procurement Contract Programs "Race Men," 183, 436, 530 Race Relations, 168 Race Riots and American Business: Atlanta Race Riot (1906), 549; Chicago Race Riot (1919), 183, 441; Civil Rights Era Race Ri- ots (1960s), 51, 148; Los Angeles Riot 1992, 193, 287; Tulsa Riot (1921), 204. See also Antebellum Race Riots Race Tracks, 249, 269, 337, 365 Racial Employment Patterns, 586. See also Corporate America, Black Managers Racial Monopoly," 30 "Racial Overconcentration," 30 Racism and Corporate Culture, 213-14 Racism and Jim Crow. See Jim Crow Era, Business Impact; Jim Crow Inquities; Jim Crow Laws Radical Republicans, 216 Radio Enterprises, 269, 278, 309, 333, 334, 360, 393, 433, 463-65, 468, 483, 548, 550, 638, 645 Radio One, Inc., 465, 608 Ragsdale Mortuary, 260 Railroad Employees, 68, 100, 186, 551 The Railroad Porter (1912), 233. See also Film Production Rainbow/Push Wall Street Project Conference, 645, 646, 647 Ralston-Purina, 126 Rancho Acalanes, 358 Rancho Rio de los Americanos, 358 Rand, A. Barry, 164 Randall, Dudley, 84 Randolph, A. Philip, 632 Random House, 90 Rap Music, 110, 483. See also Hip Hop Rare, Ripe Gold and Silver Mining Company, 221 Rasta Group, 289 Rayfield, Wallace, 32 RCA Records, 469 Reading University (GB), 205 Reagan, Ronald (President), 6, 139, 206-7, 347 Reagan Era, 139, 161, 257, 591 Real Estate Board of New York, 399 Real Estate Enterprises. See Black Real Estate Enterprises; Black Real Estate Ventures (Or- ganizations) The Realization of a Negro's Ambition (1917), 233. See also Film Production Recognized Insurance Coverage (RIC), 65 Reconstruction, 72, 73, 104, 171, 216, 441, 454, 498, 588 Reconstruction Black Business, 171, 517. See also South, Black Business, 1860-1880 Recording Industry, 309, 466-69, 608, 642 Rector, Sarah, 223 Red Label Series, 466 "Redlining," 570 Red River Shipping, 568 Redding, Wesley C., 549 Reddy, Helen, 18 Redevelopment Authority of the City of Phila- delphia v. Irwin Lieberman, 433 Redistribution, Land and Capital, 209 Reebok Corporaion, 537 Regal Theater, 253 Reggio August and Octave, 492 Regulation "Q," 62, 64 Reid, Elizabeth, 29 Reinders, Robert C., 27 Remond, Nancy Lenox, 598 Remond Sisters (Cecilia, Maritcha, Caroline), 602 Rene, Leon, 466 Renfroe, Robert, 51-52 Renmuth, Inc., 51 Renousard, August, 265 Reol Motion Picture Corporation, 234 Reparations and African American Business, 469-71 Republic Bank (NYC), 476 Republican Business Men's Club of New York, 399 Republican Party, 97, 139, 143, 183, 187, 278, 344, 434, 477; Missouri Colored Division, 573; Virginia Lily Black Republican Party, 580 Republican National Conventions, 100, 357, 570 Resource One Computer Systems, 318 Responsibility, 406 "Restitution Principle," 471 "Resurrection to Beauty Fund," 193, 287 Revelation Corporation, 146 Revere, Paul, 499 Revlon, 288, 289, 330, 367, 483 Reynolds Aluminum, 313 Reynolds, Mel, 536 Revolutionary War, 44-45, 129, 175, 240, 300, 447, 448, 563 Revolving Credit Institutions, 293 Rey, B., 29 Rhodes, Bertha Perry, 405 Rhone, Sylvia, 469 Rhythm and Blues Concerts, 468 Rice, Norman (Mayor). See Mayors, Black and Black Business Rice Threshing Machine, 595 Richardson, Julian and Raye, 88 Richest African American. See Winfrey, Oprah "Richest Negro Street in the World," 552 Richmond, 104, 297 Richmond Council of Colored Women, 580 Richmond v. Croson. See City of Richmond v. J. A. Croson Co. Ricquet, Nicol, 28 Rillieux, Norbert, 28, 195, 619 Riverside Bank, 61 RMS Technologies, 318, 642 "Robber Barons," 222, 451, 458 Robbins, IL, 78, 472 Roberts Automobile Company (MO), 567 Roberts, Colson, and Company, 301 Roberts, Herman, 554 Roberts, Homor, 567 Roberts, Joann, 90 Roberts, Joseph Jenkins, 301, 563 Roberts, Roy, 165 Robey, Don, 471-72 Robinson, Jack, 560 Robinson, Jackie, 416, 530, 532 Robinson, John Charles, 472-73 Robinson, Louie, Jr., 556 Robinson, Sylvia, 469 Roche, Joyce, 165, 610 Rockefeller, John D., 74, 222 Rocky Mountain News, 238 Rodgers, Moses, 222 Rogers, John W., Jr., xxv Rollins, William, 220 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 348 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 60, 183, 187, 381 Roosevelt, Theodore, 603 Roosevelt University, 98, 570, 591 Roots, 557 Rosebud Reservation (SD), 381 Rose Meta House of Beauty-Rose Morgan, 285, 473-74, 607 Rosenwald, Julius, 74 Ross, Victoria, 604 Rotating Credit Associations, 247, 474-75 Rotating Credit Associations, Caribbean Amer- ican Chamber of Commerce and United States Commerical Banks, 474-78 Rothchild, Charles, 520 