Press Room


March 18, 2004

Mark Warshawsky Sworn in as Treasury
Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy

Mark J. Warshawsky was sworn in today by Deputy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman as Treasury’s Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy. President Bush nominated him to the post on Nov. 25, 2003; the U.S. Senate confirmed Warshawsky on March 12, 2004.

As Treasury’s top economist, Warshawsky will lead the Department’s efforts to develop and advance economic policies. He will advise the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary on a wide range of economic issues.

His office is responsible for reporting on current and prospective economic developments and assisting in the determination of appropriate economic policies. He will oversee the review and analysis of both domestic and international economic matters as well as developments in the financial markets.

Warshawsky’s broad experience, both in the private and public sector, has covered a range of issues including economic risk exposure, monetary policy, tax law enforcement and retirement income policies.

Since June of 2002 Warshawsky has served as Treasury’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Microeconomic Analysis. He became Acting Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy in May of 2003.

Previously, Warshawsky was Director of Research at the TIAA-CREF Institute. There he oversaw a small group of staff economists and consultants in researching retirement and investment behavior and policy, pensions, insurance and investment products, corporate governance, financial planning, and the financing of higher education.

Before that, Warshawsky worked as a senior economist at the Employee Plans Division of the IRS and a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Board.

A native of Chicago, Warshawsky earned a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and a B.A. with Highest Distinction from Northwestern University.