Application for Financial Assistance

The Utah Board of Water Resources has three water development loan programs. Applications for financial assistance can be made using the attached form(a hot link). Forms are also available at the Division office and can be sent to interested persons via the mail upon request. Funding is available for projects that conserve, protect, or more efficiently use present water supplies, develop new water, or provide flood control. Application Forms for Financial Assistance

Applications must be completed in as much detail as possible, signed by the applicant, and sent to the applicant's Board member (hot link to River District Map). The Board member will review the application and upon finding it meets general guidelines will forward the applications to the Division. River Districts

When an application is received by the Division a project manager is assigned. The project manager will contact the applicant and set up a time meet with the applicant at the proposed project site and begin the process of preparing a project report for the Board of Water Resources. The time required to prepare the report and return to the Board for an action on the applicant's request will vary from a few weeks to several months (for more detail see hot link to Guidelines for Applicants). Guidelines for Applicants