Roundanez, Louis Chares, 28 Royal Crown Bottling Company, 404 Royal Hotel, 551 Royal Knights of King David, 246, 395, 435 Royal Life Insurance Company, 546 Royal Peacock Club, 551 Royster, Don, M., Sr., 43 R. T. Bess Company, 322 Rubber Recyling Plant, 637 Rubin, Rick, 483 Ruggles, David, 618 "Rule of Two" Program, 52 "Rumble in the Jungle," 351, 531 Rush Associated Labels, 468 Rush Communications, 468, 483, 642 Rush Management, 468 Rush Philanthropic Arts, 483 Russell-Rowe Communications, 479 Russell, Alice, 383 Russell, Harvey C., 404. See National Associa- tion of Market Developers Russell, Herman Jerome, 174, 478-79 Russell, J. Jerome, 479 Russell, Michael, 479 Russia, 96, 300, 313 Russian Serfs, 488 Russian Silicon, 313 Russwurm, John, 302 Rutger, Antoinette, 560-61 Rutgers University, 363, 586 Rutherford, Samuel Wilson, 40, 246 S Sabre Foundation, 206 Safe Bus Company, 567, 630 Saffice (Records), 467 St. John University Law School, 96 St. John's Baptist Church (Miami, FL), 145 St. John's Community Development Corpora- tion, 145 St. Louis, MO, 46 St. Louis Argus, 83, 573 St. Louis Argus Publishing Company, 83 "St. Louis Blues," 444 St. Louis Post Office, 304 St. Louis Trust Company, 345 St. Luke Association, 580 St. Luke Herald, 579 St. Luke Emporium, 245, 580. See also Frater- nal Organizations; Walker, Maggie Lena St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, 296, 580, 603 St. Petersburg (Russia), 300, 601 Salaam Restaurants, 423 Salaam Restaurant of Islam, 426 Salomon Brothers, 534 Saltpeter, 219, 378 Samuel Whiteman and Associates, 404 San Bernardino, CA, 90 San Diego, CA, 262 San Francisco Athenaeum Building, 456 San Francisco, 88, 302 San Francisco's First City Treasurer. See Lei- desdorff, William Alexander San Franciso Giants, 326 San Franciso Town Journal, 359 Sanctions, Antiapartheid, 315 Sanders, Zell, 466 Santo Domingo, 29. See also West Indies, Im- migrants; West Indies, Immigrants, Post- Civil War Satellite Programming, 309 Saundersville, GA, 261 Saudi Arabia, 166, 308, 310 Saudi Pyrotech, 310 Saundersville, GA, 261 Savoy Hotel, 551 Saxon, James, 61 Sayers, Gale, 533 SBA. See Small Business Administration SBA-8(a) Federal Contracting Firms, 107, 309 Scalia, Antonin (Justice), 471 Scheiffman, Frank, 384 Schlitz Breweries, 326 Schmeling, Max, 532 Schmidt, Harvey M., 433 Schmoke, Kurt L. (Mayor). See Mayors, Black and Black Business Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis, 433 Schoen, Sterling, 121 Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 116 Schuyler, George, 306 Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 536 Schweich, Anderson, M., 142 Schweninger, Loren, 171, 251, 517 SCLC. See Southern Christian Leadership Conference SCOR. See Small Corporate Offering Registra- tion Scott, Darin, 237 Scott, Emmett J., 126 Scott, Hazel, 556 Scott, Portia, 552 Scott-Reeves, Alexis, 552 Scott, William Alexander, 550 Scott, William Alexander, II, 2, 551 Sea Girt Hotel, 130, 188 Sea Island (GA), 520 Sears, Roebuck & Company, 7, 177, 191 Seattle, Washington, 633 Seaway National Bank, 55, 139, 140, 571, 635 Second Street Bank, 580 Secretary of Commerce. See Ronald Harmon Brown Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 253, 541 Securities Discount Co. (Ghana), 311 Seghal, R. K., 479 Segregation Laws. See Jim Crow Laws Segregated Economy, 137, 149-50, 512. See also Separate Economy Segregated Markets, 10, 133-34, 210, 276, 436. See also Separate Economy; Markets, Protected, and Black Entrepreneurship Self-Determination, 210 Self-Employment, 105 Self-Help, 39, 137, 259, 270, 366, 401-2, 418, 429, 436, 446, 476, 527, 544; Black Women, 579 Selma March, 326 Semi-Weekly Louisianian, 454 Semler, Ed, 415 Sentel Corporation, 568 Seoul, South Korea, 312 "Separate Coach" laws, 100 Separate Economy, 33, 104, 254, 260-61, 270, 276, 280, 441. See also Jim Crow Era, Business Impact; South Black Business (1880-1930); "Sweet Auburn" Avenue Service Company, 549 Service Corporation International (SCI), 257- 258 Service Engineering & Construction, 172 Service Federal Savings and Loan Association, 356 Service Pharmacies, 550 Service Realty, 172 Set-Asides, Minority Business, 52, 112, 122, 148, 480-82. See also Mayors, Black and Black Business; Washington, Harold 7-Eleven. See Southland Seven-Up, 148 Sexton, Kyle, 310 Sexism, 213, 572, 604-5 Seymour, Sally, 24, 599 Shangahi, 307 Shapiro, Thomas, 106 Sharecroppers, 12, 125 Shark Products, 289 Sharps and Dohme Pharmaceutical Laboratory, 127 Sharpton, Al (Reverend), 647 Shakespeare House, 133 Shaw University, 529 Shaw, Warren C., 165 Shaw, Yvonne, 192 She's Gotta Have It (1986), 236, 640 Sherman (Antitrust) Act, 31 The Shield, 231 Shipyards, 134 Shoe Industry. See Matzeliger, Jan Earnst Shorebank, 57. See also South Shore National Bank Shorebank Neighborhood Institute, 411 Shrine of the Black Madonna bookstore, 88 Sierra Leone, 176, 241, 270, 300, 448 Sigma Pi Phi, 441 Sigma XI, 453 Signares, 155 Silent Sabotage, 190-91 Simmons, Jake, 223, 307 Simmons Royalty Company, 307-8 Simmons, Russell, 468, 483 Simms, Magaret, 107 Sims, Billy, 535 Sims, Naomi, 283, 483, 607 Simpson, O. J.