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The Electronic High School
250 East 500 South
PO Box 144200
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200

School Newspaper
Electric Buzz

Student Photography Gallery

Phone: 801-538-7564
Fax: 801-538-7877

 Northwest Association of Accredited Schools

The Electronic High School delivers a full high school curriculum to Utah students.

Non-Utah students please contact The American Academy.



Our mission is to educate, remediate, accelerate, and graduate Utah's diverse learners with caring, qualified teachers using current technology to provide rigorous curricula, timely access to quality online instruction, and prompt professional feedback to student work.

How do I get an EHS account?

Use the Get An Account link above to request an account. It takes about 10 minutes to supply the information. EHS generates Utah accounts within 7 working days. Your EHS account information is sent to the e-mail address you supply during your request.

An EHS student logs-in with his EHS username and password. Forgotten passwords can be recovered.

I have an EHS account and need to enroll in a class.

A tab called Utah Students - Course Catalog is available when students log-in weekdays between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM. After logging-in between those hours, click to open the catalog tab. Click the core area folder. Classes with room for students have an ENROLL button on the right side of the description.

EHS is NOT a Quick Fix

  • Letter-grade, quarter credits
    Each EHS class, when completed successfully, generates one-quarter (0.25) of high-school credit. All classes generate letter grades to be added to the student's transcript. Students need to work closely with their teacher to earn the letter grade they expect. EHS does NOT offer pass/fail credit for any class..

  • Acceleration, remediation, graduation
    Most EHS students take classes from EHS to make-up failed quarter classes or to accelerate their graduation from their local high school . The Electronic High School grants diplomas to a very restricted group of Utah students: those who are home-schooled exclusively, those who have dropped out of school and their class has graduated, and district referrals. Students admitted to the EHS graduation track need 24 credits to earn a diploma. The EHS does not grant diplomas to non-Utah students.

  • EHS classes take time
    Experience tells us it takes about 50 hours to complete a quarter credit class, or about 200 hours for a full credit. Some classes require more.

  • Classes are rigorous
    The courses are rigorous and require dedication by our students; however, each credit-granting class has a Utah teacher to mentor students for success.

  • Class enrollment dates are flexible
    The Electronic High School offers a open-entry / open-exit curriculum based on the Utah Core Curriculum. With a few exceptions, students are able to enroll any day of the year and work at their own pace until the class is completed.

  • EHS students abide by the school honor code
    "As a student of the Electronic High School, I agree to turn in my assignments in a timely manner, do my own work, not share my work with others, and treat all students, teachers, and staff with respect."

  • Work at your own pace
    We expect students to complete a quarter class within six months and to submit work consistently - at least monthly - to remain on class rolls. The one exception is Fitness for Life which has a 7-week window to complete each quarter class.

  • Accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools
    The Electronic High School is accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools. Students who complete courses from the Electronic High School will have a course completion certificate mailed to their local school of residence with the grade and credit earned.
  • Can I do my EHS work from home?

    You can work on your class from computers connected to the Internet. At the end of each class, you must take and pass a proctored exam at a Utah school, library, or testing center. Local licensed Utah teachers are able to volunteer to proctor final tests for EHS students. The proctor signs up with EHS and is certified. When a student is ready for a final test, the EHS teacher adds the student to the proctored test area. The student arranges with an EHS-certified proctor to take the class final test in the presence of that proctor at an education location here in Utah. More information about the process is available inside the classes.



This page last updated December 4, 2008 • Brought to you in partnership with the Utah Education Network

December 4, 2008