U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service logo National Wildlife Refuge System Logo Celebrating a Century of Conservation
Banner graphic displaying the Fish & Wildlife Service logo, the National Wildlife Refuge System logo and the Celebrating a Century of Conservation tagline
Eastern Shore Of Virginia
National Wildlife Refuge
5003 Hallett Circle
Cape Charles, VA   23310
E-mail: fw5rw_esvnwr@fws.gov
Phone Number: 757-331-2760
Visit the Refuge's Web Site:
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  Recreation and Education Opportunities

Big game hunting for white-tailed deer is permitted on the refuge during the Virginia archery and gun seasons. Applications are usually available by the end of August.

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The visitor center has exhibits, video presentations and a variety of interpretive brochures and flyers. There are interpretive signs along refuge trails and a kiosk with wildlife information.

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Wildlife Observation
The 1/2 mile nature trail loops through mixed hardwoods and has a marsh overlook and an observation deck on top of an old World War II bunker. From the visitor center, the 1/2 mile butterfly trail leads to the nature trail. The refuge also has a photography blind that overlooks a freshwater pond.

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The refuge is open year-round from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.

Visitor Center Hours are listed on the refuge's web site: link here

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Entrance Fees
No fee required.

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