(Orenthal James), 533 Sister Sister, 182, 557 Sivart Mortgage Company, 569, 570 Sixou City, Iowa, 382 Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, 446 Skin Color and Black Business. See Light-Skin African-Americans; Mulattos Sklarek, Norma, 33 Slater (John H.) Fund, 70, 72, 73, 530 Slave Business Activities Critique, 505, 508 Slave Consumers, 504 Slave Craftsmen and Construction, 32, 171, 486, 499; Numbers of, 499 Slave Drivers, Plantation Managers, Intrapre- neurs, 388, 483-85 Slave Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs, 142, 518, 485-88, 556, 621 Slave Hiring Out Own Time, 24-25, 378, 518, 488-90, 495, 594 Slaveholders, Large Black, 23, 26, 490-95. See also Antebellum Black Slaveholders; Antebellum Black Slaveholders, Women Slave Informal Economy, 54 Slave Internal Economy. See Slaves, Indepen- dent Economic Production Slave Laws, Economic Constraints, 24, 155- 56, 394-95, 486, 495-97 Slave Maximunm-Wage Laws, 496 Slave Money Incentives, 485, 502 Slave-Owned Property, 24, 461, 495, 506, 507, 508, 509 Slave-Owned Property, Civil War Confisca- tions, 497-99 Slave Plantation Credit Accounts, 504 Slave Plantation Gang System, Economic Ac- tivities, 24, 507 Slave Plantation Managers, 94. See also Slave Drivers, Plantation Managers, Intrapreneurs Slave Plantation Task System, Economic Ac- tivities, 24, 507 Slave Population, 490, 491, 496 Slave Postmaster, 388 Slave Punishments for Economic Activities, See Slave Laws, Economic Constraints Slave Revolts and Black Craftsmen, 499-501 Slave Self-Purchase, 462, 486, 487, 490, 507, 510, 564 Slaves Independent Economic Activities, 24, 496 Slaves, Independent Economic Production, Louisiana Sugar Plantations, 501-5 Slave Trade. See Atlantic Slave Trade Profits Slave Traders, Black, 23, 25, 300 Slave Women Enterprises, 157, 395, 486, 560, 597-98 Slaves, Plantation Market-Related Activities, 505-9 Slavery, Reparations for, 469 Slavery, White Benefits, 210, 470. See also White Slaveholders, 1860 Sloan Financial Group, 311 Sloan, Maceo, K., xxv, 324 Sloan School of Business (MIT), 585 Slocum, Cuffe, 448 Small Business Administration (SBA), 6, 47, 51, 173, 210-11, 224, 363, 433, 634, 639 Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Act, 635 Small Corporate Offering Registration, 541 Small, Thomas, 23 Smalls, Robert (Congressman), 563 Smiley, Charles H., 132 Smith Barney, 165, 610 Smith, Bessie, 444 Smith, Charles, 522 Smith, Chuck, 404 Smith, Clarence, 646 Smith, H. C., 191 Smith, Jim, 560 Smith, James, 455 Smith, John H., 135 Smith, Joshua I., 639, 647 Smith-Jones and Associates, 408 Smith Kline, & French, 349 Smith, Marconi C., 261-62 Smith, Payton, 203 Smith Samuel, 466 Smith, Stephen, 180, 220, 248, 250, 321, 437, 449, 509-11, 565, 576 Smith Harlem Dispensary, 633 Smithsonian, 18, 347 SMOBE. See Survey of Minority-Owned Busi- ness Enterprises SMOBE Black Business Venture Capital, 569 SMOBE, 1992 Black Air Transportation Firms, 569 SMOBE, 1992 Black Construction Industries Firms, 174 SMOBE, 1992 Black Eating and Drinking Places, 134 SMOBE, 1992 Black Extractive Industries Firms, 224-25 SMOBE, 1992 Black Farm Owners, 16 SMOBE, 1992 Black Hotels/Lodging Places, 134 SMOBE, 1992 Black Local and Interurban Transportation Firms, 569 SMOBE, 1992 Black Metal Mining Firms 1992, 225 SMOBE, 1992 Black Transportation Firms, 569 SMOBE, 1992 Black Trucking and Warehous- ing Firms, 568-69 SMOBE, 1992 Black Water Transportation Firms, 569 SMOBE on 1992 African American-Owned Firms, 113, 384, 611 SMOBE on 1992 API/AIAN-Owned Firms, 384, 611 SMOBE on 1992 Hispanic-Owned Firms, 225, 611 SMOBE on 1992 Minority Business Receipts, 113, 385, 387, 611 SMOBE on 1992 Minority Women Business Owners, 611 SMOBE, 1972,1982 Black Funeral and Mortu- ary Enterprises, 256 SNCC. See Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee Snider, Jill, 567 Snow, Beverly, 618 Snow Riot (1834), 618 Social Capital, Black Business Owners, 511- 15 Societe des Artisans, 27 Society of Friends, 176 Socrates, 211 Soft Sheen Products, Inc., 267, 308, 331, 646. See Gardner, Edward G. Sojourner Truth Award, 406 Sole Proprietorships. See Black Sole Proprie- torships SOLAR Records (Sounds of Los Angeles Rec- ords), 309 Solvent Savings Bank and Trust Company, 143 Solvent Savings Bank of Memphis, 443 Songbird Record Label, 472 Sons and Daughers of Peace, Penny, Nickle and Dime Savings Bank, 379 Sony Theaters, 538 Sony Retail Entertainment, 538 Soul Food (1997). See Film Production "Soul" Format, 464 Soul Train, 330, 557, 558 Souls of Black Folks, 589. See also DuBois, William E. B. Soulie, Albin, 248, 250 Soulie, Bernard, 248, 250 The Soulies, 302 "Sounds of the City," 360 Sourcebook on Enterprise Zones, 206 South Africa, 8, 11, 110, 213, 217, 289, 306, 312, 313, 314, 417, 542 South America, 304, 306 South, Black Business, 1790-1880, 515-17. See also Antebellum Baltimore; Antebellum Charleston; Antebellum New Orleans South, Black Business, 1860-1880, 517-23. See also Reconstruction South, Black Business, 1880-1930, 523-28. See also Black Wall Street; Enclaves, Entre- preneurial; Georgia, Black Business, 1890- 1915; "Sweet Auburn" Avenue South Carolina, 54 South Carolina State University, 115, 119 South Korea, 312, 316 South Pacific, 309 South Shore National Bank, 56 South Shore, 57 South Side Bank, 55 South Side Help Center, 411 Southern Aid Society, 296, 297, 512 Southeastern Asia, 309 Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 139, 147, 272, 326, 538 Southern Claims Commission, 498 Southern Education Foundation, 530 Southern Fidelity and Surety Company, 436 Southern Mercantile Company, 346 Southern University, 454 Southern University at New Orleans, 115 Southland (7-Eleven), 243, 645 Southview Cemetery Association, 40 Soviet Union, 11, 586 Soy Bean Research, 349 Space Jam, 537 Space Stations, 481 Spain, 311, 312 Spanish-American War, 229 Spaulding, Asa Timothy, 528-29 Spaulding, Charles Clinton, 82, 203, 291, 296, 297, 349, 436, 529-30 Spaulding, Washington, 248, 250 Spear, Allan H., 137 Special Markets, Inc., 322 Special Olympics, 452 Spelman College, 73, 452 Spencer, Moses, 517 Spero, Sterling, 290 Spikes, Johnny and Reb, 466 Spingarn Medal (NAACP), 440 Spinks, Leon, 351 Spivey, Donald, 74 Split Images: African Americans in the Mass Media, 4 Sports, Athlete Enterprises and Entrepreneurs, 530-40 Sports Fans, 537 Sports Pyramid of Wealth, 539 Sportmen's Tennis Club, 560 Spotlight on Harlem in New York, 557 Spraggins, Marianne, 165, 431, 610 Stamp Act, 45 Standard Catalog, 50 Standard Life Insurance, 41, 297, 443 Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies, 7 Standard Oil, 222 Standard Technology, 609 Stanford University, 120, 407 Stanley, John, 617 Starbucks Coffee Company, 538 Starobin, Robert S., 485 Star Trek, 557 State Departments of Transportation, 481 State Street Bank (Boston), 587 "Statism." See Africa, Indigenous Capitalism Development Stax Records, 467 Steam Engine Lubricators, 622 Steel Fabricating Manufacturing Company, 533 Steel Processing and Metal Distribution Manu- facturing, 533 Steelton, PA, 231 Stereotyping, 4, 6, 233, 534, 539, 587. See also Film Production Still, William, 221, 565, 575 Stills, William Grant, 444 Stinnette, Juanita, 466 Stock Market Listings (Black-Controlled Pub- licly Traded Companies), 139, 165, 540-43, 646 Stone Merchant Company, 312 Stone, Toni, 416 Stop and Shop Stores, 587 Stop Shop and Save, 642 Stormy Weather (1943), 235 The Story of My Life and Work, 283. See also Washington, Booker T. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 485 Straight University. See Dillard University "Strict Scrutiny," 481 Strong, Nat, 414 Strong and Jones (Funeral), 263 Struggle and Success: The African American Experience in Japan, 310 Stuart, Mary, 468 Stuart, M. S., 254, 255 Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 147 Sub-Saharan Africa, 110, 308, 437 Subchapter C Corporations, 107, 111, 386 Subchapter S Corporations, 107, 111, 386 Submarine Torpedo Discharge Mechanism, 609 Suburbanization and Black Business, 140, 265, 373, 527 Success Runs in Our Race, 430 Successful Salesmanship, 441 Sugar Act of 1764, 44 Sugar Cultivation, 194-95, 301 Sugar Cane Plantation, 538 Sugar Ray Leonard, 351 Sullivan, Leon, 112, 217, 435, 543-46, 636 The "Sullivan Principles," 217, 545 Sultan Airways Ltd (Ethiopia), 473 Sulton-Campbell and Associates, 639 Sumitomo (Japan), 310 Sumner, Charles (Senator), 188 Sumner, General J., 520 Sunday School Publishing Board, 86 Sunderland, VT, 616 Sunshine Label, 466 Superconducting Super Collider Federal Con- tracts, 481 Supreme Beauty Products Co., 333 Supreme Court, 93, 434, 471 Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company, 138, 298, 332, 356, 444, 546-47 Supreme Life and Casualty Company, 546 The Supremes, 277 Surinam, 371 Surplus U.S. Military Equipment, 307 Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enter- prises, 107, 110, 111. See also Minority- Owned Businesses, 1992 Survey Susquehanna Steam Company, 135 Sussex Records, 468 SUSUs. See also Rotating Credit Associations Susu, 293. See also Esusu Sutter's Mill, 359 Sutton, Percy Ellis, 224, 308, 309, 431, 464, 547-48 Sutton, Pierre (Pepe), 548 Sutton, Scottie B., 551 Swanson Frozen Foods, 99 "Sweet Auburn" Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia, 42, 186, 548-52 Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971), 235 Sweet Vengeance Mine Company, 221 Swimming, 539 Swing Time Recording Company, 466 Switzerland, 308 Sykes, Catherine, 406 T Tabu Records, 468 Taco Bell, 537 Tagalog Films, 307 Tailors, antebellum black, 21, 24 Taiwan, 166, 316 "Talented Tenth," 40, 418, 436. See also Du Bois, William E. B. Talladega University, 355 Tallahassee, FL, 263 Tan Confession, 332 Tandy, Vertner, 32 Tanner, Henry O., 17 Tappan, Arthur, 321 Target Market News, 4, 89 Taverns and Saloons, 143 Taxicab Enterprises, 91, 138, 307, 524, 553- 55 Taylor, Andrew, 556 Taylor, B., 521 Taylor, Francis, 301 Taylor, Hobart, 554, 555-56 Taylor, Hobart, Jr., 556 Taylor House, 131 Taylor, Maria, 521 Taylor, Richard, 131 Taylor, Robert R., 32 Taylor, Susan L., 611 Tea Act, 45 TCB, 288 Technology Revolution, 109 Teitel, Robert, 237 Telecommunications Act, 1996, 465 Telecommunications Industry. See Black Tele- communications Enterprises Telephone Transmitter, 623 Television Industry, 277, 364, 464, 479, 483, 556-59, 641 Temple, Lewis, 620 Tenant Farmers, 125. See also Agribusiness, Virginia's Black Farmers Tennessee, 41 Tennessee State University, 115, 118, 405, 468, 595 Tennis, 559-60, 606 Tennis in the Hood, Inc., 560 Terrell, Mary Church, 143 Texaco, 165, 308, 327, 361 Texas, 41, 61 Texas College, 392, 453 Texas Progressive Voter's League, 391 Texas Rangers, 167, 283, 535 Texas Southern University, 61, 115, 453 Thatcher Engineering, Inc., 174, 273 Therapeutic Light Company, 138 Think Laboratory (TL) Ltd., Japan, 310 Think Laboratory America (TLA) Ltd., 310 Third World Books, 88 Third World Press, 84 Third World Societies, 477 Thirteenth Amendment (1865), 602 Thomas and Thomas, Inc., 304, 629 Thomas Distributors, 139 Thomas, Franklin, 476, 477 Thomas, Isaiah, 110, 535 Thomas, J. L., 133 Thomas, James, 560-61 Thomas, Sally, 560 Thompson, Charles, 290 Thompson, Ernest, 126 Thompson, Warren M., 643 Thompson Hospitality, 643 Threads 4 Life (Cross Colours), 642 "Three Musketeers (candy bar)," 5 TIAA-CREEF, 164 Tier One Suppliers, 53 Tillman, Edward, 61 Tillman, George, Jr., 237 Time-Warner Inc., 164, 644 TLC Beatrice International Holdings, 121, 311- 12, 537, 645. See also Lewis, Reginald Francis Tokyo, 310 Tolliver, Tiffany, 383 Tony Brown's Journal, 97 Top Hat Night Club, 550, 551 Toronto, 302 Toronto Raptors, 110, 535 Toussainte, Pierre, 448 "Track System," 149. See also Equal Em- ployment Opportunity Commission Tracy Hotel, 435 Trademark Infringement, 289 Traffic Signal Invention, 390, 630 Trail of Tears, 204 TransAfrica, 548 Transportation Enterprises, History, 175-76, 179, 454, 561-69, 618, 619 Travelers Group, 646 Travis, Dempsey J., 55, 569-71 Travis Realty, 569 Treasury Tax and Loan Accounts (TTL), 64- 65 Triangular Slave Trade, 437. See also Atlantic Slave Trade Profits Tribute (South Africa), 315 Trice, Sandy, 137 Trim-Away Figure Contouring, 474 Trinidad and Tobago, 247, 291, 629 Tri-State Bank, 356, 633 The Trooper of Company K (1917), 233. See also Film Production Trotman, W. Fred, 322 Trotter, William Monroe, 400 Trower, John S., 132 True Reformers, 104, 172, 245, 296 True Reformers Savings Bank, 296 Truman, Harry S. (President), 17 Trumark, 402 Trump, Donald, 645 Tubman, Harriett, 429, 575 Tuesday, 360 Tulsa, Oklahoma, 81, 203, 552. See also Black Wall Street; Enclaves, Entrepreneurial Tulsa Black Millionaires, 81 Tulsa Race Riot (1921), 204 Turkey, 312, 316 Turnbo-Malone, Annie Minerva Pope, 282, 284, 305, 571-74, 604, 606 Turner, Aletha, 598 Turner, Benjamin (Congressman), 522 Turner, Henry McNeal, Bishop (AME), 551 Turner, Kathryn C., 609 Turpentine Industry, 220 Tuskegee Institute, 32, 74, 88, 124, 151, 168, 284, 473; Founding of, 588 Tuskegee University, 118 Tyler Barber College, 284, 391 Tyson, Mike, 351, 531, 538 U Udom, E. U. Essien, 422-23 "Ultra Sheen," 282 UNC Ventures, 324 Uncle Noname Cookie Company. See Amos, Wallace, Jr. Uncle Tom's Cabin, 485 The Uncommmon Wisdom of Oprah Winfrey, 597 Underground Railroad and Black Business, 180, 329, 344, 449, 575-77 "Unemployment, the Negro and Aviation," 459 UNIA, 76, 273 Union, 83 Union Blacking Shop, 21 Union Pacific Railroad, 565 Union Springs, Alabama, 133 Union Theological Seminary (NY), 544 Union Transportation and Trolley Company, 94, 417, 626 Unions, Professional Athletes, 530 United Arab Emirates, 308 United Artist Records, 18 United Bank of Philadelphia, 324, 608 United Beauty School Owners and Teachers Association, 286, 348 United Insurance Company of America, 547 United Kingdom, 308, 478 United Mortgage Bankers of America, 570 United Nations, 539 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 545 United Negro College Fund (UNCF), 7, 42, 320, 452, 530, 538 United Order of Friendship, 246 United Order of True Reformers, 60, 395, 435 United Record Corporation, 466 United Service Organization. See USO Center United Shoe Machinery Corporation, 372 United States Black-On-Line (USBOL), 319 United States Colored Troops (USCT), 188, 563 United States Department of Agriculture, 126 United States Department of Commerce, 47, 61, 150, 151, 243, 272, 477 United States Department of Commerce Inter- national Trade Development Center, 308 United States Department of Housing and Ur- ban Development, 413, 478 United States Department of Justice, 31, 53 United States Department of Treasury, 66, 177 United States EEOC, Chair of, 433 United States Federal Trade Commision, 31 United States General Accounting Office, 207 United States Import-Export Bank, 553 United States Naval Academy, 188 United States Postal Employees and Black Business, 100, 522, 551 United States Postal Stamps, xiii, 372 United States Supreme Court. See Supreme Court United States Tennis Association, 559 United Way of America, 410 Universal Life Insurance Company, 356 Universal Negro Improvement Association, 76. See also Garvey, Marcus Universal Pictures, 469 Universal Publishing House, 85. See also Gar- vey, Marcus Universal (Studio), 233 Universal Television, 469 University of Chicago, 120, 168, 177, 267, 290, 332, 407, 451, 533, 610 University of Freiburg, 355 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 46, 326, 336, 411,459 University of Iowa, 172, 307 University of Islam Educational Centers, 424. See also Nation of Islam Enterprises University of Kansas, 439 University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 115 University of Michigan, 42, 453 University of Michigan MBA Program, 121 University of Missouri, 99 University of North Carolina, 170 University of Paris, 355 University of Pennsylvania, 17, 33 University of Pittsburgh, 116, 120, 290 University of Southern California, 33 University of Vienna, 349, 355 University of Virginia, 44 Uniworld Group, 6 Uniworld, Inc., 334. See also Lewis, Byron Eugene Updike, John, 563 Upper South/Lower South, 251, 460, 515, 516, 518 "Upper Ten," 251 Upscale, 96 Uptown Entertainment, 468 Uptown Saturday Night (1974). See Film Pro- duction Urban Communications, 644 Urban Development Policies. See Mayors, Black, and Black Business Urban Institute, 185 Urban League. See National Urban League; National Urban League Black Executive Exchange Program Urban Rebellions, 1960s, 210. See also Race Riots and American Business Urban Renewal, 339, 418, 551-52, 570 Urban Revitalization, 376 Urbanite Magazine, 360 USA Today, 534 USO Center, 569 U.S. Steel, 223 Utendahl, John, 165, 323 Utendahl Capital Partners, 165, 323 V V&J Foods, 609 Vancouver (Canada), 302, 621 Vanette, Etienne, 29 Vann, Robert Lee, 1-2 Vashon, John, 618 Vaudeville, 466 Vee Jay Records, 277, 466, 608 Vendors, Street, 155 Venezuela, 307, 311 Venture Capital. See Black Business Venture Capital Verdun Theater, 383 Vertical Integration Business Strategies, 109 Vesey, Denmark, 26, 500 Vibe, 319 Victor, Franois, 29 Victory Life Insurance, 138, 440 Victory Mutual Life Insurance Company, 440 VideoCasettes, 537 Vietnam, 532 Vigilance Committee, 344, 575 Vigilant Committee, 242 Villa Lewaro, 584 Villarosa, Clara, 89 Vince Cullers Advertising, Inc., 6, 177, 334 Virgin Islands, 308 Virginia Confederation of Colored Women, 580 Virginia, Farmers, 12-16 Virginia Interracial Council, 580 Virginia State College, 361 Virginia State University, 115 Virginia Union University, 115, 290, 580 Vogue Record Company (France), 309 Voting Rights Act of 1965, 326 Vomack Advertising, 7 Vulcan Realty and Investment Corporation, 173, 271. See also Gaston, Arthur George W Wainer, Paul, 240 Waiting to Exhale, 89 Wade Advertising, 98 Wade, Melvin R., 637 Wade, Richard C., 488 Wage Earner's Savings Bank, 628 Wald, Jeff, 18 Wall Street, 607 Walker, A'Leila. See Walker, Sarah Breedlove Walker, Antonio M. (Maceo), 633 Walker, Armstead, 579 Walker Beauty School, 348 Walker, Herschel, 533 Walker, Joseph, 633 Walker, Juliet E. K., xvii, 180, 490 Walker, Maggie Lena (Mitchell), 245, 578-81 Walker Manufacturing Company, 305. See also Walker, Sarah Breedlove "Walker Method," 582 Walker, Sally, 606 Walker, Sarah Breedlove (Madam C. J.), 282, 285, 305, 366, 451, 581-85, 572, 604 Walker, T. (Reverend), 222 Walker, William 0., 2 Wall Street, 299, 610, 638 Wall Street Journal, 191 Wallace & Wallace Chemical and Oil Corpo- ration, 224 Wallace, Phyllis Ann, 585-87 Wallerstein, Immanuel, 168-69 Wal-Mart, 311, 607 Walrond, Eric, 269 Walt Disney Television and Telecommunica- tions, 644. See also Disney Studios Walters, Alexander (Bishop), 410 Wampanoag Indians, 175 Wamuru-Wilson, Jinaki, 560 Warbourg, Daniel, 28 Warbourg, Eugene, 28 War Food Administration (WFA), 223 War of 1812, 240, 448 War on Poverty, 206 Ware, Lloyd, 165 Warner Brothers (Records), 469 Warren, C. A., 467 Warren School of Aeronautics, 459 Waring, Colston, 301 Waseda University (Japan), 310 Washburn College, 439 Washington, Booker T. (Taliaferro), 587-90; Accomodationist Philosophy, 400, 401, 527, 588-89; Atlanta "Compromise," 1895 Ex- position Speech, 588-89; George Washing- ton Carver, 125; Business Philosophy, 76, 94, 99, 153, 183, 216, 269, 272, 381, 418, 428, 527; Black barbers, 283-84; Black banks, 446; Black churches, 143; Black towns, 78, 79; DuBois critique of, 589; Edu- cational philosophy, 418, 589; DuBois- Washington Debate, economists' assessments, 209-10, 291; Extractive Indus- tries, 222; Funds, "clandestinely," Court Cases challenging Jim Crow laws, 401; Im- migrant entrepreneurs, 590; Industrial educa- tion and black colleges, 71, 589; National Afro-American League, 400; Negro Press support, 401; "Neo-Washingtonians," 418, 530; On black business, 202, 565; Patronage power, 530; Political Philosophy, 76, 400, 401, 589; Poor whites, 590; Race Relations, 589; Supporters, 40, 76, 94, 99, 401, 430; Madame C. J. Walker, 581. See also Na- tional Negro Business League; Tuskegee In- stitute Washington, D.C., 133, 260, 618 Washington, D.C. National Airport, 568 Washington, George (President), 129 Washington, George J., 634 Washington, Harold, 26, 590-93. See also Mayors, Black, and Black Business Washington Homestead Grays, 414 Washington, Leon, Jr., 2 Washington National Bank, 55 Washington Post, 545 Washington, Sarah [Sara] Spencer, 285, 305-6, 593-94, 606 Washington Shirt Manufacturing Company, 634 WATCH, 430 Waters, Enoch P., 84 Waters, Ethel, 444 Watson, John, 46 Wattstax, 467 Wayne State University, 98, 168 Wealthy Citizens of Philadelphia, 248 Wealthholding, Blacks. See Black Wealthhold- ing Wealthholding Inequalities, 103 Weare, Walter, xvii Weatherup, Craig E., 277 Weaver, Robert, 164 Webcrawler, 320 Weekly Louisianan, 454 "We Do Chicken Right," 7 Weems, Robert E., Jr., xvii Weil, Stanford, 646 Welfare Rights Organization, 148 Wells Fargo, 643 Wells Fargo Bank, 30 Wells, Ida B., 400, 602 Wells, Nelson, 22 Wells School, 449 Wells, William, 449 Weisbrot, Robert, 227 WERD-Radio, 550 West Angels Church of God In Christ (Los Angeles), 145 West Africa, 155, 304, 475 West Indian-Owned Businesses. See Rotating Credit Associations, Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce West Indies, 300, 304, 306 West Indies, Immigrants, 22, 23, 29, 129, 157, 358 West Indies, Immigrants, Post-Civil War, 76, 306, 363, 474-75, 476, 515, 629 West Indies Imports, 304 West Virginia State College, 290, 349 Western Book and Supply Company, 382 Western Europe, 308 Western Frontiers, 131 Westin Hotel, 407 Westinghouse, 623 Weston, Anthony, 24-25, 170, 486, 494, 515, 516, 594-95 Weston, Jacob, 23 Weston, Maria, 516, 595 Weston, Samuel, 23 Westport Society of Friends, 448 WGPR-TV, 558 Whaling Vessels, 303 Wharton, Clifton, Jr., 164, 641 Wharton School of Business, 120, 329, 556 Wheeler Airlines Flight Services, 568 Wheeler, Warren H., 568 Whipper, William, 449, 510 White Apprentices, Antebellum Black Busi- ness, 178 White Employees/Antebellum Black Business, 70, 240, 338 WhiteEmployees/Black Business, 203, 223, 253, 322, 390 White Competition/Black Business, 2-3, 7, 14, 43, 140, 257-58, 265-66, 288, 367, 635 White Competition/Black Business, Racial ex- clusion, 30-31. See also Markets, Protected and Black Entrepreneurship White Corporate America, 112, 119, 120, 140, 642. See also Fortune 500 Corporations White Corporate America Employment Dis- crimination, 327 White Corporate America, Ethics, 212 White Corporate America Racialized Jobs. See Corporate America, Black Managers White Corporate Culture and Blacks, 213-14 White, Herbert H., 404 White House, 129, 179 White MBAs, 162, 585. See also MBAs on the Fast Track, 585 "White Man's Burden," 303 White, Michael (Mayor). See Mayors, Black and Black Business White Purchases of Large Black Businesses, 140; Barden Cablevision, 644; Johnson Products, 287; Motown, 277, 641; Soft Sheen, 268 White Slaveholders, 1860, 490-91, 492-93 White Sox, 177, 535 White Sulphur Springs, 345 White Sulphur Springs Land and Improvement Company, 345 Whitelaw Apartment House Corporation, 628 Whitelaw Hotel, 628 Whiteman, Samuel, 404 "Whites Only," 325 Whitten, David, xvii, 492 Wigs, 283. See also Hair Care Products Indus- try; Sims, Naomi Wilco Products Caskets, 263 Wiley College, 168 Wiley Jones Race Track, 345 Wilkerson, J. L. 414 Wilkerson, James M., II, 260 Wilkerson, Samuel, 260 William Morris Talent Agency, 18 Williams, Daniel H. (Hale), 284, 624 Williams, Dootsie, 466 Williams, Eric, 291 Williams, Hardy, 433 Williams, J. Mayo, 466 Williams, Paul R., 33, 306 Williams, Peter, Jr., Reverend, 176 Williams, Robin, 114 Williams-Russell and Johnson, 479 Williams, Thomas M., 630 Williams, William S., 521 Williamson, Fred, 235, 533 Williamson, Karen, 407 Willie Davis Distributing Company, 533 Willis, Bruce, 536 Wilson Junior College (Chicago), 570 Wilson, Tom, 415, 416 Wilson, Woodrow (President), 100 Wimbley Group, The, 6 Wimby, Marcus, 552 Windham Brothers Construction Company, 172 Windham, Thomas C., 172 Windhoek (Namibia), 317 "Wine and Cheese" Spectators, 537 Winfrey, Oprah, 452, 483, 595-97, 608 Winks Panorama, 629 Winners Food (Hong Kong), 311 Winston-Derek Publishers, 84 Winston Salem, NC, 567 Women, Business Enterprises, 597-612 Women in the Workplace, 587 Women, Minorities, and Employment Discrimi- nation, 585 Women of Brewster Place, 567, 596 Women's Union (Insurance), 579 Wonder, Stevie, 469 Wonderful Hair Grower, 572 Wood, Thomas, 164 Woods, George, 433 Woods, Granville, 623 Woods, Tiger, 531 Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Inter- national Affairs, 336 Woodruff, Robert, 126 Woodson, Carter G., 171, 221, 491, 494 Woodson, Lewis, 618 "Wooing and Wedding of a Coon," 233. See also Film Production Woolman Benevolent Society, 447 Woolworth, 227 Works Progress Administration (WPA), 329 World Community of Islam in the West, 425 World War I era, 205, 232, 272, 304, 357, 379, 390, 459, 546, 628; Black Women En- terprises, 603-5 World War II and Blacks, 210, 269, 306, 307, 349, 532, 542, 555, 568 World War II, Black Businesses: Black Avia- tion Enterprises, 151; Black Chemical Com- panies, 630; Black Construction Industry, 172-73; Black Extractive Industry Enterprises, 223-24; Black Women Enter- prises, 605-6 World War II Veterans, Businesspeople, 177, 568 World's Fair, 572, 594 Wormley's Hotel, 133 Wormley, James, 133 Wormley, William, 564, 618 Wright, Alonzo, 567 Wright, Lillian, 613 Wright, Millie (Taylor), 556 Wright, Richard Robert, Jr., 613 Wright, Richard Robert, Sr. [R.R], 306, 550, 612-14 Wrigley Field, 415 W. R. Laard, 165, 610 X Xavier University, 452 Xavier University Press, 84 Xerox, 164 Y Yahoo, 321 Yale University, 44, 434, 476, 585 Yancy Minerals, Inc., 224 Yankees, Black, 415 Yates, Clayton R., 550 Yates, Richard (IL Governor), 344 Yell, James (Confederate General), 346 Yellow Cab Company, 555 Yellow Fever Epidemic, 616 Yemen, 308 Yerba Buena, 358-59 YMCA, 40, 42, 451 Yoruba, 247, 474 Young Men's Christian Association, 40, 42, 451 Young, Andrew (Mayor). See Mayors, Black and Black Business Young, Coleman (Mayor). See Mayors, Black and Black Business Young, E. F., Jr., 285 Young, Emma Odessa, 405 Your Cab Company, 138 Youth Enterprises: Race and Economic Oppor- tunity, 413 Z Zaire, 308, 312, 351, 531 Zimbabwe, 193, 311 Zedrick, John H. 626 Zedricks & Co., 304 Zenith, 333 Zennith Books, 635 Zion Baptist Church, 544 Zoeller, Fuzzy, 534 Zulu Christian Industrial School, 417

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